Some people seem to live for dismissing everyone else’s feelings — especially yours.

Whether they’re being deliberately hurtful or just lack empathy, their words often reveal how little they care about your emotions. It’s invalidating, belittling, and really depressing, if you’re being honest. If you’ve ever felt brushed off by someone, these phrases might sound painfully familiar. It might be time to think about cutting them out of your life — you deserve better!
1. “You’re literally really overreacting on this.”

This is a classic way to dismiss your emotions. Instead of acknowledging your feelings, they flip it back on you, making you feel like the problem. By saying you’re overreacting, they avoid accountability and downplay your experience. It leaves you feeling invalidated and unheard, which is probably their goal.
2. “I’m just being honest.”

When someone uses this after saying something hurtful, they’re not trying to be honest — they’re trying to justify their lack of tact. Honesty doesn’t need to be cruel, but this phrase gives them a free pass to be blunt or rude. They’re not considering your feelings; they’re just covering up their insensitivity.
3. “That’s not my problem.”

If you’re reaching out for help or expressing frustration, hearing “That’s not my problem” can feel like a slap in the face. It shows they’re unwilling to offer support or even listen. This makes it clear they’re putting up a wall, refusing to care or engage with what you’re going through.
4. “I don’t have time for this.”

There’s nothing like being told your feelings aren’t worth someone’s time. This brushes off your emotions as an inconvenience. Even if they’re busy, a caring person would handle the situation with more consideration. Instead, this line makes it obvious they’d rather not deal with you at all.
5. “You always make things about you.”

When you try to share your feelings, this flips the script and makes you the villain. It accuses you of being self-centred, even when you’re just expressing hurt. It’s a tactic to shut you down and avoid addressing the issue. It shows a complete lack of willingness to listen or care.
6. “Get over it.”

This is a blunt way of saying your feelings don’t matter. Instead of offering support or understanding, they push you to move on quickly — for their convenience. It lacks empathy and dismisses whatever you’re going through. You’re left feeling like your emotions are a burden they refuse to acknowledge.
7. “That’s just how I am.”

People use this phrase to avoid taking responsibility for hurtful behaviour. Instead of apologising or trying to understand your feelings, they use it as an excuse. It implies that if you’re hurt, it’s your problem. Their lack of accountability shows they’re not interested in changing or considering your perspective.
8. “You’re too touchy.”

Labelling you as “too sensitive” is an easy way to invalidate your feelings. It shifts the blame onto you rather than owning up to their behaviour. Instead of reflecting on what they said or did, they make you feel like you’re the problem. This is a sign they couldn’t care less about how their actions affect you.
9. “I don’t know why you’re upset.”

This might sound innocent, but it often comes with a tone of indifference. They’re not really trying to understand — they’re dismissing your feelings by pretending to be clueless. It’s a way of saying your emotions are confusing or unreasonable. A caring person would ask for clarification, not brush you off.
10. “That’s not what I meant.”

While misunderstandings happen, using this repeatedly without acknowledging the hurt caused shows a lack of care. It dismisses your feelings and absolves them of responsibility. Instead of offering a sincere apology, they deflect and make it about their intentions rather than your experience.
11. “I’m not here to babysit your feelings.”

This is a blatant way of saying they refuse to care about your emotions. It suggests that offering empathy or understanding is beneath them. It’s condescending and hurtful, making it clear they see your feelings as an inconvenience. A compassionate person would never treat someone’s emotions as a chore.
12. “You’re imagining things.”

This dismisses your perspective and makes you doubt your own reality. It’s a form of gaslighting, aimed at making you feel like your emotions are irrational. Instead of listening or validating your feelings, they undermine your perception. It shows they have no interest in understanding how you feel.
13. “I don’t care what you think.”

There’s no clearer way to express indifference than this phrase. It’s harsh, blunt, and leaves no room for conversation. When someone says this, they’re making it clear that your thoughts and feelings don’t matter to them. It’s a hurtful reminder that they’re not invested in how their actions impact you.
14. “It’s not a big deal.”

When you’re hurt or upset, being told “it’s not a big deal” can feel dismissive and belittling. Just because they don’t see it as important doesn’t mean your feelings are invalid. This minimises your experience and implies you’re overreacting. A caring person would try to understand why it matters to you.
15. “Whatever.”

Sometimes, a single word says it all. “Whatever” is a quick way to shut down a conversation and show they don’t care about your feelings. It’s dismissive, passive-aggressive, and leaves you feeling unheard. It’s a verbal shrug that says, “I’m done listening,” and nothing makes someone feel smaller than that.