15 Bad Decisions You’ll Definitely Live To Regret

Unsplash/Curated Lifestyle

Some decisions feel like no big deal at the time, but they can come back to bite you later.

Unsplash/Curated Lifestyle

It’s important to be forward-thinking and realise that just because something doesn’t matter to you now, or you can’t be bothered with it, doesn’t mean you’ll always feel that way. If you want to avoid living with regrets, here are 15 decisions that you might want to think twice about before making.

1. Ignoring your health


Skipping regular check-ups, ignoring those aches and pains, or living off junk food might not seem like a big deal now, but it catches up with you. Your body won’t always bounce back the way it used to. One day, you’ll wish you took better care of it.

2. Staying in toxic relationships


You might tell yourself things will get better or that you can change them, but staying in a toxic relationship drains you over time. The longer you stay, the more energy you waste on someone who doesn’t deserve it. You’ll regret not leaving sooner.

3. Not saving for the future

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It’s easy to put off saving when you feel like you have all the time in the world. But trust me, future you will regret it when an emergency hits or retirement looms, and you’ve got nothing to fall back on. Start small, but start now.

4. Letting fear hold you back

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Fear can keep you from taking risks, trying new things, or stepping outside your comfort zone. You’ll look back and wonder what could’ve been if you’d just pushed past it. Playing it safe might seem like the smart move, but in the end, you’ll regret not going for it.

5. Neglecting important relationships

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Life gets busy, but if you keep pushing friends and family to the side, eventually those relationships will fade. You’ll regret not making more time for the people who matter most. Once those connections are gone, it’s hard to get them back.

6. Working too much and living too little

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Your career is important, but it shouldn’t be your whole life. Spending all your time at work means missing out on the fun, meaningful experiences that make life worthwhile. One day, you’ll wish you’d spent more time living and less time chasing deadlines.

7. Avoiding difficult conversations

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It’s tempting to avoid tough talks to keep the peace, but sweeping issues under the rug doesn’t make them go away. Whether it’s in relationships or at work, those unspoken problems pile up, and you’ll regret not addressing them head-on sooner.

8. Settling for less than you deserve

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It’s easy to settle—whether it’s a job, a relationship, or a lifestyle—because it feels safe or familiar. But deep down, you know you deserve more. One day, you’ll look back and wonder why you didn’t push for the life you really wanted.

9. Not travelling when you had the chance

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There’s always something that makes you put off that trip—work, money, responsibilities. But one day, you’ll realise that the “right time” never came. You’ll regret not seeing more of the world when you had the energy and freedom to do it.

10. Comparing yourself to other people

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Spending your time worrying about how you measure up to anyone and everyone else is exhausting. Whether it’s their success, looks, or lifestyle, you’ll eventually realise it was a waste of time. Everyone’s path is different, and you’ll regret not focusing on your own journey.

11. Ignoring red flags

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Whether it’s in relationships, jobs, or big decisions, red flags are there for a reason. You might brush them off in the moment, but eventually, they’ll catch up to you. You’ll regret not trusting your gut and acting when you first noticed the warning signs.

12. Saying yes when you really mean no

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It’s easy to say yes to things you don’t want to do just to keep the peace or avoid disappointing people. But doing this too often means living someone else’s life instead of your own. You’ll regret not standing up for what you really wanted.

13. Not taking care of your mental health

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You can only push through stress, anxiety, or burnout for so long before it catches up with you. Neglecting your mental health will leave you drained and exhausted in the long run. You’ll regret not taking the time to get help or focus on self-care.

14. Letting grudges linger

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Holding grudges might feel justified at the time, especially if someone has seriously wronged you, but it weighs you down more than you realise. Eventually, you’ll regret not letting go sooner. Carrying that bitterness around only hurts you, not the person you’re mad at.

15. Not taking the time to enjoy the present

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It’s easy to get caught up in the future—chasing goals, worrying about what’s next—but one day you’ll realise you missed out on all the little moments that made life sweet. You’ll regret not slowing down to appreciate the present while you had it.