13 Reasons Many Brits Are Secretly A Bit Jealous Of Americans

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Brits and Americans have our differences, but admittedly, sometimes the grass across the pond can seem a bit greener.

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While most of us wouldn’t trade our tea and biscuits for anything, there are a few things about American life that can make even the most patriotic Brit feel a tiny pang of envy. Here are a few reasons many Brits are secretly a bit jealous of Americans — not enough for us to up sticks and move there, necessarily, but we might consider it in the right situation…

1. Endless options at the supermarket

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Walking into an American supermarket feels like entering a parallel universe. Entire aisles dedicated to cereal? A dozen flavours of Oreos? While we love our Tesco Meal Deals, the sheer variety in the States makes our local shops look a bit modest. Even their “budget” stores have options that make our bigger chains seem tiny in comparison.

2. The weather in certain states

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While we’re layering up for yet another grey, drizzly winter, Americans in California or Florida are wearing flip-flops year-round. Sure, they have hurricanes and wildfires, which can be and often are absolutely devastating, as we’re seeing at the moment. However, if you’re willing to take the risk, a little sun in February wouldn’t hurt, would it? Imagine planning a barbecue without worrying about the rain showing up uninvited.

3. Huge living spaces

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We’re used to making the most of our cosy terraces and flats, but those sprawling American homes with massive kitchens and walk-in closets can spark a bit of house envy. Even their “starter homes” are often bigger than our dream ones. The idea of a guest bedroom that isn’t also a storage closet feels almost mythical.

4. The optimism

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Americans are known for their “can-do” attitude, and while Brits might roll their eyes at the over-the-top positivity, there’s something refreshing about believing anything is possible. Sometimes, a little less sarcasm and a bit more enthusiasm wouldn’t go amiss. It’s hard not to admire their ability to turn even the most mundane situation into a pep rally.

5. Drive-thru everything

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It’s not just fast food—Americans have drive-thru pharmacies, banks, and even wedding chapels. Meanwhile, we’re standing in the rain at a cashpoint, wondering why no one’s thought of this genius convenience here. Imagine picking up a prescription without leaving your car—dreamy, isn’t it?

6. Endless road trip potential

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The UK is beautiful, but you can drive across it in a day. In the US, the open road stretches on for weeks, with deserts, mountains, and beaches all within reach. It’s a country built for adventure (and epic playlists). Plus, the idea of stopping at quirky roadside diners along the way adds a touch of Americana magic.

7. The huge portions

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A “small” drink in the US could hydrate a family of four, and their dinner portions could feed us for a week. Talk about value for money! While we pride ourselves on moderation, there’s something appealing about not having to order extra chips to feel full. And don’t even get us started on the refillable soda—it’s like a never-ending fountain of joy.

8. Entertainment on steroids

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From extravagant theme parks to Super Bowl halftime shows, Americans know how to go big. Even their fireworks displays make Bonfire Night look a bit low-key. Sometimes, we secretly want a slice of that over-the-top magic. They don’t just entertain; they put on a full production every time.

9. Their unapologetic patriotism

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While Brits can be a bit reserved about expressing national pride, Americans wave their flags high and belt out their anthem like their lives depend on it. There’s something endearing about their unabashed love for their country—even if it feels a bit loud to us. It’s hard not to admire their ability to rally together, even over the smallest victories.

10. National parks that look like movie sets

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Sure, we have the Lake District and the Scottish Highlands, which are undeniably beautiful, but the US has the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Yosemite. Their landscapes are so dramatic they feel almost unreal, and it’s hard not to feel a little envious of their outdoor playgrounds. Even their lesser-known parks make for jaw-dropping Instagram posts.

11. 24/7 convenience

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Need groceries at 3 a.m.? No problem. Fancy pancakes in the middle of the night? There’s probably a diner nearby. In the UK, if it’s after 10 p.m., you’re stuck with whatever’s left in your fridge—and that’s if you’re lucky. It’s no wonder Americans seem so laid-back when their world runs around the clock.

12. Their job market flexibility

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While we’re proud of our worker protections, Americans seem to switch careers, move states, and start businesses with an ease that feels almost intimidating. The flexibility of their job market can feel liberating, even if it comes with less security. There’s a sense of opportunity there that’s hard not to admire.

13. The cultural dominance

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From Hollywood to tech giants, the US shapes global trends in a way that’s hard to ignore. While we’ve got Shakespeare and The Beatles, it’s undeniable that American culture influences everything, from the shows we binge to the slang we pick up. Love it or hate it, their cultural reach is impressive.