10 Signs You’ve Earned Love And Eternal Loyalty From A Cat

Cats are extremely picky about who they trust.

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Unlike dogs, who will love almost anyone who gives them attention, cats make you work for their affection. If you’ve ever had one stare at you like you’re a minor inconvenience in their day, you know exactly what that means. But when you’ve truly earned their trust, that’s something special. It’s not always obvious, and their affection can be a little… unconventional, but once a cat decides you’re theirs, they’re with you for life. Here are the signs that you’ve officially won over your feline overlord.

1. They blink at you slowly like you’re their favourite human.

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When a cat looks at you and gives you a slow, deliberate blink, it’s not boredom — it’s pure affection. In cat language, this is basically the equivalent of saying, “I trust you completely.” It’s one of the few ways they show love without expecting anything in return.

If you blink back at them in the same slow, relaxed way, you might even get another one in response. This is a cat’s way of showing that they’re comfortable around you and see you as part of their safe space. If you get regular slow blinks, consider yourself lucky because you’ve been officially accepted into their world.

2. They follow you from room to room (but pretend it’s no big deal).

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Cats love their independence, so if yours casually wanders into every room you go into, they’re not just stretching their legs. They’re keeping an eye on you, but in the most subtle way possible.

They won’t make it obvious, though. Instead of running up and demanding attention like a dog, they’ll act like it’s a total coincidence that they just happen to be wherever you are. But if you close a door behind you, and they start pawing at it in protest, that’s a clear sign — they don’t just like you, they want to be near you.

3. You’ve become their personal pillow.

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Few things in life are as validating as a cat choosing to sleep on you. It’s the ultimate sign of trust. When a cat curls up on your lap, drapes themselves across your legs, or settles on your chest, they’re showing that they feel completely safe with you.

Cats only sleep in places where they don’t feel threatened, so if they use you as their personal bed, take it as a high honour. The only downside? Once a cat is asleep on you, you’re officially trapped. Moving is not an option because your comfort no longer matters. You belong to them now.

4. They bring you “gifts” (whether you like them or not).

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Nothing says “I love you” quite like a cat proudly delivering a half-eaten lizard or a suspiciously damp sock. It might not be what you wanted, but in their world, this is a grand gesture.

Cats are natural hunters, and when they bring you something they’ve caught, whether it’s an actual animal or just one of their favourite toys, it’s because they see you as family. It’s their way of sharing resources, like they would with a fellow cat they cared about. So even if you’d prefer not to find a dead mouse at your feet, just know that it’s coming from a place of love.

5. They let you touch their belly (sometimes).

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For most cats, exposing their belly is a big deal. It’s the most vulnerable part of their body, so if they roll over and show it to you, it means they trust you completely. Whether or not they actually want belly rubs, though, is another story.

Some cats love a gentle tummy scratch, while others will lull you into a false sense of security before launching a full-scale claw attack. If yours lets you rub their belly without turning into a flailing ball of fur, consider yourself truly special. If they roll over near you and just lie there, they’re still showing trust, even if touching is off-limits.

6. They give you the head bonk of love.


If your cat headbutts you, they’re doing more than just showing affection; they’re claiming you as their own. Cats have scent glands on their heads, and when they rub against you, they’re marking you with their scent.

This is their way of saying, “You’re part of my family now.” It’s also why they might rub their head against your legs, arms, or even your face. If you get frequent head bonks, your cat isn’t just fond of you; they’re making sure the world knows you belong to them.

7. They meow at you like they’re having a conversation.

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Cats don’t “talk” to each other the way they do with humans. If your cat is meowing at you like they expect a response, it means they see you as someone worth communicating with.

Some cats will have full conversations, responding every time you talk; others will just give you a single meow to acknowledge your presence. Either way, if your cat vocalises at you regularly, they’ve decided you’re worth their effort. And considering how much they usually ignore things they don’t care about, that’s a big deal.

8. They make biscuits on you (AKA kneading like a tiny baker).

woman cuddling kitten outsideSource: Unsplash

If your cat presses their paws into you rhythmically, they’re showing a deep level of comfort. This kneading behaviour comes from kittenhood when they did the same thing to their mother to stimulate milk flow.

Now, as an adult, when they knead you, it means they feel safe and content, just like they did as kittens. It’s their way of showing pure affection, even if their little claws make it feel like a mini acupuncture session.

9. They flash their tail in your face (it’s a good thing, promise).

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It might seem a little rude, but when a cat raises their tail and turns their back to you, they’re actually giving you a sign of trust. In cat language, showing their backside is like offering a handshake — it’s a greeting between friends.

It’s their way of saying, “I trust you enough to let my guard down.” It might not be the most flattering way to show affection, but in their world, it’s a huge compliment. If your cat does this regularly, it’s their way of making sure you know they feel completely safe around you.

10. They sleep in weird places just to be near you.


Cats love comfort, but if yours is choosing odd sleeping spots just to be close to you, it’s a sure sign of loyalty. Whether it’s curling up next to your laptop, squeezing into a tiny space under your chair, or balancing on the arm of your sofa, they’re doing it because they want to be near you.

Even if you’re not petting them or giving them attention, just being in the same space is enough. This is one of the most subtle but telling signs that your cat sees you as part of their world — and they wouldn’t have it any other way.