Every family is a unique (and often extremely, hilariously dysfunctional) combination of personalities, each member playing a distinct role in the family dynamic.

There are the relatives that everyone loves to hate, others that we hate to love, but either way, they’re our family and that’s that. That being said, understanding the roles everyone plays (beyond auntie, uncle, cousin, brother, etc.) can give some pretty interesting insights into how the family functions. Here are 10 common types of family members. Which one resonates with you?
1. The Peacemaker keeps the family harmony.

The Peacemaker is the family’s diplomat, always striving to maintain harmony and resolve conflicts. They’re quick to mediate disagreements and are bizarrely skilled at finding compromises. While their intentions are good, they may sometimes avoid necessary confrontations to keep the peace.
2. The Achiever sets high standards for the family.

Achievers are driven, goal-oriented family members who often set the bar high for success. They’re typically high performers in their careers or studies, and may inadvertently create pressure for other family members to match their accomplishments. Their ambition can inspire but also intimidate.
3. The Caretaker puts everyone else’s needs first.

Caretakers are the nurturers of the family, always ensuring everyone’s needs are met. They’re the first to offer help and support, often at the expense of their own needs. While their selflessness is admirable, they may struggle with setting boundaries and practising self-care.
4. The Rebel challenges family norms and expectations.

Rebels are the family members who question traditions and push boundaries. They often have unconventional lifestyles or views that may clash with family expectations. While their independent spirit can cause friction, they also bring fresh perspectives and drive change within the family.
5. The Mediator bridges gaps between family members.

Mediators excel at understanding different viewpoints and facilitating communication between family members. They’re skilled at translating perspectives and finding common ground. While their role is crucial for family cohesion, they may sometimes feel caught in the middle of conflicts.
6. The Jester brings laughter and lightness to family gatherings.

Jesters are the family comedians, always ready with a joke or funny story to lighten the mood. They excel at defusing tension with humour and keeping family gatherings lively. While their wit is often appreciated, they may sometimes use humour to deflect from serious issues.
7. The Organiser keeps the family functioning smoothly.

Organisers are the logistical masterminds of the family. They’re the ones planning gatherings, remembering birthdays, and ensuring household tasks are completed. Their efficiency keeps the family running smoothly, but they may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the responsibility.
8. The Confidant is everyone’s trusted secret-keeper.

Confidants are the family members everyone turns to for a sympathetic ear and advice. They’re excellent listeners and keep secrets well. While their role is valuable for emotional support, they may sometimes feel burdened by the weight of family secrets.
9. The Protector looks out for the family’s safety and well-being.

Protectors are the guardians of the family, always alert to potential threats or problems. They’re quick to defend family members and often take charge in crises. While their vigilance can provide a sense of security, they may sometimes be perceived as overprotective or controlling.
10. The Historian keeps family stories and traditions alive.

Historians are the keepers of family lore and traditions. They remember and share family stories, maintain photo albums, and ensure important rituals are upheld. While their role is crucial for maintaining family identity, they may sometimes dwell too much on the past at the expense of embracing change.