15 Best Pieces Of Advice From Your Parents You Probably Ignored (But Wish You Hadn’t)

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As we get older, we often realise that our parents were wiser than we gave them credit for.

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All the advice we gave that once seemed outdated, irrelevant, and annoying actually starts to make a whole lot of sense, and we tend to wish we would have listened to them a bit more. While you have to forge your own path in life and not everything your parents have to say will be applicable or right for your circumstances, here are some of the best bits of advice that many people wish they’d paid more attention to.

1. “Save a portion of every pay cheque, no matter how small.”


Financial advice often falls on deaf ears when we’re young and eager to enjoy our earnings. However, as we face unexpected expenses or dream of major purchases, we realise the power of consistent saving. Even small amounts add up over time, providing a financial cushion that can offer peace of mind and opportunities for the future. Those who heeded this advice early often find themselves in a much more stable financial position later in life.

2. “Choose your friends wisely; they shape who you become.”

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In our youth, we might dismiss this as our parents being overly cautious or judgmental. But as we navigate adult life, we come to understand the profound influence our social circle has on our choices, habits, and overall direction in life. Surrounding ourselves with positive, supportive, and ambitious people can significantly impact our personal growth and success. This advice isn’t about being exclusive, but rather about being mindful of the company we keep.

3. “Learn to cook; it’s healthier and saves money.”

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When takeaways and ready meals seem so convenient, cooking might appear unnecessary. However, as we become more health-conscious and budget-aware, the value of this skill becomes apparent. Cooking allows us to control ingredients, portion sizes, and costs. It’s not just about nutrition and savings; it’s also a valuable life skill that can bring joy and creativity to our daily routines.

4. “Don’t burn bridges; the world is smaller than you think.”

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In moments of frustration or anger, it’s tempting to tell people off or leave situations dramatically. But professional and personal worlds often intersect in unexpected ways. Maintaining civility and professionalism, even in difficult circumstances, can prevent future awkwardness and keep opportunities open. Many of us have faced situations where we’ve regretted not heeding this advice, finding ourselves in uncomfortable encounters with former colleagues or acquaintances.

5. “Take care of your teeth; you’ll miss them when they’re gone.”

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Dental hygiene often seems like a chore in our younger years, and it’s easy to neglect. However, as we age, we realise the wisdom in this advice. Good dental care not only preserves our smile but also prevents painful and expensive problems down the line. Many adults wish they had listened to this advice earlier, as they face the consequences of neglect through costly dental procedures and discomfort.

6. “Learn a second language; it opens up new worlds.”

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When we’re struggling through language classes in school, this advice might seem irrelevant. But in our globalised world, knowing a second language can open doors professionally and personally. It enhances travel experiences, broadens cultural understanding, and can even provide cognitive benefits. Many adults regret not taking language learning seriously earlier, realising the missed opportunities for connection and growth.

7. “Don’t compare yourself to anyone else; everyone’s journey is different.”

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In the age of social media, this advice is more relevant than ever. It’s easy to fall into the trap of measuring our progress against other people’s, leading to unnecessary stress and self-doubt. Parents who emphasise focusing on personal growth rather than comparison often impart a valuable lesson in self-acceptance and contentment. As we navigate adult life, we realise the wisdom in celebrating our own path rather than envying anyone else’s.

8. “Learn to change a tyre and do basic home repairs.”


These practical skills might seem unnecessary in a world of service providers and YouTube tutorials. However, knowing how to handle basic repairs can save time, money, and stress in emergency situations. Many of us have found ourselves wishing we’d paid more attention to these lessons when faced with a flat tyre on a deserted road or a leaking pipe in the middle of the night.

9. “Read more books; they’re a gateway to new ideas and perspectives.”

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In a world of quick digital content, the advice to read books might seem outdated. However, the benefits of regular reading — improved vocabulary, enhanced empathy, stress reduction, and expanded knowledge — become more apparent as we grow older. Many adults wish they had cultivated a reading habit earlier, recognising how it could have enriched their personal and professional lives.

10. “Don’t rush into marriage; take time to know yourself first.”

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When we’re young and in love, this advice can feel frustrating or overly cautious. But as we mature, we often recognise the wisdom in taking time to develop our own identities before committing to a lifelong partnership. Those who heed this advice often find themselves in more stable and satisfying relationships, having entered them with a clearer sense of self and what they want in a partner.

11. “Take care of your back; you’ll regret it if you don’t.”

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Advice about posture and lifting techniques often goes ignored in our youth when we feel invincible. However, as we age, many of us wish we’d paid more attention to this wisdom. Proper back care, including good posture and safe lifting practices, can prevent years of pain and mobility issues later in life. It’s a classic case of prevention being better than cure.

12. “Learn to say no; you can’t please everyone all the time.”

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The ability to set boundaries and decline commitments that don’t align with our values or capacity is a crucial life skill. Many of us struggle with this, fearing disappointment or conflict. However, as we navigate adult life, we often realise the importance of this advice in maintaining our mental health, productivity, and self-respect. Learning to say no gracefully can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

13. “Keep a journal; you’ll want to remember these days.”

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In the moment, keeping a journal might seem time-consuming or unnecessary. But as we grow older, many of us wish we had a record of our thoughts, experiences, and personal growth over the years. Journaling not only provides a valuable record of our lives but can also be a tool for self-reflection and emotional processing. Those who heeded this advice often find themselves with a treasure trove of memories and insights.

14. “Don’t neglect your old friends when making new ones.”

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As we move through different life stages, it’s easy to get caught up in new social circles and neglect older friendships. However, there’s unique value in maintaining long-term friendships. These relationships often provide a sense of continuity and understanding that newer friendships might lack. Many adults regret not putting more effort into keeping in touch with old friends, realising the depth and comfort these relationships can offer.

15. “Travel while you’re young; it gets harder as you get older.”

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When we’re young, we might put off travel plans, thinking we’ll have plenty of time later. However, as we take on more responsibilities — careers, mortgages, families — finding time and freedom to travel becomes more challenging. Those who embrace this advice often find themselves with a wealth of experiences and perspectives that enrich their lives long after the journeys end. Travel in our youth can shape our world-view and provide memories that last a lifetime.