12 Obnoxious Things People Who ‘Hate Christmas’ Can’t Help Saying

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We all know someone who claims to “hate Christmas” — mostly because they can’t resist making sure everyone else knows it too.

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While you’re trying to enjoy the festive cheer, they’re busy delivering their annual dose of cynicism. They don’t have to be gung ho for the month of December, but it’d be great if they would just chill out a bit and let everyone else get on with it. Here are just a few of the obnoxious things people like this can’t help saying.

1. “It’s just so commercialised.”


Yes, we get it. The decorations are up in October, and the adverts are everywhere. But do you really need to remind us every year? Some of us just want to enjoy our mince pies and cheesy jumpers without a lecture on capitalism.

2. “I don’t see why everyone makes such a fuss.”

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They say this while rolling their eyes at twinkling lights, festive markets, and people enjoying themselves. Maybe the joy bothers them? Whatever the reason, it’s clear they’d rather we all just stayed home in our pyjamas and ignored the whole thing.

3. “I don’t understand why people put up decorations.”

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They scoff at your tree, your wreath, and the fairy lights you lovingly hung. “What’s the point?” they ask. The point is joy, but try explaining that to someone who sees tinsel as a personal attack.

4. “All Christmas music is terrible.”


They cringe at Mariah Carey, scowl at Wham!, and groan when “Jingle Bells” comes on. We know “Last Christmas” plays 500 times a day, but come on, it’s just a bit of fun. They don’t need to crush everyone else’s festive vibe.

5. “I’m not buying anyone gifts this year.”

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Fair enough — gifts aren’t mandatory. But do they have to announce it with such smug satisfaction? It’s like they’re proud of skipping out on the joy of giving, and they’re determined to make sure you know they’re above it all.

6. “Christmas food is overrated.”


While you’re savouring your roast dinner, they’re complaining about turkey being “too dry” and mince pies being “weird.” Meanwhile, you’re wondering why they can’t just enjoy the meal or, at the very least, let you enjoy it without commentary.

7. “Why would anyone watch those same old Christmas movies?”

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They roll their eyes at “Home Alone”, sneer at “Elf”, and act personally offended by “Love Actually”. Yes, they’re classics. Yes, we’ve seen them a million times. But that’s kind of the point! Let us bask in our predictable festive comfort.

8. “It’s just a waste of money.”

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They grumble about spending on decorations, food, and gifts, declaring it all pointless. While everyone else is feeling generous and festive, they’re tallying up receipts and muttering about financial responsibility. Thanks for the reminder, Scrooge!

9. “I don’t do Christmas cards.”


Fine, not everyone enjoys sending cards. But why do they say it with such disdain, like the rest of us are fools for participating? No one’s forcing them to write “Season’s Greetings,” but maybe they could spare us the eye-roll.

10. “I can’t stand all the fake cheer.”

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They call it “fake” while you call it “festive spirit.” Sure, not everyone feels cheerful 24/7, but does that mean we all have to scowl our way through December? Sometimes a bit of cheer — fake or not — makes things a little brighter.

11. “It’s just another day to me.”

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They say this with an air of superiority, as if treating Christmas like any other day makes them wiser or cooler. Meanwhile, you’re just trying to enjoy your day off, your family time, or your festive dinner without feeling judged.

12. “Can’t wait until it’s all over.”

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They say this while you’re still basking in the glow of Christmas lights and planning your Boxing Day leftovers. Their countdown to the end of Christmas feels like a wet blanket thrown over your joy. We get it — you hate it. But do you have to drag us down too?