10 Time-Wasting Habits That Will Derail Your Success In Life

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Somehow, some people seem to squeeze more than usual out of a 24-hour day.

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For the rest of us, however, it’s easy to have hours, days, or even weeks of your life go by without you really being able to say what you’ve done with the time. Obviously, having a Netflix marathon all weekend one time or spending a few evenings at the pub isn’t the end of the world. However, there are certain habits you might be guilty of in your daily life that are totally holding you back in life. Here are some of the biggest culprits — if you can relate, you may need to switch things up!

1. You get sucked into the endless scroll of social media.


It starts with a quick check of notifications, but before you know it, an hour has vanished into the abyss of memes, cat videos, and heated debates. Social media can be a fun way to connect, but it can also be a black hole of distraction. Set limits on your scrolling time and be mindful of how often you’re reaching for your phone.

2. You procrastinate on big tasks that probably wouldn’t even take that long.

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We’ve all been there, putting off that dreaded assignment or project until the last minute. While a little procrastination might seem harmless, it can quickly snowball into a major time suck. The stress of looming deadlines can hinder your productivity and lead to subpar results. Tackle those critical tasks head-on, and you’ll free up mental space and time for other things.

3. You have a lot of unproductive meetings.

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Meetings are a necessary part of work life, but they can also be a colossal waste of time if they’re not well-structured and focused. Endless discussions, off-topic tangents, and vague action items can leave you feeling drained and unproductive. Advocate for shorter, more efficient meetings with clear agendas and takeaways.

4. You multitask to the extreme.

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While multitasking might seem like a superpower, research shows that it can actually hinder your productivity and increase errors. Trying to juggle multiple tasks at once splits your focus and makes it difficult to give your full attention to any one thing. Instead, prioritise tasks, focus on one at a time, and you’ll likely get more done in less time.

5. You say “yes” to everything.

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Being a team player is great, but it’s important to know your limits. Saying “yes” to every request, even those that don’t align with your priorities or goals, can lead to overcommitment and burnout. Learn to say “no” politely but firmly, and protect your time for the things that truly matter.

6. You dwell on past mistakes.

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We all make mistakes, but dwelling on them for too long can be a major time waster. It’s important to learn from your errors, but ruminating over them won’t change the past. Instead, focus on the present and future, and channel your energy into positive actions that move you forward.

7. You get caught up in perfectionism.

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Striving for excellence is admirable, but perfectionism can be paralysing. Trying to make everything perfect can lead to endless revisions, delays, and missed opportunities. Recognise that done is often better than perfect, and give yourself permission to let go of the need for absolute flawlessness.

8. You don’t take care of yourself.

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Burning the candle at both ends might seem like a good way to get ahead, but neglecting your physical and mental well-being can backfire in the long run. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and chronic stress can lead to decreased productivity, burnout, and even health problems. Make time for exercise, healthy eating, relaxation, and hobbies that recharge your batteries.

9. You get distracted by shiny object syndrome.

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New opportunities and ideas can be exciting, but constantly chasing the latest trend or “shiny object” can derail your progress. It’s easy to get sidetracked by the allure of something new, but it’s important to stay focused on your long-term goals. Before jumping on the bandwagon, carefully evaluate whether a new undertaking aligns with your priorities and values.

10. You never delegate or ask for help.

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Trying to do everything yourself might seem like the responsible thing to do, but it can lead to exhaustion and burnout. Knowing your limitations and delegating tasks can free up your time for more important things. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Collaboration can often lead to better results and a more efficient use of your time.