By the time people hit 50, they’ve seen a lot, learned even more, and if they’re honest, made a fair share of mistakes along the way.

Looking back, there are plenty of things they wish they’d figured out sooner instead of learning the hard way. If younger people actually listened to those who’ve been there, life could be a lot smoother (but let’s be real, most of us still have to learn the hard way). Here are some of the best bits of advice from those who’ve lived long enough to know what actually matters.
1. Stop worrying so much about what people think.

For way too many years, people waste time stressing over what other people think of them — whether they’re cool enough, successful enough, or doing life “right.” But here’s the truth: most people are too busy worrying about themselves to spend much time judging you. And even if they are judging, so what? By the time you hit 50, you realise that other people’s opinions don’t pay your bills, shape your happiness, or actually matter as much as you thought. The sooner you stop obsessing over what everyone else thinks, the freer and happier you’ll be. Seriously, just do your thing.
2. Wear sunscreen. Always.

Yes, you might look great with a tan now, but future you is begging you to slap on some SPF. Sun damage doesn’t show up overnight, but once those wrinkles, sunspots, and weird little skin issues appear, there’s no going back. And trust us, looking like an old leather bag isn’t the vibe you’re going for. Sunscreen isn’t just about vanity, either — it’s also about avoiding skin cancer, which is a whole lot more serious than a sunburn. If nothing else, just remember: your future self will thank you every time you reapply.
3. Be kind to your knees — you’re going to need them.

It’s easy to take your body for granted when you’re young, but one day you’ll crouch down and hear a noise that sounds suspiciously like Rice Krispies. Your knees, back, and joints will not always bounce back the way they do now, so take care of them while you can. Stretch, move, don’t ignore that weird pain, and maybe don’t jump off high surfaces just because you can. Nobody wants to be the person who throws out their back sneezing before they even hit 40.
4. Stop waiting for “the right time.”

Too many people put off doing what they really want because they’re waiting for the “perfect” moment. Spoiler: it doesn’t exist. Life never neatly lines up to make things easy, so if you keep waiting, you might be waiting forever. Whether it’s travelling, changing careers, or telling someone how you feel, just go for it. Time moves faster than you think, and the longer you wait, the more you’ll regret the things you never did.
5. Nobody has life figured out, so stop stressing.

When you’re young, you assume that older people have some secret handbook for life and that one day, you’ll magically get it. But here’s the truth: nobody really knows what they’re doing. Everyone is just figuring it out as they go. The sooner you accept that life is mostly improvisation, the less stressed you’ll be. Instead of worrying about getting everything “right,” focus on doing what makes sense for you in the moment. That’s as close to having it figured out as anyone gets.
6. You’re never too cool to be excited about things.

Somewhere along the way, people decide it’s “uncool” to show excitement or enthusiasm. But here’s the thing — being too cool for everything just makes life boring. Who wants to go through life pretending not to care about stuff they actually love? Whether it’s a TV show, a hobby, or a weirdly specific interest, let yourself enjoy it. The happiest people are the ones who allow themselves to geek out over things, no matter how silly or random they seem.
7. Friendships require effort — don’t take them for granted.

When you’re young, friendships feel effortless because you’re constantly around people. But as life goes on, schedules get busier, and suddenly, years can pass without seeing someone you once talked to every day. Friendships only last if you put in the effort. Text first, make the plans, and don’t assume people will always be there. The older you get, the more you realise that real friends are priceless. Make time for them now, or you’ll find yourself wishing you had later.
8. Save money, even if it’s just a little.

It’s easy to ignore financial advice when you’re young because retirement feels like a lifetime away. But one day, you’ll wake up and realise that “future you” is now you and past you did nothing to prepare for this. Even saving a small amount early on makes a huge difference later. You don’t have to be a financial genius — just avoid spending every penny you make. Future you would really appreciate having a cushion when unexpected expenses pop up (which they always do).
9. You won’t regret experiences, but you will regret wasting time.

Most people don’t look back and think, “Wow, I wish I had spent more time scrolling on my phone or putting off my dreams.” They do regret the trips they never took, the opportunities they passed up, and the people they lost touch with. Life moves fast, and if you spend too much time waiting for the “right moment,” you’ll miss it entirely. Take the trip, go to the concert, make the memories because one day, those will be the things that matter most.
10. It’s okay to change your mind.

There’s a weird pressure to have a perfect life plan by the time you’re 25, but guess what? Plans change. People change. You’re allowed to evolve, try new things, and take unexpected paths. In fact, it’s normal. Some of the best things in life happen when you let go of the idea that you must stick to one path forever. So if something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to switch things up. Nobody’s keeping score.
11. Love isn’t about grand gestures; it’s in the small things.

Movies make love look like huge, dramatic moments, but real love is built in the everyday stuff. It’s in remembering how they take their coffee, checking in after a hard day, and sticking around when things aren’t perfect. The biggest mistake young people make in relationships is thinking love should always be exciting. Real love isn’t just butterflies; it’s feeling safe, respected, and appreciated, even on the most boring days.
12. You don’t have to have everything by a certain age.

There’s a lot of pressure to hit big life milestones by a certain time — marriage, career success, buying a house. But life doesn’t follow one timeline, and rushing to “keep up” just leads to unnecessary stress. By 50, you realise that everyone moves at their own pace, and there’s no deadline for success or happiness. Stop comparing yourself to where other people are — it’s your life, not theirs.
13. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

At the end of the day, nobody gets out of life alive, so you might as well have fun. Laugh at yourself, embrace the awkward moments, and don’t stress so much about looking “cool” all the time. The people who enjoy life the most are the ones who stop worrying about perfection and just go with the flow. So take the silly picture, dance even if you’re bad at it, and don’t be afraid to look ridiculous. It makes life a lot more fun.