13 Destructive Thoughts That Are More Common Than You Think

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We all have moments where our thoughts turn dark or self-critical, and sometimes we don’t even realise it’s happening.

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The problem in, all those destructive thoughts can do a real number on your confidence, happiness, and peace of mind. While they’re more common than you think, if these things cross your mind on a regular basis, it’s vital that you flip the script and start changing your internal narrative so that you can feel good in your own skin.

1. “I’m not good enough.”

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Whether it’s at work, in relationships, or in personal goals, this thought sneaks in and makes you doubt yourself. The truth is, everyone feels this way sometimes, even those who seem confident. Remember, you’re doing your best, and that *is* good enough. Self-worth isn’t measured by perfection.

2. “Everyone else has it figured out.”

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Scrolling through social media or comparing yourself to other people can make it seem like everyone has their life together except you. The reality? Everyone struggles behind the scenes. Life isn’t a competition, and it’s okay to be figuring things out at your own pace.

3. “I always mess things up.”

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After a mistake, it’s easy to spiral into believing you’re doomed to fail. But making mistakes doesn’t define you — how you learn from them does. Nobody gets everything right, and one slip-up doesn’t cancel out all your successes. You’re learning, not failing.

4. “I don’t deserve to be happy.”

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This thought can creep in during hard times or when things go well, and you feel guilty for enjoying it. But happiness isn’t something you earn; it’s something you’re allowed to feel. You deserve joy, love, and good things just as much as anyone else.

5. “People don’t really care about me.”

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When you’re feeling lonely or disconnected, it’s easy to convince yourself that no one cares. This thought distorts reality and ignores the people who do love you. Reach out — chances are, your mind is playing tricks on you. You matter more than you think.

6. “Things will never get better.”

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During tough times, it’s easy to believe that the situation is permanent. But life is full of ups and downs, and change is constant. Even if things are hard now, they can and will improve. It might not be immediate, but nothing stays the same forever.

7. “I’m too old (or too young) to try that.”

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This thought keeps you stuck in place and robs you of opportunities. Whether it’s a career move, hobby, or adventure, age is just a number. You’re never too old or too young to try something new. The right time is whenever you decide to go for it.

8. “I can’t ask for help.”

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Believing that asking for help makes you weak or bothersome is a destructive thought that keeps you isolated. Everyone needs support sometimes, and reaching out is a sign of strength. The people who care about you *want* to help — give them a chance.

9. “They’re probably judging me.”

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It’s easy to imagine people are scrutinising your every move, but the truth is, most people are too busy worrying about themselves. This thought magnifies self-consciousness and fuels anxiety. Letting go of the need for approval can be liberating.

10. “I should be further ahead by now.”

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Thinking you’re falling behind in life because you haven’t hit certain milestones can be discouraging. But everyone’s timeline is different, and progress isn’t always linear. Focus on where you *are*, not where you think you “should” be. Your journey is yours alone.

11. “It’s too late to change.”

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Feeling stuck in a rut often leads to the belief that it’s too late to change course. But change is always possible, whether it’s a new habit, career, or mindset. It’s never too late to take a step toward the life you want. Small changes can lead to big shifts.

12. “I have to do everything perfectly.”

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Perfectionism traps you in a cycle of stress and self-criticism. The fear of not being perfect can stop you from even trying. The truth? Done is better than perfect, and progress matters more than flawless execution. Give yourself permission to be imperfect.

13. “I’m a burden to everyone I know.”

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When you’re going through a tough time, it’s easy to feel like you’re dragging everyone down. But the people who love you don’t see you as a burden — they care and want to support you. Your struggles don’t make you a problem; they make you human.