Physical exhaustion is usually pretty easy to spot — lots of yawning, tired eyes, etc.

However, emotional exhaustion is a bit trickier, especially since the signs aren’t always obvious or what you’d expect. You just keep right on going, not realising that you’re incredibly burnt out and overwhelmed, and the worst part is because you’re not addressing it, you’re not fixing it. Here are some signs you’re emotionally depleted and need a bit of a break.
1. You’re always knackered, no matter how much you sleep.

Feeling wiped out all the time is a big red flag for emotional exhaustion as well as the physical kind, oddly enough. You’re yawning non-stop, struggling to keep your eyes open, and feeling like you’re wading through mud. Even after a full night’s kip, you wake up feeling like you’ve barely slept. Getting through the day feels like a massive effort.
2. The smallest tasks feel like climbing a mountain.

When you’re emotionally drained, even the little things can feel huge. Stuff you used to do without thinking — like answering emails, doing the dishes, or making a quick call — now feels like a big deal. You might find yourself putting things off or avoiding them altogether, which only adds to your stress in the long run.
3. Your fuse is shorter than usual.

Emotional exhaustion can make you a bit grumpy. You might snap at your loved ones over tiny things or get annoyed by stuff that wouldn’t usually bother you. This crankiness can put a strain on your relationships and leave you feeling bad about how you’ve acted, which just adds to your emotional fatigue.
4. The things you love don’t excite you anymore.

Your favourite hobbies might start to feel like a chore. You find yourself bailing on plans or saying no to hangouts. Losing interest in stuff you used to enjoy is a common sign that you’re emotionally drained. It can make you feel cut off from the things that used to make life fun and meaningful.
5. Your body’s acting up for no clear reason.

Emotional exhaustion isn’t just in your head — it can show up in your body too. You might get headaches, feel tense, have tummy troubles, or aches and pains that don’t make sense. Your body might be trying to tell you you’re stressed, even if you don’t realise it.
6. Your brain feels foggy.

When you’re emotionally spent, your thinking can take a hit. You might struggle to focus at work or home, forget important stuff, or feel stumped when you need to make decisions. This mental fuzziness can mess with your productivity and make you feel a bit rubbish about yourself.
7. You’re leaning on not-so-great habits more often.

As emotional exhaustion sets in, you might find yourself turning to less healthy ways to cope. Maybe you’re eating or drinking more than usual, spending ages on social media or binge-watching shows, or doing other stuff that feels good in the moment but doesn’t really help in the long run.
8. Your sleep is all over the place.

Emotional exhaustion can really mess with your sleep. You might toss and turn at night, wake up loads, or have weird dreams. Or you might sleep way more than usual but still feel knackered. These sleep problems can make your emotional fatigue even worse.
9. You feel numb or disconnected from your feelings.

Weirdly, being emotionally exhausted can make you feel like you don’t have any emotions at all. You might feel like you’re just going through the motions without really feeling anything. The numbness might seem like it’s protecting you, but it can leave you feeling cut off from yourself and other people.
10. You’re worrying more than usual.

Emotional exhaustion often brings a side of extra anxiety. You might find yourself fretting about the future, dwelling on stuff from the past, or just feeling on edge all the time. Your ramped-up worry can make it hard to chill out and just drains you even more.
11. Your confidence has taken a nosedive.

When you’re emotionally knackered, it’s common to feel rubbish about yourself. You might be harder on yourself than usual, doubt your abilities, or feel like you’re not measuring up. Sadly, negative self-talk can create a cycle of doubt that just drains you further.
12. Life feels like too much to handle.

Emotional exhaustion can make your usual responsibilities feel massive. You might feel swamped by work, family stuff, or personal commitments. The feeling of being in over your head can leave you not knowing where to start, which just adds to your exhaustion.
13. You’re pulling away from people.

When you’re emotionally drained, hanging out with people can feel like hard work. You might find yourself saying no to invites, dodging phone calls, or keeping chats with workmates short. While hiding away might feel good at first, it can leave you feeling lonely in the long run.
14. Everything feels a bit hopeless.

In really tough cases of emotional exhaustion, you might feel like things will never get better. You struggle to see any good stuff coming your way or feel like you’re stuck. Having such a gloomy outlook can make it hard to find any joy or get motivated in your day-to-day life.