12 Things Dog Owners Do That Annoy Everyone Else


Dog owners are usually lovely people, but they do have some blind spots when it comes to their four-legged friends.


They’re not trying to be rude or inconsiderate, but in caring so well for their pups, they can come off that way at times. Here are some of the biggest mistakes they make. If this is you, it’s time to shape up. (Don’t worry, I’m just as guilty myself sometimes!)

1. “Don’t worry, they’re friendly!” shouted from a distance


That phrase echoes across parks and pavements while their unleashed dog bounds toward someone. Not everyone wants to meet a dog, no matter how friendly. Some people have allergies, other people are trying to protect their small children, and many are just trying to get through their day without a dog jumping on them. The owner always arrives too late to prevent the unwanted encounter.

2. Bringing dogs to non-pet spaces


Owners often waltz into cafés, shops, and even grocery stores with a dog in tow, assuming it’s fine. Other customers end up shuffling around to make space in cramped aisles. The dog’s leash becomes a trip hazard, while everyone pretends not to notice the dog sniffing at food displays. The staff ends up stuck between enforcing store policy and avoiding an argument.

3. The magical disappearing poo trick


They start checking phones while their dog does their business, conveniently “missing” what just happened. Or worse, bagging it but leaving the full bag on the pavement or hanging from a tree branch. The neighbourhood becomes an obstacle course of unwanted surprises. The next person always spots it when it’s too late.

4. The endless flat barking symphony


Living next to a dog who barks from 9 to 5 while their owner’s at work is torture. Neighbours sit through hours of yapping, while the owner remains blissfully unaware. Working from home becomes impossible for other people in the building, yet bringing it up makes you the bad neighbour. Multiple complaint letters end up ignored in management’s inbox.

5. Operating the leash tangle machine

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Many dog owners have those retractable leashes that stretch across entire pavements and walking paths. The dog zigzags between people while the owner casually strolls, creating a human obstacle course. Everyone else has to dodge both dog and leash. The owner never seems to notice the chaos unfolding around them.

6. Treating every space like a dog park


They let their dog run wild in regular parks where kids are playing soccer or families are trying to picnic. The dog crashes through games, shakes water on sunbathers, and chases balls that aren’t meant for them. Meanwhile, the actual dog park sits empty two blocks away. Signs posting leash laws get completely ignored.

7. The constant phone photographer


Many dog owners see no issue with blocking pavement traffic to get the perfect shot of their dog sniffing a flower. Making everyone wait while they try to get their dog to recreate a cute moment. Public spaces turn into impromptu photo studios while everyone awkwardly stands around waiting to pass. The perfect shot never seems to happen.

8. The food table hovering incident


They let their dog lurk around the food table at outdoor gatherings. The dog’s nose inches closer to the chips while everyone politely pretends not to notice. Suddenly eating becomes a game of protecting your plate from an overly interested furry food critic. The food mysteriously disappears when people turn their backs.

9. The one-sided dog conversation

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They regularly have full conversations with their dog in public spaces. Making everyone listen to baby talk and both sides of a discussion about why their dog isn’t eating their breakfast. The morning commute turns into an unwanted episode of Dog Whisperer. The entire bus pretends not to hear the detailed breakfast negotiation.

10. Assuming everyone’s a dog person


Many owners get offended when someone doesn’t want to pet their dog or moves away on the lift. Acting shocked when people mention their pet allergies. Not everyone grew up with dogs or feels comfortable around them, yet this basic fact seems to surprise some dog owners every single time. Their offended reactions make everyone uncomfortable.

11. The muddy paw parade

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They let their dog jump on people’s clothes right after a rainy walk. Watching as muddy paw prints decorate someone’s work clothes while saying “Oh, they’re just being friendly!” Now that person has to explain to their boss why they look like they lost a fight with a mud puddle. Those stains never fully come out in the wash.

12. The constant dog comparison

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They relate every conversation back to their dog somehow. Someone mentions they’re tired? Their dog also didn’t sleep well. Bad day at work? Their dog had drama at the groomer. Every story and situation becomes an opportunity to talk about their four-legged friend. The group chat becomes a daily dog update forum.