13 Things You Should Never Touch Unless You Have A Death Wish

Some things in life are best left alone, no matter how tempting or harmless they might seem.

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Whether it’s out of curiosity, carelessness, or sheer bad luck, touching the wrong thing at the wrong time can have serious consequences. From deadly creatures to everyday hazards, here are some things you should never touch unless you don’t want to end up seriously ill — or even dead!

1. Wild mushrooms you can’t 100% identify


Foraging for wild mushrooms might sound fun, but unless you’re an expert, it’s a gamble that could cost you your life. Some toxic mushrooms look nearly identical to edible ones, and a single bite of the wrong type can lead to organ failure or worse. Even experienced foragers double-check before consuming anything they find. Touching them isn’t always dangerous, but eating them without certainty is a serious risk. If you don’t know exactly what it is, leave it where it is. No meal is worth a hospital visit.

2. Stray dogs or cats acting strangely

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Most stray animals just want to be left alone, but if one is unusually aggressive or behaving erratically, stay far away. Rabies and other diseases can make animals unpredictable, and a single bite could mean life-threatening consequences. Even if the animal looks friendly, there’s no guarantee it’s safe. Approaching a scared or sick animal can also provoke an attack. If you see an animal that seems unwell or dangerous, contact local animal control instead of risking a bite.

3. Electrical wires, even if they look dead

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Power lines and exposed wires are a no-go, no matter how harmless they seem. Just because a wire isn’t sparking doesn’t mean it’s not live, and one touch could send thousands of volts through your body. Even fallen power lines can still be active and deadly. If you ever see a downed wire, keep your distance and call emergency services. Electricity is nothing to mess with, and assuming a wire is safe can be a fatal mistake.

4. The inside of a plugged-in toaster


Fishing out a stuck piece of bread with a metal fork while the toaster is still plugged in is one of the fastest ways to electrocute yourself. Toasters use heating elements that can hold an electrical charge, even if they’re switched off. A simple slip could send a deadly shock straight through you. Always unplug the toaster before sticking anything inside. It might seem like common sense, but plenty of people learn this the hard way.

5. Unidentified jellyfish, even on the shore


Jellyfish might look harmless, especially when washed up on the beach, but their stingers can still be active long after they’ve died. Some species, like the box jellyfish or Portuguese man o’ war, can deliver venom that causes excruciating pain, paralysis, or even heart failure. Even a brush against a tentacle can be dangerous. Never assume a jellyfish is safe to touch, no matter how long it’s been on the sand. If you see one in the water, give it plenty of space — some have near-invisible tentacles stretching metres beyond their bodies.

6. A bear’s cubs


Spotting bear cubs in the wild might seem like a once-in-a-lifetime moment, but touching or approaching them is a guaranteed way to get attacked. Mother bears are fiercely protective and will charge anything they see as a threat. Even if you don’t see the mother right away, she’s never far. People who think they can snap a quick photo or pet a cub are making a fatal mistake. If you see bear cubs, back away immediately—before their mother decides you’re too close.

7. Unexploded fireworks or old grenades

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If you ever come across unexploded fireworks, old grenades, or any kind of suspicious object that looks like it could detonate, do not touch it. Some explosives can remain live for years, and the slightest movement could trigger them. Plenty of people have lost limbs or worse by assuming something was a dud. Leave it where it is and call the authorities to handle it properly. Even trained professionals approach these things with extreme caution.

8. A venomous snake, even if it looks dead


Snakes can still deliver a deadly bite long after they’ve died. Their reflexes can remain active for hours, meaning a severed head can still strike if it’s touched. People have been fatally bitten thinking they were handling a harmless corpse. Unless you’re a trained professional, don’t go near any snake you can’t identify with 100% certainty. Even non-venomous ones can give a painful bite if they feel threatened.

9. A nest full of wasps


Messing with a wasp nest is like asking for an aggressive swarm attack. Unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times, and they don’t hesitate to defend their colony. Even a small disturbance can send them into a frenzy. Some people make the mistake of trying to remove nests on their own, only to end up running for their lives. If you find a wasp nest, leave it to the professionals — getting stung dozens of times isn’t worth the risk.

10. Poison ivy, oak, or sumac

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Touching these plants might not kill you, but it will definitely make you miserable. The oil they release causes painful, itchy rashes that can last for weeks. Some people are even allergic, leading to extreme swelling and blisters. Learn to recognise these plants and steer clear. If you accidentally brush against one, wash the area immediately with soap and water before the oil spreads.

11. A stranger’s drink at a party

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It should go without saying, but drinking from someone else’s unattended cup, especially at a party or bar, is a terrible idea. Spiked drinks are more common than people think, and taking a sip of the wrong one can have serious consequences. Even if you think you know the person, you can never be too careful. Stick to drinks you poured yourself, and never leave yours unattended. Trusting the wrong person, even for a second, can put you in serious danger.

12. A lion or tiger through a cage


Big cats might look relaxed in zoos or wildlife parks, but they’re still predators with incredible strength. People who try to reach through fences or get too close for a selfie risk losing fingers, or worse. Even trained professionals have been seriously injured underestimating these animals. Respect the barriers and never assume a captive animal is safe. One wrong move and you could become a cautionary tale.

13. The inside of a running engine


Sticking your hand into a running engine — whether it’s a car, a lawnmower, or any other machine — is asking for serious injury. Moving parts can catch clothing, fingers, or hair in an instant, leading to catastrophic damage. Even experienced mechanics know to shut everything down before touching anything. Always turn off and unplug machinery before doing any kind of maintenance. A split second of carelessness can lead to permanent consequences.