Even the happiest couples occasionally find themselves embroiled in trivial disagreements.

These petty fights, while often insignificant in the grand scheme of things, can feel frustratingly important in the moment. Recognising these common squabbles can help couples navigate them with humour and perspective. Here are 15 petty fights that most couples experience at some point in their relationship.
1. The thermostat war

One partner is always too hot, the other too cold. The ongoing battle over the perfect room temperature can lead to sneaky thermostat adjustments and passive-aggressive blanket hoarding. This fight often resurfaces seasonally, with each change in weather reigniting the debate.
2. The “what do you want to eat?” loop

The seemingly simple question of where or what to eat for dinner can spiral into an exasperating back-and-forth. “I don’t know, what do you want?” can become a maddening refrain, with neither partner willing to make the final decision. This indecisiveness can turn hangry partners into bickering adversaries.
3. The loo role orientation dispute

Over or under? This classic bathroom disagreement has ended many a peaceful cohabitation. Each partner staunchly defends their preferred method of toilet paper hanging, leading to secret re-orientations and exasperated sighs.
4. The dishwasher loading technique

One partner has a specific system for loading the dishwasher, while the other seems to toss dishes in randomly. This can lead to frustrated reorganising and lectures about optimal cleaning efficiency. The fight often extends to whether certain items are dishwasher safe or not.
5. The “you’re not listening to me” accusation

When one partner feels the other isn’t fully engaged in the conversation, it can spark a petty fight. This often involves quizzing the other person on what was just said, leading to defensive responses and hurt feelings on both sides.
6. The battle over bed space and blankets

Nocturnal turf wars over mattress real estate and blanket allocation can lead to grumpy mornings. Accusations of hogging the bed or stealing all the covers are common, sometimes resulting in the drastic measure of separate blankets or even separate beds.
7. The “you always/never…” exaggeration

Using absolutes like “always” or “never” in arguments often leads to petty fights over the accuracy of these statements. This derails the original discussion into a debate about frequency of behaviours, with both partners citing specific instances to prove their point.
8. The backseat driver syndrome

One partner’s helpful driving “suggestions” can quickly grate on the nerves of the person behind the wheel. This fight often involves accusations of reckless driving on one side and oversensitivity on the other, sometimes escalating to the point where only one partner does the driving to avoid conflict.
9. The social plans disagreement

Introverts and extroverts often clash over how much socialising is too much or too little. This can lead to petty fights about attending events, hosting gatherings, or how long to stay at social functions. One partner might feel constantly dragged out, while the other feels held back.
10. The “you’re doing it wrong” criticism

Whether it’s folding laundry, making the bed, or loading the groceries, critiquing your partner’s method can spark a petty fight. This often involves one partner redoing tasks the other has completed, leading to feelings of inadequacy and frustration.
11. The TV remote control power struggle

Fights over what to watch, how loud the volume should be, or who gets to hold the remote are common. This can escalate into passive-aggressive channel changing or hiding the remote. The advent of streaming services has only added fuel to this petty fire, with arguments over whose profile to use or what to add to the watchlist.
12. The toothpaste tube squeezing method

One partner meticulously squeezes from the bottom, while the other haphazardly squeezes from the middle. This small bathroom habit can lead to disproportionate irritation and petty arguments about efficiency and respect for shared resources.
13. The “you’re not doing enough around the house” accusation

Perceived imbalances in household chores can spark ongoing petty fights. This often involves keeping mental tallies of who did what last and when, leading to resentment and passive-aggressive chore completion (or avoidance).
14. The punctuality clash

When one partner is always running late and the other is obsessively punctual, it can lead to regular squabbles about timing. This fight often involves exaggerated time estimates, with one partner insisting on leaving far earlier than necessary, much to the other’s annoyance.
15. The in-laws visitation debate

Disagreements about how often to visit in-laws, how long to stay, or how to behave around them can spark petty fights. This often involves accusations of favouritism or lack of respect for family, with each partner defending their own family’s customs and expectations.