Your pet may love you, but that doesn’t mean they always approve of your behaviour.

Whether it’s your questionable dance moves, poor snack choices, or the fact that you dared to leave the house without them, there’s a good chance they’re silently judging you. If you’ve ever caught your cat giving you the look or your dog sighing dramatically, you’re not imagining things. Here’s how you know your pet is secretly judging you — and how to get back in their good books.
1. They give you side-eye when you sing.

Does your pet suddenly freeze when you start belting out your favourite song? Maybe they tilt their head or, worse, leave the room entirely. If they had thumbs, they’d probably be pressing the mute button. If you want to win them over, stick to quiet humming or, if you must sing, offer them a treat first. That way, they’ll associate your performances with rewards instead of sheer disappointment.
2. They refuse to make eye contact after a bath.

If looks could kill, you’d be in serious trouble every time you attempt to give your pet a bath. The moment the water touches their fur, they act like you’ve committed a major betrayal. However, it’s not all bad news. Post-bath bribery works wonders. A treat, a cosy towel, and some belly rubs (or a respectful distance if it’s a cat) can help smooth things over.
3. They sigh dramatically when you sit too close.

Dogs and cats both have their moods, and sometimes, they just don’t want to cuddle. If you plop down next to them, and they let out a long, exaggerated sigh, they’re probably wondering why you can’t respect their personal space. Give them space when they want it, and they’ll come to you when they’re ready. Play hard to get, and suddenly, you’ll be the most interesting person in the room.
4. They knock things over while making direct eye contact.

Cats are the masters of passive-aggressive judgement. If yours has ever slowly pushed something off a table while staring directly at you, it’s not an accident — it’s a statement. You only have one option here: acknowledge their power. Give them a box to sit in and act like it’s the best gift they’ve ever received. They’ll appreciate the gesture.
5. They walk away mid-conversation.

If you regularly chat to your pet (as you should) but they turn and walk away before you’ve finished your sentence, they’re sending a clear message: whatever you’re saying is not important. It’s clearly time to up your game. Try talking to them while holding their favourite toy or snack. Suddenly, they’ll be very interested in what you have to say.
6. They stare at you while you eat, then look away in disgust.

Pets have no problem begging for food, but have you ever noticed the way they judge your meals? If they sniff your plate and then walk away unimpressed, they’re basically saying, “You could do better.” The best thing you can do? As a treat, share a pet-friendly version of your meal. A little plain chicken or a safe veggie might make them reconsider their harsh opinions.
7. They ignore you when you get home.

Dogs usually greet you with enthusiasm, but cats? They make you work for it. If your pet barely acknowledges your return after hours apart, they’re letting you know they didn’t miss you that much. Winning them over here is easy enough. Give them space and act nonchalant. Eventually, their curiosity will get the best of them, and they’ll come to you on their own terms.
8. They watch you struggle and offer no help.

Ever dropped something and caught your pet just watching you instead of helping? It’s like they’re testing your problem-solving skills and silently judging your lack of coordination. How to win them over: Accept that they will never assist in your time of need. Instead, impress them by solving problems quickly — bonus points if you do it with confidence.
9. They turn their back on you — literally.

When a cat or dog deliberately turns their back to you, they’re not just relaxing. It’s a power move. They’re letting you know they could engage with you, but they’ve chosen not to. The best thing you can do here is ignore them right back. They’ll come crawling (or wagging) back when they realise you’re not desperately looking for their approval.
10. They sit on your laptop or book while you’re using it.

Trying to work? Read? Do anything productive? Your pet sees this as the perfect moment to plop themselves right on top of whatever you’re doing. It’s a mix of attention-seeking and pure sabotage. It might sound a bit extreme, but you might want to set up a fake work area with a random book or keyboard nearby. They’ll probably sit on that instead, allowing you to actually get things done.
11. They bring you “gifts” that you didn’t ask for.

If your pet has ever dropped a soggy toy in your lap or, worse, a “gift” from the great outdoors, congratulations — you’ve been chosen. It’s a sign of affection, but also a subtle critique of your ability to hunt and provide. Accept their generosity with fake enthusiasm. Even if the gift is questionable, praise their effort — it’s the thought that counts.
12. They follow you to the bathroom like a personal bodyguard.

Pets don’t understand the concept of personal privacy, but their habit of following you into the bathroom isn’t just about curiosity. It’s also about control. They want to know what you’re doing at all times. It’s not so bad, really. Let them be your personal security detail. If they insist on guarding the door, just accept your new reality as a human with zero alone time.
13. They stare at you while you sleep.

Few things are more unsettling than waking up to your pet just staring at you. Are they protecting you? Plotting something? Simply wondering why you’re not feeding them yet? It’s anyone’s guess. So, what can you do about it? Wake up and immediately give them attention. It’s what they wanted in the first place, and it might just prevent them from plotting their next act of silent judgement. (Then again, you’re likely making a rod for your own back by doing this!)