15 No-BS Tips For Cutting Someone Off And Getting Them Out Of Your Life For Good

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Sometimes, the healthiest decision is to remove people from your life.

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While it’s never easy, setting firm boundaries and cutting ties can be crucial for your mental and emotional health. Here are 15 no-nonsense tips for cutting someone off and ensuring they stay out of your life for good.

1. Be clear about your decision.

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Don’t leave room for ambiguity. Clearly state your intention to end the relationship. Use direct language like, “I’ve decided to end our relationship” or “I no longer want you in my life.” Avoid vague statements that might leave the door open for future contact.

2. Don’t justify your decision.

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You don’t owe anyone an explanation for putting yourself first. Providing reasons can invite arguments or manipulation. A simple “This is what’s best for me” is sufficient. Remember, your decision is not up for debate.

3. Cut off all forms of communication.


Block their number, email, and social media accounts. Remove any possibility of them contacting you. This clean break prevents them from trying to guilt you or change your mind. It also helps you resist the temptation to reach out during moments of weakness.

4. Inform mutual friends and family.

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Let people know about your decision if necessary. You don’t need to share details, but a heads-up can prevent awkward situations. Say something like, “I’m no longer in contact with X. Please respect my decision.” This also helps prevent the person from using mutual connections to reach you.

5. Change your routines if necessary.

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If you frequently cross paths with this person, alter your routines. Change your gym time, find a new coffee shop, or take a different route to work. These changes reduce the chance of uncomfortable encounters and help you move on.

6. Be prepared for backlash.

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The person might not accept your decision gracefully. They might try to contact you, spread rumours, or turn people against you. Stay firm in your resolve and don’t engage. Their reaction only confirms you made the right choice.

7. Don’t fall for manipulation tactics.

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Be aware of common manipulation strategies like guilt-tripping, love bombing, or threats. Recognise these for what they are – attempts to regain control. Don’t respond, no matter how tempting it might be.

8. Get support from people you trust.

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Surround yourself with supportive people who understand and respect your decision. Their encouragement can help you stay strong when you’re tempted to reconnect. Don’t hesitate to lean on them during difficult moments.

9. Focus on personal growth.

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Use this time to focus on yourself. Pursue hobbies, set new goals, or work on self-improvement. Filling your life with positive activities helps you move forward and reduces the urge to reconnect with the person you’ve cut off.

10. Don’t idealise the past.

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It’s easy to remember only the good times, especially if you’re feeling lonely. Remind yourself of the reasons you made this decision. Keep a list of the negative aspects of the relationship to review when nostalgia hits.

11. Be prepared for indirect contact attempts.

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The person might try to reach you through mutual friends or family. Be clear with your circle that you don’t want information passed along. If they respect you, they’ll honour your wishes and maintain your boundaries.

12. Don’t engage in digital stalking.

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Resist the urge to check their social media or ask friends about them. This only keeps them present in your thoughts and can hinder your ability to move on. Focus on your own life and progress.

13. Have a plan for unexpected encounters.

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Despite your best efforts, you might run into this person. Have a plan ready. It might be as simple as a polite nod and walking away, or a brief “I hope you’re well” before excusing yourself. Keep interactions short and impersonal.

14. Forgive, but don’t forget.

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Forgiveness is for your peace of mind, not theirs. It doesn’t mean reconciliation or forgetting why you cut them off. It means letting go of anger and resentment so you can move forward unencumbered by negative emotions.

15. Stay committed to your decision.

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Cutting someone off is rarely easy, and you might doubt your choice at times. Trust your initial instincts. You made this decision for valid reasons. Stay committed to your own well-being and remember that you deserve relationships that are healthy and positive.