We all know someone who’s full of big plans and empty promises.

They talk a big game, and their energy is on point, but somehow nothing ever materialises. Either things don’t work out (through no fault of their own, of course), or you simply never hear mention of them again. In reality, they just never bothered to get off their backside and make anything happen. Here are the classic lines from people who mistake talking for doing.
1. “I’m going to start Monday.”

Ah yes, the eternal tomorrow that never comes. Whether it’s a diet, workout plan, or business idea, Monday becomes a mythical land of infinite possibilities. They’ve started more things “next Monday” than most people start in a lifetime. Every Sunday night, Monday mysteriously transforms into “next Monday” in an endless cycle of postponement.
2. “Trust me, this time is different.”

This is the battle cry of someone who’s made the same promise fifteen times. They swear they’ve learned from past attempts, they’ve got a new system, a better plan. Yet somehow, this time ends up exactly like last time — all plans, zero action. Their track record speaks louder than their promises.
3. “I just need to figure out a few details.”

Gotta love the professional planners who never reach the execution phase. They’re always one more research session, one more blueprint, one more strategy meeting away from starting. These details mysteriously multiply whenever completion draws near. Their preparation phase has become a permanent residence.
4. “Let me run some ideas by you.”

The serial brainstormer who treats everyone as their personal sounding board never quite brings any of their grand ideas to fruition. They love scheduling coffee meetings to “pick your brain” about their latest scheme. Each idea is more brilliant than the last, but none ever see daylight. They collect feedback like other people collect stamps — endlessly and without purpose.
5. “When things calm down…”

They clearly believe in a mythical future where everything aligns perfectly. They’re waiting for the stars to align, the planets to be in position, and their horoscope to give them the green light. Spoiler alert: things never calm down. Life stays messy, but they keep waiting for that perfect moment.
6. “You should totally do this with me.”

Maybe they consider themselves a bit of a collaborative dreamer, and they need other people to validate their non-actions. They pitch partnerships for ventures they’ll never start, seeking company in their inertia. Every plan comes with an invitation, but no actual first steps. They’re collecting potential partners like alibis for future inaction.
7. “I’ve been meaning to…”

This is the chronic procrastinator’s favourite phrase. They’ve been meaning to write that book, start that business, or learn that language for the past decade. Their intentions are impeccable, their execution non-existent. The road to nowhere is paved with things they’ve been meaning to do.
8. “Once I get [X], then I’ll start.”

In their mind, buying stuff equals progress. They need the perfect laptop, the right shoes, or the latest gadget before they can begin. Their starting line keeps moving back with each new purchase. Their workspace looks ready for action, but remains unused.
9. “I’m waiting for the right time.”

The perfect time seeker will literally wait forever before getting started. They’ve turned waiting into an art form, convincing themselves that timing is everything while time keeps passing. Their life is an endless dress rehearsal for a play that never opens. The right time remains perpetually just around the corner.
10. “You won’t believe what I’m planning.”

The hype master who mistakes excitement for achievement is a real trip. They love sharing their grand visions, getting everyone else invested in their dreams. Their plans are always epic, groundbreaking, revolutionary — and completely theoretical. They feed off people’s enthusiasm while never delivering results.
11. “I’ve got so many ideas.”

There’s a major difference between thinking and doing, but they don’t know what it is.. Their notes app is full of brilliant concepts, game-changing innovations, and revolutionary thoughts. But ideas without execution are just daydreams with better marketing. They hoard possibilities while avoiding realities.
12. “I’m still researching.”

They’re an eternal student who’s forever preparing to begin. They’ve read every book, watched every YouTube video, and joined every online course about their goal. Their knowledge is impressive, their application non-existent. They’ve turned learning into a substitute for doing.
13. “Let me tell you about my five-year plan.”

It’s nice to think about the future, but not when they never live in the present. Their long-term vision is crystal clear, but today’s tasks remain untouched. They can describe their future success in detail while taking zero steps toward it. Their plans extend further than their actions ever will.
14. “I’m networking right now.”

They love a meeting, and they often mistake attendance for progress. They collect business cards like trophies, attend every industry event, and have thousands of LinkedIn connections. But their actual work portfolio remains empty. They’re building a contact list for a business that never starts.
15. “I’m manifesting it.”

It’s good to be a positive thinker, but it’s silly to believe that thoughts alone create reality. They’ve vision-boarded their success, meditated on their goals, and aligned their chakras. But while they’re busy manifesting, other people are busy doing. Their energy is perfectly aligned, but their actions are non-existent.