Not everyone who seems friendly or charming is actually a good person, unfortunately.

Some people know how to put on a front, but their true personality shows in the small details. While no one is perfect, there are certain behaviours and traits that make it clear that someone probably doesn’t have the best intentions. Paying attention to these little clues can help you avoid toxic people before they can hurt you in any way. While these qualities don’t necessarily make a person dangerous, they certainly don’t make them very pleasant — or worth having in your life — so proceed with caution.
1. They only act nice when they need something.

A person’s true character isn’t revealed by how they treat you when they want something; it’s how they treat you when they don’t. Some people will be overly friendly when they need a favour, but quickly become distant once they’ve got what they wanted. If their kindness feels transactional, that’s a warning sign. Good people are consistent in how they treat other people, regardless of what’s in it for them. If someone’s warmth and friendliness disappear the moment they no longer need your help, it shows that they’re not genuine. Real relationships, whether friendships or otherwise, shouldn’t feel like a one-sided exchange.
2. They never take responsibility for their mistakes.

Everyone messes up from time to time, but bad people refuse to acknowledge their faults. They’ll twist the situation, make excuses, or blame everyone else instead of admitting when they’re wrong. No matter the situation, they somehow manage to make themselves the victim or the hero, never the one at fault. Being accountable is a key part of personal growth and healthy relationships. If someone refuses to own up to their mistakes, it shows a lack of maturity and integrity. Over time, this type of behaviour can be exhausting because you’ll always end up taking the blame for things that weren’t your fault.
3. They talk about people behind their backs all the time.

Everyone shares the occasional story, but some people make a habit of tearing everyone down behind their backs. If someone is constantly gossiping, criticising, or spreading rumours, chances are they’ll do the same to you when you’re not around. It really does show a lack of respect and loyalty. People who thrive on gossip often enjoy stirring up drama and pitting everyone against each other. Instead of uplifting those around them, they prefer to bring people down. If you notice someone’s conversations are always filled with negativity about other people, be cautious — they might not be as trustworthy as they seem.
4. They act like your achievements are no big deal.

Bad people struggle to be happy for anyone else. If someone always minimises your successes, brushes off your hard work, or makes snide remarks when you accomplish something, they likely have a toxic mindset. They see other people’s success as a threat rather than something to celebrate. Instead of being thrilled for people and congratulating them genuinely, they’ll make passive-aggressive comments or try to shift the focus back onto themselves. A good person will cheer for your wins, no matter how big or small. If someone constantly belittles your achievements, they’re revealing their insecurity and jealousy.
5. They’re overly charming but lack depth.

Some bad people are incredibly charming at first. They know how to say all the right things, make you feel special, and win people over with ease. But over time, you may notice that their charm is surface-level, and there’s little substance behind it. Their relationships often feel shallow because they only focus on what benefits them. A genuinely good person has more to offer than just charm; they have depth, sincerity, and the ability to form meaningful connections. If someone seems too smooth but lacks true emotional depth, it could be a sign that they’re more interested in manipulation than real relationships.
6. They enjoy making people feel small.

Bad people often find ways to make everyone around them feel inferior. Whether it’s through sarcasm, backhanded compliments, or condescending remarks, they subtly chip away at people’s confidence. They do this to feel powerful or in control, but it’s a clear sign of insecurity. Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and encouragement, not tearing each other down. If someone constantly makes you feel like you’re not good enough, it’s not just an accident — it’s intentional. Real friends and partners make you feel valued, not inadequate.
7. They never celebrate other people’s happiness.

If someone struggles to be happy for anyone else, it’s a major red flag. A bad person might pretend to be supportive, but deep down, they resent seeing people succeed. Instead of celebrating your wins, they either ignore them, change the subject, or act uninterested. True friends and partners share in each other’s happiness. If someone consistently reacts with indifference or negativity to good news, they likely have a self-centred or envious personality. A good person wants to see the people around them thrive, not compete with them.
8. They manipulate with guilt.

