Everyone has an intuition, but not everyone listens to it.

Your gut has a great way of steering you in the right direction in life and warning you when something’s not quite right, but if you’re not used to trusting it, you may not be able to hear that guidance. Learning how to do so can save you a lot of trouble in life, which is why it’s a skill worth mastering. Here’s how to do just that.
1. Start tiny.

Don’t jump straight into making huge life decisions based on gut feelings. Start small — like when you’re standing in front of your wardrobe in the morning. Before overthinking it, grab whatever outfit catches your eye first. Or when you’re picking lunch, go with your first craving instead of debating options for ages. It’s incredible how often your first instinct turns out to be spot on.
2. Listen to your body.

You know that weird knot you get in your stomach sometimes? Or when your shoulders suddenly feel tense for no reason? Your body’s trying to tell you something. I started noticing how my chest gets tight around certain people, while I feel totally relaxed around other people. These physical clues often spot things way before your brain catches up.
3. Find some headspace.

I know it sounds simple, but try hitting pause on the chaos now and then. Leave your phone in another room for 10 minutes. Take the long way home without your headphones in. Watch the sunset without snapping a photo. It’s wild how many answers pop up when you give your mind some breathing room.
4. Scribble it out.

Grab any old notebook and just write whatever pops into your head. Don’t stop to fix spelling or worry if it sounds silly — just let it flow. I found this works best first thing in the morning, before my inner critic wakes up. Looking back at these brain dumps later, I’m often surprised by the spot-on insights hiding in there.
5. Remember your dreams.

Keep your phone or a notepad by your bed and jot down any dreams you remember when you wake up. Even if it’s just snippets or weird feelings. I’ve had dreams warn me about friendships that weren’t quite right, or give me solutions to problems I’d been stuck on. Your sleeping brain often knows what’s up.
6. First gut reaction.

Next time you meet someone new or walk into a place, pause for a second and notice your instant reaction. Does something feel off? Do you instantly relax? That split-second feeling is gold. I’ve ignored those first impressions before and usually ended up thinking, “I knew something wasn’t right from the start!”
7. Ditch the distractions.

Try putting your phone away for even just 15 minutes a day. No scrolling, no checking messages, no quick peeks at social media. Just sit with your thoughts. It’s crazy how much mental noise we’re dealing with all day. Give your inner voice a chance to get a word in.
8. Notice what drains you.

Pay attention to how you feel after hanging out with different people or doing certain things. Some stuff leaves you buzzing with energy, while other things make you want to crawl into bed. These aren’t random — they’re huge clues about what’s right for you. I noticed I always felt exhausted after meeting certain friends, and realised those friendships weren’t really working anymore.
9. Take a breather.

When someone asks you something, or you need to make a choice, try taking three deep breaths before answering. It’s amazing what can pop into your head in those few seconds. This tiny pause has saved me from saying yes to things I really didn’t want to do.
10. Play with colours.

Ever notice how some days you’re drawn to wearing bright colours, while other days you just want to stick to black? Or how certain colours catch your eye everywhere you go? There’s usually a reason. I’ve found my colour choices often match exactly what I need that day — like reaching for yellow when I need a confidence boost.
11. Quick body check.

Take a minute whenever you think of it to notice how your body feels. Any tension? Aches? Random feels? Your body’s always sending signals — like that headache that only shows up around certain people, or the spring in your step when you’re on the right track. These physical hints are like your own personal warning system.
12. Spot the signs.

Started noticing weird coincidences lately? Like thinking about someone right before they text, or seeing the same number everywhere? Instead of brushing these off, try keeping track of them. I started noting these moments down in my phone and was amazed at how often they led to something meaningful.