No one likes feeling uncomfortable in life, but sometimes you have to for the sake of the people around you.

However, some people really couldn’t care less how their selfish behaviour affects everyone else. If you do these things just because you feel like doing them, regardless of what anyone around you thinks, you’re more than a little inconsiderate, and it’s high time you start thinking about someone besides yourself.
1. You recline your seat on aeroplanes without checking behind you.

Leaning your seat back on a plane might feel like a personal comfort win, but it can really ruin the trip for the person behind you, cutting into their already limited space. Before reclining, check if someone’s behind you, and maybe even ask them if they mind. A little courtesy can go a long way in making everyone’s journey more pleasant, especially when everyone’s cramped together like sardines in a tin.
2. You talk loudly on your mobile phone in public spaces.

No one wants to hear the ins and outs of your day while they’re having coffee or sitting on a bus. If you’re on a call, keep your voice down or step aside into a quieter spot if it’s going to be a long chat. It’s a simple way to show respect for the people around you who really don’t need to know every detail of your life.
3. You leave your unwanted items anywhere in the supermarket.

If you’ve decided against buying something, especially perishable goods, don’t just leave them wherever you’re standing in the supermarket. It’s not just lazy, it creates extra work for staff and often leads to wasted food. The least you can do is return the item to its proper shelf or hand it over to a member of staff.
4. You play music or videos without headphones in public.

You might be enjoying your playlist or a YouTube video, but blasting it out loud in public spaces is just inconsiderate. Pop on your headphones, please. It’s about respecting the fact that everyone around you has their own tastes and might not be in the mood to listen to whatever you’re playing.
5. You save seats for late-arriving friends at busy venues.

Reserving a seat for a friend at a packed event is fine, but when you’re saving a whole row, it’s just unfair to the people already there and looking for somewhere to sit. Try to arrive together, or limit the number of seats you’re holding. It’s all about being fair to everyone else who’s shown up on time.
6. You smoke near entrances or in crowded areas.

Smoking right by an entrance forces people to walk through a cloud of smoke just to get inside. Move away from doorways or crowded spots, or better yet, head to designated smoking areas. It’s a small change that can make life a lot nicer for everyone who doesn’t smoke. And yes, this counts even if you vape.
7. You don’t pick up after your dog.

It’s gross, it’s unhygienic, and it’s a big deal. Leaving your dog’s mess behind on the pavement or in the park isn’t just inconsiderate, it’s a health hazard. Carry bags with you and clean up after your pet. It’s just common courtesy.
8. You take up extra space on public transport with your bags.

Your bag doesn’t need its own seat on a crowded bus or train. It’s selfish to hog space when other people are standing or struggling to find a spot. Place your bag on your lap or under your seat to make room for someone else.
9. You queue-jump or ask friends to hold your place.

Queue-jumping might save you time, but it’s unfair to everyone who’s been waiting. If you leave the line, you should rejoin at the back when you come back. Respecting the queue is basic fairness that makes life easier for everyone involved.
10. You block the pavement whilst chatting with friends.

Blocking the pavement while having a catch-up is super annoying for people trying to walk past. If you’re deep in conversation, move to the side or find a quieter spot so you’re not in the way. It keeps things moving and avoids bottlenecks in foot traffic.
11. You ignore quiet zones in libraries or study areas.

Everyone knows the library is for peace and quiet, so chatting away or making unnecessary noise is just rude. Keep your voice down and use headphones if you’re listening to something. The goal is to keep the space calm for people who are there to work or study.
12. You don’t indicate when driving or cycling.

Failing to signal when you’re changing lanes or making a turn is dangerous and frustrating for other road users. Indicators are there for a reason — to let people know what you’re doing. Using them properly keeps everyone safer and reduces stress on the road.
13. You leave shared spaces messy for other people to clean up.

Whether it’s a dirty kitchen at work, a picnic area after you’ve left, or any shared space, leaving your rubbish for other people to clean up is just lazy. Take a few minutes to tidy up after yourself. It’s a small effort that makes a big difference in keeping shared spaces pleasant for everyone.
14. You talk during films or performances.

Whispering to your mate during a film or a concert might seem harmless to you, but it can ruin the experience for everyone around you. Save your comments for the intermission or after the show — let people enjoy the performance in peace.