Trust is hard to earn and easily lost, as they say, and people always manage to betray you in some pretty awful ways.

It’s not always an obvious thing like cheating or lying — sometimes your trust is broken in little ways that all add up over time. Here are some of the betrayals that hurt the most when you thought you could truly rely on someone.
1. They spill your secrets to anyone who’s listening.

That thing you told them in confidence becomes something that suddenly everyone and their dog knows about it. It’s like they’ve turned your personal life into the latest episode of a trashy reality show. Nothing makes you feel more betrayed than realising your deepest secrets are now casual conversation fodder at the office water cooler.
2. They pull a vanishing act when you need them most.

Life’s hitting you hard, and suddenly, your so-called ride-or-die is nowhere to be found. They’re dodging your calls like it’s their job. When the going gets tough, they get going — in the opposite direction. Nothing says, “I don’t really care” quite like a friend who ghosts you in your hour of need.
3. They lie to your face without breaking a sweat.

You catch them in a lie, and they deny it with the confidence of a politician on election day. Do they think you were born yesterday? The worst part is that they seem more upset about being caught than about actually lying to you. Talk about a punch to the gut.
4. They make promises they never intend to keep.

They swear up and down they’ll be there, do that thing, or change their ways, but their promises have a short shelf life. You always try to give them the benefit of the doubt, and they disappoint you every single time.
5. They badmouth you behind your back.

To your face, they’re all smiles and compliments, but turn your back, and suddenly, they’re trashing you like you’re last week’s rubbish. Finding out someone you trust is secretly your biggest critic is devastating.
6. They choose their new flame over your long-standing friendship.

Your best friend gets into a new relationship, and suddenly, you’re yesterday’s news. They cancel plans, forget your birthday, and generally act like you’re an unwanted third wheel in their love story. What’s worse is that the minute the relationship falls apart, they’ll want you as a shoulder to cry on.
7. They “borrow” money with no intention of paying it back.

They ask you for a “loan” and swear they’ll pay you back ASAP. Fast-forward six months, and they’re posting pics of their fancy new gadgets while you’re still waiting for your money. Nothing says, “I don’t value our relationship” quite like treating you like an interest-free ATM.
8. They throw you under the bus to save their own skin.

When the heat is on, they’re quick to point the finger at you. Suddenly, all their mistakes are your fault, and they don’t care how these false accusations might impact you at all. Finding out you’re someone’s human shield is a special kind of betrayal.
9. They invade your privacy without a second thought.

Whether it’s snooping through your phone or barging into your flat uninvited, they treat your personal space like it’s a free-for-all. It’s clear that they think boundaries are just suggestions, not actual rules. Nothing makes you feel more violated than realising your trust has been treated like an all-access pass.
10. They use your vulnerabilities against you.

You opened up to them about your insecurities, and now they’re using that info as ammunition. It’s like they took notes during your heart-to-heart just to have better aim when they decide to hurt you. Talk about a betrayal that cuts deep.
11. They take credit for your hard work.

You work incredibly hard on a project, and they swoop in to claim all the glory. Suddenly, your blood, sweat, and tears are their ticket to praise and promotion. It’s like watching someone else eat the cake you spent hours baking, and they don’t even offer you a crumb.
12. They make major decisions that affect you without consulting you.

Whether it’s a flatmate deciding to move out without warning or a partner making big life choices solo, being left out of important decisions that impact your life feels like a slap in the face.
13. They consistently prioritise their own needs over yours.

Every. Single. Time. Their needs come first, and yours are an afterthought — if they’re thought of at all. It’s like being in a one-way friendship where you’re always giving, and they’re always taking. Eventually, you realise you’re not actually on their priority list; you’re just the backup plan when nothing better is going on.