Navigating relationships can be tricky, and sometimes, it’s the little things that can have the biggest impact.
While we all stumble from time to time, there are certain behaviours that truly caring people simply wouldn’t engage in. Here are some behaviours that might be subtle red flags.
1. They wouldn’t consistently dismiss your feelings.

Everyone has bad days, and sometimes we might unintentionally brush off someone’s concerns. However, if someone consistently belittles your feelings or tells you you’re “overreacting,” it’s a sign they’re not prioritising your emotional well-being. A true friend will listen to you, validate your emotions, and offer support, even if they don’t fully understand where you’re coming from.
2. They wouldn’t make you feel bad for asking for help.

We all need a helping hand sometimes, whether it’s with a practical task or emotional support. If someone makes you feel guilty or ashamed for asking for their help, it might indicate that they’re not genuinely invested in your well-being. People who care about you want you to succeed and will gladly lend a hand when you need it.
3. They wouldn’t constantly compare you to other people.

We’re all unique individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses. Someone who genuinely has your best interest at heart wouldn’t constantly compare you to other people, making you feel inadequate or inferior. They would celebrate your accomplishments and encourage you to be the best version of yourself, rather than trying to fit you into someone else’s mould.
4. They wouldn’t make jokes at your expense.

A bit of playful teasing can be fun among friends, but there’s a fine line between harmless banter and hurtful mockery. If someone consistently makes jokes that target your insecurities or embarrass you in front of other people, it’s not a sign of affection. True friends know where to draw the line and would never intentionally hurt your feelings for a cheap laugh.
5. They wouldn’t keep secrets that could impact you.

While everyone is entitled to their privacy, there are certain things that shouldn’t be kept hidden, especially if they could potentially harm you or affect your well-being. If someone deliberately withholds information that could have a significant impact on your life, it’s a breach of trust and a sign they’re not prioritising your best interest.
6. They wouldn’t try to control your decisions.

We all have the right to make our own choices, even if other people disagree with them. Someone who truly cares about you would respect your autonomy and support your decisions, even if they have reservations. They might offer advice or share their concerns, but ultimately, they would trust you to make the right choice for yourself.
7. They wouldn’t take credit for your ideas or accomplishments.

Whether it’s in a professional setting or among friends, taking credit for someone else’s work is a major no-no. If someone consistently tries to steal your thunder or pass off your ideas as their own, it’s a sign they’re more interested in self-promotion than supporting your success. True friends would celebrate your achievements and give you the recognition you deserve.
8. They wouldn’t make you feel like a burden.

Everyone goes through tough times, and sometimes we need to lean on other people for support. If someone makes you feel like you’re a burden for asking for their help or sharing your struggles, it’s a clear indication that they’re not genuinely invested in your well-being. People who care about you want you to feel comfortable coming to them with anything, without fear of judgment or rejection.
9. They wouldn’t gossip about you behind your back.

Trust is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and gossiping is a quick way to destroy it. If someone genuinely cares about you, they wouldn’t spread rumours or share your personal information with anyone else without your consent. They would be loyal and supportive, even when you’re not around to hear it.
10. They wouldn’t hold grudges or punish you for past mistakes.

We all make mistakes, and it’s important to learn from them and move on. Someone who truly has your best interest at heart wouldn’t constantly bring up your past blunders or hold them against you. They would understand that everyone slips up sometimes and focus on building a positive future together.
11. They wouldn’t pressure you to do things you’re not comfortable with.

Whether it’s trying a new activity, attending a social event, or making a major life decision, you should never feel pressured to do something that doesn’t align with your values or comfort level. A true friend would respect your boundaries and never try to coerce you into doing something you’re not ready for.
12. They wouldn’t dismiss your achievements or downplay your success.

Celebrating milestones, both big and small, is an important part of any relationship. Someone who cares about you would be genuinely happy for your successes and cheer you on as you reach new heights. They wouldn’t try to minimise your accomplishments or make you feel like your achievements are insignificant.
13. They wouldn’t try to change who you are.

We all have unique quirks and personality traits that make us who we are. Someone who truly loves and accepts you would embrace your individuality, rather than trying to mould you into someone you’re not. They would appreciate your strengths, accept your weaknesses, and encourage you to be your authentic self.
14. They wouldn’t blame you for their problems or misfortunes.

Everyone faces challenges in life, but it’s not fair to blame other people for our own problems. If someone consistently makes you feel responsible for their unhappiness or failures, it’s a sign they’re not taking ownership of their own lives. A true friend would support you through difficult times, but they wouldn’t expect you to be their emotional crutch.
15. They wouldn’t leave you feeling drained or unappreciated.

Healthy relationships should leave you feeling energised, supported, and valued. If someone consistently makes you feel exhausted, insecure, or unappreciated, it’s a sign the relationship is not serving you well. People who genuinely care about you would want you to feel happy and fulfilled, not drained and depleted.