12 Hilariously Innacurate Things American Women Think All British Men Are Like

For some reason, American women have a very specific idea of what British men are like — and let’s just say, reality doesn’t always match up.

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Blame Hollywood, period dramas, or the never-ending fascination with posh accents, but the stereotypes are both wildly inaccurate and endlessly amusing. If you’re a British man, you’ve probably rolled your eyes at least once at these common misconceptions because these very American assumptions about British men are usually just plain wrong.

1. They all sound like Hugh Grant.


For many American women, British men have one of two accents: posh and stuttering like Hugh Grant or deep and brooding like Tom Hardy. The reality? There are countless accents here, and most of them sound absolutely nothing like a ’90s rom-com character. If an American woman expects every man from the UK to greet her with a charming, “Oh, terribly sorry, but might I trouble you for a dance?” she’s in for a rude awakening when she meets someone from Newcastle or Birmingham.

2. They’re all incredibly posh.


There’s a belief that all British men have a family estate somewhere in the countryside, grew up riding horses, and were probably educated at Eton with Prince William. In reality, the average British man is far more likely to be down the local pub in a football shirt than sipping tea in a mansion. While there are posh guys here, just as there are rich Americans, the vast majority are regular people who don’t spend their afternoons discussing Shakespeare and fox hunting.

3. They drink tea all day, every day.

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Yes, we love our tea in this country, blah blah blah, but the idea that every man carries an emergency stash of Earl Grey and gets through 12 cups a day is a bit much. Some prefer coffee, some drink tea occasionally, and plenty don’t care for it at all. Even funnier is when an American woman expects British men to be deeply offended by her offering iced tea instead. The only thing likely to offend us when it comes to tea is microwaving it — which, let’s be honest, is a crime against humanity.

4. They all dress like they’re in “Peaky Blinders.”

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Newsflash: the average British man does not walk around in a three-piece suit with a flat cap, ready to throw punches in a 1920s gangster drama. While some men appreciate good tailoring, most are far more likely to be found in jeans and a hoodie than a fitted waistcoat. Some Americans genuinely seem disappointed when they visit the UK and realise most men don’t look like they just stepped out of a period drama. But unless you’re in a very particular part of London or a wedding, don’t expect many tweed suits.

5. They all have perfect manners.

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British men have a reputation for being unfailingly polite, always saying “please” and “thank you,” and apologising when it’s not even their fault. While we Brits do generally have good manners, men here aren’t all the walking embodiment of Mr. Darcy. If you get shoved in a crowded tube station or hear a British man shouting at the football on TV, you’ll quickly realise that politeness has its limits, especially when there’s a pint involved.

6. They’re all either charming gentlemen or emotionally repressed.

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Some women from the US seem to think British men are either smooth-talking, James Bond types or completely incapable of expressing emotion. The reality is that, like anywhere else, they come in all personality types. While the “stiff upper lip” stereotype does exist, our men are just as capable of deep conversations, heartfelt confessions, and ridiculous banter as anyone else. They just might use sarcasm to cover it up sometimes.

7. They all love the royal family.

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Americans are obsessed with the royals, so they assume all British men must be, too. The truth is that most of us either don’t care or actively roll our eyes whenever there’s another royal-related headline. While some might have opinions on the monarchy, expecting every guy from the UK to have an in-depth knowledge of royal family drama is like expecting every American man to have a favourite Kennedy. It’s just not that deep.

8. They only drink warm beer.

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This one really seems to throw Americans off. Yes, some British beers are served at cellar temperature rather than ice-cold, but the idea that British men are all wandering around drinking steaming pints of ale is laughable. Go to any pub, and you’ll find plenty of men drinking lagers, ciders, and even cocktails. While real ale lovers do exist, it’s not the only thing on offer — men here enjoy a cold pint just as much as anyone else.

9. They all love football (and only football).

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It’s true that football is massive here, and many men live and breathe the sport. However, not every British man is obsessed with the Premier League, and plenty couldn’t care less about what team is playing on a Saturday. While you’re more likely to meet a football fan than not, men in the UK also follow rugby, cricket, Formula 1, and plenty of other sports. And yes, some even hate sport altogether, despite what the stereotype suggests.

10. They all live in London.

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For some reason, Americans seem to think the UK consists of London… and that’s it. If they meet a man from here, they automatically assume he’s from the capital, when in reality, there’s a whole country beyond Zone 1. From Liverpool to Manchester, Glasgow to Newcastle, there are countless accents, cultures, and cities that aren’t London. Assuming every British man lives near Buckingham Palace is like assuming every American lives in New York or LA.

11. They all secretly want an American girlfriend.

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Some American women genuinely believe that British men are dying to be with someone from the US just for the accent. While some might find it attractive, it’s not the life-changing experience Hollywood makes it out to be. Men here are just as picky about partners as anyone else, and the idea that an American accent alone is enough to make them weak at the knees is a bit of a stretch.

12. They never lose their temper.

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The image of the calm, collected British man who never raises his voice is pure fiction. While we might not be as loud as our American counterparts, we absolutely lose our patience, especially when dealing with public transport, bad customer service, or a terrible referee decision. British men don’t tend to go for over-the-top displays of emotion, but push them far enough, and you’ll definitely know about it. Just try cutting in front of one in a pub queue and see what happens.