Everyone’s always banging on about being kind, but not many people seem to actually take that message to heart.

Kindness is certainly in short supply in the world, and we’re desperate for more of it. If you want to impact the world and the people in it in more positive ways — and make yourself happier in the process — here are some simple ways to do it.
1. Smile at strangers like you’re in on a secret joke.

Next time you’re out and about, flash those pearly whites at random people — it’ll no doubt put a smile on their faces, too. Plus, it’s a great way to freak people out if you’re feeling mischievous. Just don’t overdo it, or you might end up looking like a toothpaste ad gone wrong.
2. Play the compliment game with yourself and other people.

Challenge yourself to dish out genuine compliments like they’re going out of style. Notice your colleague’s new haircut? Tell ’em it’s fab. Like your own outfit? Give yourself a mental high-five. Of course, there’s a fine line between nice and creepy — “I like your shirt” is great, “I like watching you wear that shirt” is not.
3. Do a five-minute clean-up blitz for someone else.

Surprise your flatmate, partner, or co-worker with a quick tidy-up of their space. It’s amazing how much you can achieve in five minutes when it’s not your own mess. Just make sure you stop short of snooping in their drawers or throwing things out that don’t belong to you.
4. Practise the art of active listening (aka zip it and pay attention).

Next time someone’s talking to you, really listen — like, superhero-level listening. Put away your phone, make eye contact, and resist the urge to interrupt with your own amazing stories. You’re giving someone the gift of your undivided attention — and these days, that’s incredibly rare.
5. Start a gratitude jar (or app, if you’re too fancy for jars).

Jot down one thing you’re grateful for each day. It could be as simple as “didn’t step in dog poo today” or as profound as “discovered the meaning of life” (if so, please share). By the end of the year, you’ll have a jar full of happy thoughts. It’s like creating your own personal happiness time capsule.
6. Be a secret kindness agent.

Do something nice for someone without them knowing it was you. Leave a chocolate bar on a co-worker’s desk, put a coin in an expired parking meter, or write an anonymous note of encouragement. These little acts can make a huge difference in someone’s day, and it literally takes about five seconds of your time.
7. Give yourself permission to say “no” (nicely).

Contrary to popular belief, saying “no” can make you kinder and happier. It means you’re not stretching yourself too thin or agreeing to things you’ll resent later. After all, it’s important to set boundaries for the sake of your sanity. Just remember to say it nicely — “No, thanks” works better than “Not if you were the last person on Earth, Dave.”
8. Turn complaints into solutions or stand-up comedy material.

Catch yourself moaning? Try to flip it into a solution or a joke. Can’t stop the rain? Suggest an indoor picnic, or start working on your ark-building skills. If all else fails, at least you’ve got material for your future career as a comedian.
9. Do the thing you’ve been procrastinating on.

You know that task you’ve been avoiding like it’s a clingy ex? Just do it. Rip off the plaster. Future you will be so grateful, they might even send a thank-you note (spoiler: they won’t, but you’ll feel great anyway). There’s nothing better than knowing you’ve finally done something you’ve been putting off for ages — and you did it in, what, 15 minutes?
10. Treat your body like it’s a temple (a fun temple, not a boring one).

Drink more water, stretch, go for a walk. Your body will thank you, and a happy body often leads to a happier mind. You can totally be your own personal health guru, minus the expensive yoga pants and questionable diet advice. Just don’t start talking to your water bottle — that’s when people start to worry.
11. Forgive someone (including yourself).

Holding grudges is like carrying around a pocketful of pebbles — it weighs you down and ruins your favourite jeans. Let it go. Forgive that person who wronged you, or that past version of yourself who made a mistake. You’ll feel so much lighter and freer as a result.
12. Learn something new, no matter how small or silly.

Pick up a random fact, learn a new word, or master a useless party trick. Did you know flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down? Now you do! Plus, you never know when that obscure knowledge might come in handy at a pub quiz.
13. Reconnect with an old friend or family member.

Send a message to someone you haven’t spoken to in ages. It could be as simple as “Remember that time we got lost and ended up in that field of angry cows?” It takes only a few seconds and by doing it, you send out some good vibes, and they usually come right back to you. Just maybe avoid messaging exes at 2 am — that’s a different kind of reconnecting.
14. Create a ‘Happy Playlist’ and bust it out regularly.

Fill it with tunes that never fail to lift your spirits, from cheesy ’80s hits to guilty pleasure pop songs — no judgement here! Look at it as creating a soundtrack for your best life. Dance around like nobody’s watching (but close the curtains just in case, yeah?).
15. Practise the ‘one kind thing’ rule.

Before you go to bed each night, think of one kind thing you did that day. If you can’t think of anything, do something kind quickly — even if it’s just sending a nice text to someone. You can rest easy knowing you’ve put some good into the world.