14 Mistakes Young People Make And Regret In Life


When you’re young, you’re bound to make a lot of mistakes.


That’s how you learn and grow, after all. However, while certain mistakes are no big deal, other people can come back to haunt you later in life. Here are just a few that don’t simply fall away with the passing of time — they can turn into major regrets down the line.

1. Taking friendships for granted

Ava Calvar

In youth, it’s easy to assume friendships will last forever without much effort. But failing to nurture these relationships can lead to distance and eventual loss. The regret of letting good friends drift away often becomes apparent later in life. Staying connected requires effort, and prioritising meaningful friendships early on can make a big difference.

2. Ignoring financial literacy

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Many young people don’t prioritise learning about budgeting, saving, or investing, assuming there’s plenty of time to figure it out later. Unfortunately, this can lead to debt and missed opportunities to build wealth early. Understanding basic financial principles early can set a strong foundation for the future, making life easier down the road.

3. Staying in toxic relationships

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Whether it’s a romantic partner or a toxic friendship, many young people stick around in unhealthy dynamics far too long. The belief that things will improve or fear of being alone often outweighs the warning signs. Walking away from toxicity sooner rather than later can save you years of emotional strain and help you focus on healthier connections.

4. Overlooking health and fitness

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In their youth, many people take their health for granted, neglecting regular exercise or healthy eating habits. Poor lifestyle choices in these years can lead to long-term health issues that are harder to reverse later. Making overall wellness a priority early builds a stronger body and cultivates habits that will last a lifetime.

5. Living to please other people

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Trying to meet everyone else’s expectations, whether it’s family, friends, or society, can lead to losing sight of your own dreams and goals. The regret of not living authentically often hits later, leaving people wondering what could have been. Learning to balance external expectations with personal desires is key to living a fulfilling life.

6. Not taking risks

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Younger years are the perfect time to take risks, try new things, and explore opportunities. Many people, however, play it too safe out of fear of failure or judgment. Looking back, the regret of missed adventures and chances to grow can outweigh the fear that held them back. Embracing uncertainty often leads to the most rewarding experiences.

7. Underestimating the value of education

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Skipping classes, coasting through school, or neglecting opportunities to learn can feel inconsequential at the time. Later, however, many regret not making the most of their educational years. Education, whether formal or informal, shapes perspectives and opens doors that might otherwise remain closed.

8. Focusing too much on short-term gratification

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From overspending to neglecting responsibilities, prioritising immediate pleasures over long-term goals can create lasting consequences. Many regret not thinking further ahead when faced with the fallout of impulsive choices. Finding a balance between enjoying the present and planning for the future is a skill worth mastering early on.

9. Neglecting family relationships

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In the rush to gain independence, many young people distance themselves from family, assuming there’s always time to reconnect later. Unfortunately, time flies, and opportunities to build or repair those relationships can pass quickly. Making an effort to appreciate and spend time with loved ones often becomes a priority later, but starting sooner prevents regrets.

10. Not speaking up for themselves

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Fear of confrontation or wanting to avoid conflict often leads young people to stay silent in situations where they should stand up for themselves. This can result in missed opportunities or being taken advantage of, which can leave a lasting impact. Learning to assert yourself respectfully is a valuable skill that builds confidence over time.

11. Comparing themselves to other people


Social media and societal pressures make it easy for young people to fall into the trap of comparison, measuring their worth against curated versions of other people’s lives. This habit can steal joy and diminish self-esteem, leaving them feeling inadequate. Understanding that everyone’s journey is unique helps encourage self-acceptance and reduces unnecessary stress.

12. Not saving for the future


It’s tempting to spend every pay cheque on experiences, clothes, or the latest gadgets without thinking about saving. However, many regret not starting an emergency fund or saving for larger goals like travel or buying a home. Building financial habits early, even in small steps, sets you up for greater security and freedom later in life.

13. Letting fear stop them from pursuing passions


Passions often take a back seat to practicality during youth, with many shelving their dreams for safer, more conventional paths. Later, the regret of not pursuing what truly inspired them can be hard to shake. Taking even small steps toward passions, while balancing responsibilities, ensures you don’t lose sight of what makes you happy.

14. Believing they have all the time in the world

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Youth often feels infinite, leading people to delay important actions, conversations, or decisions. The realisation that time isn’t endless can hit hard, leaving people wishing they’d seized opportunities sooner. Recognising the value of time early helps ensure you make the most of each moment without procrastinating on what matters.