13 Ways Flaky People Will Always Let You Down

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We’ve all got that one friend who’s about as reliable as British weather.

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I’m talking about the one who’s always “on their way” but never quite arrives, or who sends you a text saying they can’t make it five minutes before you’re supposed to meet because “something came up”. Flaky people will inevitably leave you hanging more often than not, and in more ways than one.

1. They’ll cancel plans at the last minute.


You’ve been looking forward to that night out all week. You’ve picked your outfit, sorted a babysitter, and you’re ready to paint the town red. Then, just as you’re about to leave, your phone pings. It’s them, with some vague excuse about why they can’t make it. Whatever the reason, you’re left holding the bag, wondering why you even bother. It’s like they’ve got a sixth sense for the worst possible moment to bail.

2. They’re always “running late”.

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For these people, time is more of a suggestion than a rule. They’ll tell you they’re “on their way” when they haven’t even got out of bed yet. You could set your watch by how late they’ll be — if your watch ran backwards, that is. They’ve turned lateness into an art form, always arriving with a breathless apology and a far-fetched tale about why they’re late. You end up feeling like you’re stuck in a perpetual waiting room, twiddling your thumbs while they saunter in on their own schedule.

3. They’ll forget important dates.

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Birthdays, anniversaries, that important presentation you told them about — it all goes in one ear and out the other. They’ve got a memory like a sieve when it comes to dates that matter to you. But oddly enough, they never seem to forget when their favourite band is playing or when the new season of their show drops. You’d think you’re just not important to them if it wasn’t how they go on with everyone. They’re actually just flaky!

4. They’ll make vague promises they never keep.

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“Yeah, we should totally catch up soon!” “I’ll definitely help you move house next month!” These lies roll off their tongue easier than water off a duck’s back, but when it comes to actually following through, they’re completely unreliable. Every time they make another promise, you catch yourself thinking that maybe this time will be different, only for them to inevitably let you down yet again.

5. They’ll be unreachable when you need them.

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When the chips are down, and you really need a friend, they suddenly become impossible to reach. Your calls go to voicemail, your texts remain unread, and your carrier pigeons come back empty-handed. But post a vague “I’m feeling down” status on social media, and they’ll pop up in no time. They want to avoid the situations where they have to be supportive, but they’re happy to stick around for drama.

6. They’ll always have an excuse.

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The number of excuses they have, ranging from common and believable to totally out of this world, truly beggars belief. Just when you think they can’t possibly believe that you’re buying it, they pop up with an even more ludicrous reason for letting you down that’s worse than the last.

7. They’ll be enthusiastic planners but poor executors.

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Oh, they love making plans. They’re full of grand ideas and exciting proposals. Weekend trips, group projects, epic nights out — they’re all over it… until it’s time to actually do something. Then suddenly, they’re just not feeling it. They’re the ones who start the WhatsApp group for the big event, then go silent when it’s time to book tickets or sort out details. You end up feeling like it would be better not to invite them at all.

8. They’ll be inconsistent in their communication.

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Trying to keep up with them is nearly impossible. One day, they’re blowing up your phone with messages, the next they’ve gone quieter than a library on a Sunday. They’ll reply to your text a week late with a “Sorry, just saw this!” even though you can see they’ve been active on social media every day. It makes you realise you’re clearly not very important to them, and eventually, you’ll stop trying to reach out.

9. They’ll be great at starting projects, rubbish at finishing them.

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These are the people who’ll excitedly rope you into starting a band, planning a trip, or launching a business venture. They’re full of enthusiasm… for about five minutes. Then, faster than you can say “commitment issues”, they’re onto the next shiny idea. Meanwhile, you’re left holding the bag, wondering what to do with the drum kit in your garage or the half-planned holiday itinerary.

10. They’ll be selective about which plans they keep.

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Funny how they always manage to show up for the fun stuff, isn’t it? Big night out with free drinks? They’re there with bells on. Helping you paint your flat or look after your kids? Suddenly, they’ve got a pressing engagement with their sofa and Netflix. Their flakiness seems to have a finely tuned radar for anything that might require actual effort or be less than 100% fun for them.

11. They’ll overpromise and underdeliver.

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They’ll promise you the moon and stars, but deliver a glow-in-the-dark sticker instead. “I’ll sort out the whole party, don’t worry about a thing!” they’ll say, only for you to end up panic-buying party supplies at the last minute while they’re “stuck in traffic”. Their promises leave you constantly managing expectations — yours and everyone else’s — because you know they won’t come through.

12. They’ll always have “something come up”.

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It’s amazing how many things can “come up” for these people. Family emergencies, surprise work commitments, sudden bouts of unspecified illness — their life seems to be one long series of unexpected events. It’s like they’re living in a soap opera where drama lurks around every corner, conveniently popping up whenever they’ve made plans. You just can’t keep up with the drama.

13. They’ll be expert rain check writers.

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“Let’s definitely do this another time!” is their catchphrase. They hand out rain checks like they’re going out of style, but they’re completely meaningless. They’ve got a whole arsenal of vague future commitments they’ll never follow through on. “We’ll catch up soon!” “Let’s plan something for next month!” It’s like they’re always living in a magical future where they’ll suddenly become reliable. Don’t hold your breath.