14 Clues You’re Not Living Your Best Life

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Life’s too short to just go through the motions.

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, but are you truly thriving or just surviving? If you relate to any of the following, you’re in a bit of a slump and not making the most of what life has to offer. The good thing is, you have the power to change all that — and you definitely should.

1. Your dreams feel distant and foggy.

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Maybe they once burned brightly, clear visions of what you wanted for your life. Now, they seem like faint echoes, pushed aside by the demands of the day-to-day. If you find yourself struggling to recall what truly excited you, or if your goals feel more like obligations than heartfelt desires, it might be time to reconnect with your passions. Don’t let those dreams fade entirely; they’re a part of who you are.

2. You’re always waiting for “someday”.

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“Someday, I’ll travel the world.” “Someday, I’ll start that business.” “Someday, I’ll learn to play the guitar.” But if “someday” never seems to arrive, it might be because you’re not actively making it happen. Life is a series of choices, and constantly deferring your dreams might be a sign that you’re not prioritising your own happiness. Remember, “someday” is not a day of the week.

3. You spend more time reminiscing than looking forward.

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Nostalgia is a sweet and comforting emotion, but if you find yourself dwelling more on the past than anticipating the future, it might be a sign that you’re stuck. While it’s important to cherish memories, constantly looking backward can prevent you from moving forward. Your best life likely involves a balance between appreciating what was and excitedly embracing what’s to come.

4. You feel a constant sense of emptiness.

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Maybe you’ve achieved your goals, ticked off all the boxes society has laid out, yet something still feels missing. If you experience a persistent feeling of emptiness, even when surrounded by material comforts or external success, it might be a sign that you’re not fulfilling your deeper needs. Your best life involves a sense of purpose and meaning, something that resonates with your soul.

5. You’re always comparing yourself to everyone else.

Osvaldo Di Pietrantonio

Social media can make it easy to fall into the comparison trap, where everyone else’s life seems perfect and yours feels inadequate. But remember, those curated online snapshots rarely reflect reality. If you find yourself constantly measuring your worth against other people, it might be a sign that you’re losing sight of your own unique path. Your best life isn’t about keeping up with the Joneses; it’s about being true to yourself.

6. You’re afraid to step outside your comfort zone.

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Growth happens when we challenge ourselves, when we try new things and push our boundaries. If you find yourself clinging to the familiar out of fear, it might be a sign that you’re not living your best life. Your comfort zone might feel safe, but it can also be a cage. Stepping outside it might be scary, but it’s also where the magic happens.

7. You never validate yourself — you rely on everyone else to do it.

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Do you need constant praise and reassurance to feel good about yourself? If your happiness hinges on other people’s approval, it might be a sign that you’re not living your best life. Your best life involves finding self-worth and validation from within, not relying on external sources to tell you that you’re enough.

8. You’re not taking care of your body and mind.

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Your physical and mental health are the foundation of your well-being. If you’re neglecting your body by not exercising or eating nutritious foods, or if you’re neglecting your mind by not managing stress or getting help for mental health concerns, it’s difficult to live your best life. A balanced and healthy lifestyle is crucial for feeling your best and showing up fully for yourself and everyone else.

9. You feel like you’re constantly on autopilot.

man seriousSource: Unsplash

Do you wake up, go through the motions of your day, and then go to bed, only to repeat it all again the next day? If you feel like you’re just going through the motions without truly engaging with life, it might be a sign you’re not living your best life. Your best life is full of presence, awareness, and active participation in each moment.

10. You’re always complaining.

serious woman sitting outdoors on stepsSource: Unsplash

It’s natural to have complaints or grievances from time to time, but if you find yourself constantly dwelling on the negative aspects of your life, it might be a sign that you’re not focusing on the good. Your best life involves a positive mindset and gratitude for the blessings you have, even amidst challenges. It’s about finding the silver linings and appreciating the small joys in life.

11. You’re always busy but never feel productive.

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Do you have a packed schedule but feel like you’re not accomplishing anything meaningful? If you’re constantly busy but never feel like you’re moving forward, it might be a sign that you’re not prioritising the right things. Your best life involves a balance between productivity and rest, focusing on activities that align with your values and goals, and making time for self-care and relaxation.

12. You have lost touch with your passions.

woman in beanie looking to sideSource: Unsplash

Remember that hobby you loved but haven’t had time for lately? Or that creative project you always wanted to start but keep putting off? If you’ve lost touch with the things that used to bring you joy, it might be a sign you’re not living your best life. Your passions are a part of who you are, and neglecting them can leave you feeling unfulfilled. Rekindle those passions and make time for the activities that make your heart sing.

13. You feel like you’re constantly chasing happiness, but never quite reaching it.

woman outside pensiveSource: Unsplash

If happiness feels like an elusive destination, always just out of reach, it might be because you’re looking for it in the wrong places. Your best life involves finding joy in the present moment, appreciating the small things, and cultivating a sense of inner peace and contentment. It’s not about chasing an external ideal of happiness, but rather about finding it within yourself.

14. You’re afraid to be yourself.

woman with chin in hand looking thoughtfulSource: Unsplash

Do you feel like you have to put on a mask or pretend to be someone you’re not to please people? If you’re afraid to let your true self shine, it might be a sign you’re not living your best life. Your best life involves embracing your authenticity, expressing your unique personality, and not apologising for who you are. It’s about being unapologetically you and finding your tribe of people who appreciate you for exactly who you are.