Alcohol has a funny way of loosening tongues, and it’s pretty good at bringing out thoughts and feelings we’d normally keep to ourselves.

While a lot of people use being drunk as an excuse for behaviour or words that they normally wouldn’t use, the truth is, it’s more complicated than that. As Aaron White, the leader of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s Epidemiology and Biometry Branch tells LiveScience, you are saying what’s on your mind, but things get a bit weird if you only think something’s true because you’re wasted. But why does alcohol have this effect on us anyway? Here’s why you’re much more likely to be unfiltered when you’ve had a few.
1. Our inhibitions take a back seat.

Alcohol is great at making us care less about what other people think. It quiets that little voice in our head saying, “Don’t say that!” Suddenly, we’re sharing things we’d usually keep locked away. It’s not that drinking changes our personality — it just puts those mental brakes on hold, letting us act on thoughts we’d normally dismiss. When we let go of those inhibitions, our conversations can feel more spontaneous and, weirdly enough, a little liberating. You’re no longer overanalysing every word or worrying about sticking to social norms. Instead, you just blurt things out, and while it’s not always graceful, it’s real. That rawness is what makes these moments stand out — awkward, yes, but undeniably honest.
2. We stop worrying about judgement.

A drink or two can help you shrug off the fear of being judged. That usual paranoia of “What will they think of me?” takes a back seat, making it easier to speak your truth. Suddenly, the idea of sharing something personal doesn’t feel as risky anymore — it feels almost freeing. And it’s not just about what you say; it’s also how you say it. You’re less guarded, more straightforward, and even a little bolder. There’s a simplicity to the honesty that comes out when you’re not constantly editing yourself. You won’t intentionally be throwing caution to the wind, but you’re ready to let yourself be heard without that constant worry.
3. Alcohol amplifies emotions.

Ever notice how one drink can turn a good mood into a great one, or make sadness hit harder? Alcohol doesn’t create emotions; it just cranks up the volume on what’s already there. That’s why it’s common to see people get super sentimental, overly affectionate, or finally let their frustrations out after a few drinks. Being in such a heightened emotional state can make honesty unavoidable. It’s like the truth gets tied to those feelings and just spills out, whether it’s declaring your love for a mate or finally saying what’s been bothering you. Sure, it can lead to some messy moments, but it also brings clarity. Sometimes, those drunk confessions are things you’ve been needing to say for ages.
4. Our filters get blurry.

Usually, we have a mental filter that stops us from saying something out of place. But alcohol? It tosses that filter right out the window. Instead of thinking, “Should I say this?” you’re already halfway through the sentence. It’s not that your thoughts are new, it’s that they’re no longer held back by second-guessing. Without that filter, conversations can get refreshingly real, even if they’re not super polished. There’s no script, no overthinking, just a raw stream of thoughts coming straight from the heart. Of course, it can go either way — heartfelt or hilariously blunt — but it’s always honest. And honestly, sometimes it’s a relief to just let it all out.
5. Confidence gets a boost.

They don’t call it “liquid courage” for nothing. A couple of drinks can make even the shyest person feel bold enough to say things they’d usually keep bottled up. It’s not magic — it’s just that alcohol dials down the fear of rejection or embarrassment. That little boost is often all it takes to turn thoughts into words. With that confidence, even long-held secrets or tricky truths suddenly seem easier to share. The things you’ve been avoiding saying start to feel less intimidating, like they’re no longer weighing you down. While the delivery might be far from perfect, the courage to finally get it out there is what matters most in those moments.
6. We focus on the moment.

Alcohol pulls you out of your usual overthinking and plants you firmly in the now. You’re not worrying about how your words will be interpreted tomorrow — you’re just saying what feels right in the moment. That immediacy can make you less guarded and more willing to share your honest thoughts. When you’re caught up in the moment, there’s no room for the usual mental gymnastics of how to phrase things “just right.” Instead, you’re present, real, and a little unfiltered. You’re not trying to forget everything, by any means; it’s about letting go of that constant need to perfect everything you say. That’s where the truth often sneaks in.
7. It’s harder to keep up pretences.

Trying to “keep it together” when you’ve had a few drinks? Not easy. Alcohol strips away the energy you’d normally use to maintain a façade. Whether it’s putting on a brave face or acting like everything’s fine, it all feels way too exhausting after a couple of pints. That kind of honesty might feel raw, but it’s also refreshing. People see the real you — the good, the bad, and everything in between. While it’s not always pretty, it’s undeniably authentic. Sometimes, letting those walls down is the only way to connect on a deeper level, even if it’s a bit messy along the way.
8. Social rules stop mattering so much.

We’re all pretty good at following unspoken social rules, but alcohol makes you forget about them. Suddenly, you’re not so concerned with saying the “appropriate” thing or sticking to polite small talk. You’re just speaking your mind, no matter how unconventional it might be. It can lead to conversations that are way more real than the usual surface-level chatter. Without those social rules weighing you down, you’re free to say what’s actually on your mind. You’re not being rude, you just finally feel like you can ditch the script and just talk like yourself.
9. Unresolved feelings bubble up.

There’s something about alcohol that brings up feelings you didn’t even know you were holding onto. Maybe it’s a lingering argument, unspoken affection, or a frustration you’ve been avoiding — whatever it is, it tends to find its way out. A couple of drinks can turn those bottled-up emotions into words, whether you’re ready for it or not. While it can lead to some emotional moments, it’s also a chance to get things off your chest. These drunken confessions might not always come out perfectly, but they’re often things you’ve needed to say. And as messy as it can get, it’s usually a step toward some much-needed clarity.
10. Being vulnerable feels a bit easier.

Opening up can be terrifying, especially when you’re sober and worried about how someone will react. Alcohol, though, has a way of softening those fears. Suddenly, sharing a deeply personal thought or admitting a vulnerability doesn’t feel as daunting. It’s like the courage to be honest sneaks in without you realising. That level of openness can lead to moments of real connection, even if it’s not something you planned. You’re not necessarily intentionally oversharing, but maybe you feel like it’s finally okay to be honest about things you’d usually keep hidden. And while it’s not always easy, it’s often exactly what’s needed in the moment.
11. Honesty feels less risky.

When you’re sober, being honest can feel like a gamble. What if the other person doesn’t take it well? Alcohol takes away some of that fear, making honesty seem like less of a big deal. It’s not that you stop caring, it’s that you stop overthinking what might happen next. That lowered sense of risk can be incredibly freeing. You say what you mean without constantly weighing the consequences. It’s not always perfect or graceful, but it’s real. And sometimes, that unpolished truth is exactly what makes those moments stick in our memories.