10 Best Excuses To Leave The House Today

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When you finally have a day off work, and you just want to unwind, leaving the house doesn’t always seem like an attractive option.

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However, you don’t get a lot of free time, so when you have it, you should probably take advantage of it. You don’t have to stay out all day and night, but if you need a reason to peel yourself off the sofa, put on “outside clothes”, and actually leave the house (even if just for a few minutes), here are a few of them.

1. You’ve run out of milk (or any other essential).

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This classic never fails. Suddenly realising you’re out of milk for your morning cuppa is a perfectly valid reason to pop to the shops. While you’re at it, why not take a slightly longer route and enjoy a bit of a stroll? You might even treat yourself to a pastry from that nice bakery down the road (or just a Greggs sausage roll will do).

2. Your plants need some outdoor time.

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If you’ve got any houseplants, they could probably do with a bit of fresh air and sunshine. Taking them out for a quick sunbathe is a great excuse to get yourself outside too. Plus, your neighbours might think you’re some sort of plant whisperer, which is always a bonus.

3. You need to return that book to the library.

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Even if the due date isn’t for another week, why not take a trip to the library? You can return your book, browse for a new one, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. It’s a change of scenery and a chance to pick up your next great read.

4. Your step count is looking a bit sad.

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If you’ve got a fitness tracker, you’ve got a built-in excuse to leave the house. A quick walk around the block can boost those numbers and make you feel accomplished. Plus, you might bump into a neighbour and have a nice chat — social interaction and exercise in one go!

5. You need to post that letter you’ve been putting off.

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Do you have a birthday card that needs posting, or any letter, really? Instead of waiting for the postman, why not take a walk to the nearest postbox? It’s productive and gets you out in the fresh air. You might even discover a new favourite spot in your neighbourhood.

6. Your local café is calling your name.

serious woman looking ahead on roadSource: Unsplash

Sometimes, you just need a change of scenery to work or read. Heading to a local café for a coffee and a slice of cake is a great way to break up your day. The ambient noise might even boost your productivity, and who knows, you might strike up an interesting conversation.

7. You’re suddenly passionate about bird watching.

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Decided you’re interested in ornithology? Great! Grab a pair of binoculars (or just your eyes) and head to a local park or green space. Even if you can’t tell a sparrow from a starling, you’ll get some fresh air and maybe learn something new.

8. Your camera roll needs new content.

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If your Instagram feed is looking a bit stale, why not go on a photo walk? You don’t need to be a pro photographer — just wander around your area and snap pics of anything that catches your eye. It’s a great way to see your surroundings from a new perspective.

9. You need to test out your new trainers.

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Got a new pair of shoes? They won’t break themselves in! A quick walk around the block is the perfect way to start wearing them in. Plus, you get to show off your new kicks to the world. It’s a win-win situation.

10. The dog needs walking (even if you don’t have one).

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If you’ve got a dog, this is a no-brainer. If you don’t, well, maybe your neighbour’s dog needs a walk? Or you could volunteer at a local shelter. Even if that’s not possible, you can always go to the park and live vicariously through other people’s pets. Who doesn’t love a bit of dogspotting?