Bad people often use guilt to control others. Whether it’s playing the victim, twisting words, or making you feel responsible for their problems, they know exactly how to make you feel bad. Instead of addressing issues maturely, they use guilt as a weapon to get what they want. Healthy relationships don’t rely on guilt trips or emotional manipulation. If someone constantly makes you feel like you owe them something or that you’re a bad person for setting boundaries, it’s a sign that they don’t respect you. True connections are built on honesty and mutual understanding, not guilt-driven control.
9. They constantly twist the truth.

Some people lie so naturally that it becomes second nature. Whether they exaggerate, omit key details, or outright fabricate stories, dishonest people are hard to trust. If someone constantly changes their version of events or makes up excuses, it’s a sign they lack integrity. Honesty is a key foundation of any relationship. If you catch someone constantly bending the truth, don’t ignore it. Lies, no matter how small, reveal a deeper character flaw that often leads to bigger issues down the road.
10. They refuse to respect boundaries.

Respecting boundaries is essential in any healthy relationship, whether it’s romantic, platonic, or professional. Bad people often ignore or push past the limits others set, believing their wants are more important. If someone constantly oversteps, disregards your comfort levels, or pressures you into things, it’s a bad sign. Good people recognise and respect personal space, emotional needs, and boundaries without making it a big deal. If someone gets upset or defensive when you set a boundary, it usually means they were benefiting from your lack of one. A person who respects you will never make you feel guilty for having limits.
11. They always have drama in their life.

Some people seem to attract chaos wherever they go, but in reality, they’re often the ones creating it. If someone constantly complains about how people have wronged them, how they’re always in the middle of conflict, or how nothing ever goes right for them, there’s a good chance they’re the common denominator. Bad people thrive on drama because it keeps them at the centre of attention. Instead of resolving problems maturely, they stir up unnecessary conflict, drag other people into their issues, and play the victim. A good person looks for peace and accountability, while a toxic person fuels negativity to keep life interesting. If someone always seems to have a crisis going on, ask yourself if they might be the cause.
12. They lack empathy for other people.

One of the biggest red flags of a bad person is an inability to empathise with anyone. Whether it’s dismissing someone’s feelings, laughing at other people’s struggles, or being indifferent to suffering, a lack of empathy speaks volumes. These people may come across as cold, uncaring, or even cruel when faced with someone else’s pain. True empathy has nothing to do with feeling sorry for people; it’s about understanding and respecting different emotions and perspectives. If someone constantly brushes off your feelings or fails to recognise or care when they’ve hurt you, it’s a sign that they lack emotional depth. A person who can’t see beyond their own experiences isn’t someone who will support you when you need it most.
13. They hold grudges and never let things go.

Everyone gets upset sometimes, but bad people cling to resentment like it’s a prized possession. Instead of moving forward or talking things out, they store every slight, ready to use it as ammunition in future arguments. Even small disagreements turn into long-term grudges that never seem to fade. Healthy relationships involve forgiveness and the ability to let go of past conflicts. If someone constantly brings up old issues, refuses to accept apologies, or punishes people for past mistakes, it’s a sign they’re holding onto negativity. Letting go isn’t about forgetting, it’s about not allowing bitterness to control the present.
14. They manipulate people to get what they want.

Some people have a way of twisting situations to always benefit themselves. Whether it’s using flattery, guilt, or deception, manipulative people know how to make people feel obligated to do things for them. They might guilt-trip friends, play mind games in relationships, or stretch the truth to gain sympathy. Manipulation often starts subtly, but over time, it becomes clear that these people aren’t interested in fair, mutual relationships. Instead of being direct about their needs or feelings, they manipulate situations to get their way. A good person values honesty and communication, while a bad person thrives on control and persuasion.
15. They treat people differently based on what they can gain.

Watch how someone treats those who can’t do anything for them — it says everything about their character. A bad person will be friendly and charming toward people they want something from, but dismissive or rude toward those they see as “unimportant.” They might be overly polite to bosses or influential people while being disrespectful to waitstaff or strangers. True kindness is consistent, regardless of status, influence, or what’s at stake. If someone only acts nice when there’s something in it for them, they’re not a good person; they’re just good at pretending. Genuine people treat everyone with respect, whether they stand to gain something or not.