Having kids early in life definitely isn’t right for everyone, but those who make that choice often benefit in some unexpected ways.

People who start a family in their 20s or early 30s can experience certain advantages as their kids get older, even if they don’t realise it at first. If becoming a parent before your peers seems like an attractive option, these added bonuses might just tip you over the edge. And, if you’ve already had your children at an early age, chances are, these will already sound familiar to you.
1. You’ll have more energy to keep up with them.

Parents who have kids young often find they have more energy to keep up with their active children. As you age, having younger children to chase around can be exhausting, but the energy you have in your 20s and 30s can help you stay more active and engaged in your kids’ activities, which creates stronger connections and more fun times.
2. You’ll get more time to enjoy your retirement.

If you have children early, you’ll be able to enjoy a more child-free retirement later in life. By the time you’re in your 50s or 60s, your kids will be grown and independent, giving you more time to travel, relax, or pursue your own passions while they’re off building their own lives.
3. You can bounce back quicker physically.

For many parents, recovering from pregnancy and childbirth is easier when they’re younger. Having children early can mean less physical strain on your body as you age, and it may give you more time to focus on getting back to your pre-pregnancy shape or staying healthy and active as your kids grow.
4. You’ll grow with them.

Having kids young means that you can grow as a person alongside them. You’ll have the chance to evolve together as a family, learning life lessons and adapting to changes in ways that can create a deeper bond between you and your children.
5. You can enjoy grandparenthood later in life.

Having children early increases the likelihood that you’ll become a grandparent later in life while still having the energy and health to enjoy your grandchildren. This can be a rewarding experience, as it allows you to stay involved in your family’s next generation and pass on wisdom to the younger members.
6. You’ll have more time to focus on your career after they grow up.

Having kids early can allow you to focus on your career later in life. Once your children are grown and more independent, you’ll have more time and mental space to focus on your work, pursue promotions, or even switch careers without the constant balancing act of parenting young children.
7. You can experience more stages of parenthood.

Having kids early gives you the chance to go through multiple stages of parenthood at a time in life when you can handle them with more energy and perspective. From raising toddlers to dealing with teenagers, you’ll get to experience it all and gain a richer understanding of your kids as they grow.
8. You’ll be able to enjoy your children’s milestones more fully.

As your children reach important milestones, having them early allows you to enjoy these moments with more clarity and appreciation. Watching them graduate from high school, get married, or have kids of their own can be more fulfilling when you’re not dealing with the physical exhaustion of raising young children later in life.
9. You’ll develop a deeper sense of patience.

Parenting at a younger age teaches patience and resilience, which will serve you well in later years. As your children grow and go through different phases, you’ll develop a calmness and understanding that can help you navigate life’s challenges with more grace, both as a parent and an individual.
10. You can be more involved in their lives as they age.

Having children early means you’ll have more years to be actively involved in their lives. Whether it’s helping them with their studies, being there for their milestones, or offering advice as they navigate adulthood, you’ll have the chance to build a stronger relationship over a longer period of time.
11. You’ll have more flexibility with your lifestyle.

Once your children are older and more independent, you’ll have more freedom to live life on your terms. Having kids young means you’ll experience the rigours of early parenthood sooner and, in time, be able to reclaim some of the flexibility and independence that might feel lost in your younger years.
12. You’ll have a better chance of staying active and involved in family life.

Being a younger parent allows you to stay more physically active, which can help you stay involved in your kids’ extracurricular activities, sports, or family events. Your energy levels at a younger age can keep you engaged in these experiences and allow you to make the most of these bonding moments.
13. You’ll develop strong problem-solving skills.

Having kids early can teach you how to think on your feet, solve problems quickly, and make decisions under pressure. These problem-solving skills will serve you well throughout life, especially as your children get older and face their own challenges that may require you to step in and offer guidance.
14. You’ll enjoy the deep satisfaction of raising them to independence.

There’s something incredibly rewarding about raising children who are capable of standing on their own two feet. Having kids early means you’ll get to see them grow into confident, independent adults and experience the joy of knowing you played a big part in shaping their future.
15. You can pass on valuable lessons while you’re still youthful.

When you have children at a younger age, you’re able to pass on lessons, skills, and wisdom while you’re still in a phase of life where you’re actively engaging with the world. Your children can benefit from your more recent life experiences, making your guidance relatable and impactful.