When you’re always there for your family, it’s easy for them to start taking you for granted.

Sometimes, you don’t even notice it at first (and neither do they), but there are definite signs this is happening. Intentional or not, here are some red flags that your family might not be appreciating you like they should.
1. They don’t thank you for your help.

If you’re constantly doing things for your family and no one bothers to say “thank you,” that’s a problem. It might seem small, but a lack of gratitude shows they’re starting to assume you’ll always handle everything. It’s frustrating when your efforts go unnoticed time and time again.
2. They expect you to drop everything for them.

Your time is valuable, but when your family acts like you should drop everything to help them, it shows they don’t see it that way. It’s one thing to help out in a pinch, but constantly rearranging your life for them is a red flag. They need to respect your schedule, not treat it like it’s flexible just for them.
3. They only reach out when they need something.

If the only time you hear from family is when they want something, that’s a sign they’re taking you for granted. It’s not just about being there for each other when you need help—real connections mean reaching out just to check in, too. If the relationship feels one-sided, it’s time to take notice.
4. They never ask how you’re doing.

Conversations should go both ways. If your family never asks how things are going in your life and only talks about themselves, they’re not really valuing you. You deserve to have people in your corner who care about what’s happening with you, not just their own problems.
5. They assume you’ll always say yes.

If your family automatically assumes you’ll say yes to any request, that’s a red flag. They shouldn’t just expect you to help without even considering that you might have other plans. It’s about respect, and when they assume your time is always available, it shows they don’t value your personal life.
6. They don’t respect your boundaries.

Setting boundaries is important, but if your family constantly ignores them, it’s a sign they’re taking you for granted. Whether they’re calling or showing up whenever they want, or asking too much of you, they’re not considering your needs. Respecting boundaries is a two-way street, and they’re not holding up their end.
7. They downplay or totally brush off your efforts.

If your family brushes off the things you do for them or acts like it’s no big deal, that’s a sign they’re not appreciating you. It can be frustrating to put in effort, only for it to be downplayed or ignored. You deserve to have your contributions recognised, not minimised.
8. They guilt-trip you when you say no.

If you say no and they immediately try to make you feel bad about it, that’s a major red flag. Guilt trips show they’re not respecting your decision or your boundaries. You have the right to say no without being manipulated into feeling guilty for it.
9. They don’t reciprocate support.

If you’re always the one offering support but never getting it in return, that’s a problem. Relationships, especially with family, should go both ways. If they expect you to always be there but aren’t willing to step up when you need them, it’s a clear sign they’re taking advantage of your kindness.
10. They never offer to help you.

When your family never offers to help out, even when you could use it, it shows they’ve come to rely on you without thinking about what you might need. If it feels like a one-way street where you’re doing all the heavy lifting, it’s time to reassess the dynamic.
11. They expect you to solve their problems.

If your family is constantly leaning on you to fix their issues and expects you to have all the answers, they’re taking you for granted. It’s not your job to solve everyone’s problems all the time. They need to take responsibility for their own lives instead of putting that pressure on you.
12. They don’t acknowledge your sacrifices.

When you go out of your way to make sacrifices for your family and they don’t even acknowledge it, it’s a sign they’re not appreciating you. Whether it’s giving up your time or putting their needs first, those sacrifices should be recognised. Without that acknowledgment, it’s easy to feel overlooked and undervalued.
13. They expect you to play the peacemaker.

If your family always expects you to step in and smooth things over during conflicts, they’re relying too much on you. Constantly being put in the middle of family drama can be exhausting, and it’s not your responsibility to keep the peace all the time. It’s important for other people to step up, too.
14. They don’t show appreciation for the emotional support you give.

Offering emotional support is something you do because you care, but when it goes unappreciated, it can feel like you’re being taken advantage of. Your family should recognise the emotional labour you put in and show that they value the care you’re offering. When they don’t, it’s a sign they’re taking you for granted.