Caring for someone you love who’s dealing with an illness that will inevitably take their life can be devastating.

Not only is it physically and emotionally draining, but there are a whole host of other complicated feelings that crop up as you deal with the ups and downs that come along with this experience. Here are some of the hardest parts of taking care of a terminally ill loved one that can’t be overstated.
1. Watching their health decline

One of the most painful parts is seeing the person you love become weaker and less able to do things for themselves. It’s tough to watch them struggle with things that used to be so easy for them. It’s a constant reminder of what’s happening, and that can weigh heavily on your heart.
2. Feeling powerless to help

No matter how much you want to make things better, you often feel like there’s nothing you can do to stop what’s happening. The helplessness can be overwhelming because all you want is to take their pain away, but you know it’s beyond your control.
3. Managing the emotional rollercoaster

You’ll go through a lot of emotions – sadness, frustration, anger, and even guilt. It’s hard to stay strong when every day feels like a mix of highs and lows. The emotional toll can leave you feeling drained and exhausted, even on the good days.
4. Balancing caregiving with your own needs

It’s easy to lose yourself in caring for your loved one, but you still have your own life and needs. Finding time to rest, eat, or even have a moment to yourself can feel impossible. You end up putting their needs first and neglecting your own health.
5. Having to make difficult decisions

There may come a time when you’re asked to make decisions about their care, and it can be really tough. Whether it’s about treatments, pain management, or even end-of-life care, these choices are never easy. The weight of these decisions can feel like a huge burden.
6. Navigating changes in their personality

As illness progresses, your loved one’s personality might change, whether from medication, pain, or the illness itself. This can be hard to deal with, especially if they’re no longer acting like the person you’ve always known. It’s like losing parts of them before they’re even gone.
7. Dealing with physical exhaustion

Caregiving can be physically demanding. From helping them move, to managing medications, to running errands, it all adds up. You’re constantly on the go, and over time, it can leave you feeling completely worn out.
8. Handling family dynamics and differing opinions

When a loved one is terminally ill, family members might not always agree on what’s best. These differing opinions can cause tension and add to the stress you’re already feeling. Navigating these dynamics while trying to stay focused on your loved one can be draining.
9. Facing the reality of their death

No matter how much you try to prepare yourself, the reality of their death is always looming. It’s a constant thought in the back of your mind, and it can be incredibly hard to come to terms with. It’s something that never really leaves you as you go through the day-to-day care.
10. Feeling isolated from other people

Caregiving can make you feel isolated. Friends and family might not understand what you’re going through, and your social life can take a back seat. You might feel like no one else truly gets how hard it is, which can leave you feeling very alone.
11. Managing financial pressures

Terminal illness often comes with a lot of expenses, whether it’s for treatments, medications, or home care. These financial pressures can add another layer of stress, especially if you have to cut back on work to care for them.
12. Letting go of hope in the future

One of the hardest things is letting go of the hopes and plans you had for the future. The realisation that your loved one won’t be there for milestones or moments you imagined can be heart-wrenching. It’s a loss you start to feel long before they’re gone.