15 Reasons Why A Narcissist Pretends To Care When You Stop

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Narcissists are so predictable — the minute you pull away, they immediately turn on the charm again.

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It’s like they’ve got a sixth sense for when you’re about to escape their gravitational pull. But why the sudden change of heart? Here are just some of the reasons behind a narcissist’s seemingly caring act when you start to distance yourself. Spoiler alert: it’s not about you, love.

1. They’re terrified of losing control.

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Narcissists thrive on control, and your sudden independence is a threat to their power. They’re used to being the centre of your universe, and when you start to pull away, it throws them off balance. Their act of pretending to care is a way to reel you back in, to regain control over your emotions and actions. They might shower you with attention, affection, or promises of change, but don’t be fooled. It’s all a manipulation tactic to maintain their dominance.

2. They crave the attention and validation you provide.


Narcissists are like emotional vampires, feeding off your energy and validation. When you stop giving them the attention they crave, they feel a void that needs to be filled. Their sudden display of care is a desperate attempt to regain your admiration and approval. They might compliment you, tell you how much they miss you, or shower you with gifts, all in the hopes of getting you to feed their ego once again.

3. They want to maintain their image as a caring person.

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If there’s one thing narcissists are good at, it’s deception and carefully crafting a persona that hides their true nature. They want the world to see them as charming, caring, and lovable individuals. When you start to pull away, it threatens this carefully constructed image. Their sudden show of affection is a way to maintain this facade, to convince you (and other people) that they’re not the heartless monsters you’re starting to see them as. They’ll go to great lengths to protect their reputation and avoid any negative perceptions that could tarnish their image.

4. They don’t want to lose their supply of narcissistic supply.

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Narcissists rely on a constant stream of admiration, attention, and validation to fuel their inflated egos. They call this “narcissistic supply.” When you stop providing this supply, they panic. Their sudden change of heart is a way to secure your continued presence in their lives. They might promise to change, become more attentive, or shower you with affection, all in the hopes of keeping you around to feed their insatiable need for admiration.

5. They’re afraid of being alone and abandoned.

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Despite their grandiose self-image, narcissists often harbour deep-seated insecurities and a fear of abandonment. When you start to distance yourself, it triggers these fears. Their sudden display of care is a desperate attempt to prevent you from leaving them. They might play the victim, express their love for you, or even threaten self-harm in an effort to guilt you into staying. It’s a manipulative tactic designed to keep you emotionally entangled and prevent you from breaking free.

6. They enjoy the thrill of the chase.

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For some narcissists, the thrill of the chase is even more exciting than the conquest itself. When you start to pull away, it reignites their interest and challenges their ego. Their sudden display of care is a way to win you back and prove their irresistible charm. They might become more attentive, romantic, or even go above and beyond to impress you. But beware, once they’ve won you back, their interest may quickly fade as they move on to their next conquest.

7. They want to keep you as a backup option.

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Narcissists are always on the lookout for potential sources of narcissistic supply. Even if they’ve found a new target, they might not be ready to let you go entirely. Their sudden display of care is a way to keep you on the back burner, as a backup option in case their other relationships don’t work out. They might string you along with occasional messages, compliments, or invitations, just to keep you hooked and available in case they need you.

8. They use guilt and manipulation to keep you close.

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Narcissists are experts at manipulating emotions. When you start to pull away, they might try to guilt-trip you into staying. They might remind you of all the good times you’ve had together, the sacrifices they’ve made for you, or the pain they’ll feel if you leave. They might even threaten self-harm or accuse you of being heartless and uncaring. It’s a toxic cycle of manipulation designed to keep you emotionally invested and under their control.

9. They want to maintain access to your resources.

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Narcissists are often drawn to people who can provide them with resources, whether it’s financial support, social connections, or emotional validation. When you start to pull away, they might worry about losing access to these resources. Their sudden display of care is a way to ensure that you continue to provide them with what they need. They might offer you gifts, promise to change, or shower you with attention, all in the hopes of maintaining their access to your resources.

10. They want to avoid any negative consequences of your departure.

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Narcissists are very concerned about their image and reputation. If you leave them, it could reflect poorly on them and damage their social standing. Their sudden display of care is a way to prevent you from speaking negatively about them to other people or exposing their true nature. They might try to charm you into silence, offer you incentives to stay quiet, or even threaten you with retaliation if you speak out against them. It’s a desperate attempt to control the narrative and protect their reputation.

11. They’re trying to hoover you back into the relationship.


Hoovering is a manipulative tactic that narcissists use to suck you back into the relationship after you’ve tried to leave. It often involves a sudden display of affection, attention, or remorse. They might promise to change, apologise for their past behaviour, or even declare their undying love for you. It’s a powerful tactic that can be difficult to resist, especially if you’re still emotionally attached to the narcissist. However, it’s important to remember that their actions are not genuine and that they will likely revert to their old ways once they’ve regained your trust.

12. They’re testing your boundaries and resolve.

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Narcissists are always testing the limits of what they can get away with. When you start to pull away, they might see it as a challenge to their authority. Their sudden display of care is a way to test your boundaries and see if you’re truly serious about leaving. They might be hoping that you’ll cave in and return to the relationship, giving them the green light to continue their manipulative behaviour. It’s important to stand firm and maintain your boundaries, even if they try to lure you back with false promises or displays of affection.

13. They’re trying to avoid feeling shame or guilt.

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Deep down, narcissists are often plagued by feelings of shame and inadequacy. When you start to pull away, it can trigger these feelings and make them feel exposed and vulnerable. Their sudden display of care is a way to deflect these feelings and project them onto you. They might accuse you of being heartless, uncaring, or selfish, in an attempt to make you feel guilty for leaving them. It’s a twisted way of avoiding responsibility for their own actions and shifting the blame onto you.

14. They’re trying to regain the upper hand in the relationship.

Anna Bizon

Narcissists are always vying for power and control in their relationships. When you start to pull away, it disrupts the power dynamic and makes them feel insecure. Their sudden display of care is a way to regain the upper hand and reassert their dominance. They might try to manipulate you with guilt, threats, or even acts of kindness, all in an effort to restore their position of power in the relationship.

15. They’re trying to distract you from the real issues.

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When you start to pull away from a narcissist, it’s often because you’ve realised that the relationship is toxic and unhealthy. Their sudden display of care is a way to distract you from these real issues and keep you from focusing on the negative aspects of their behaviour. They might try to sweep their past transgressions under the rug, shower you with attention, or make promises of change that they have no intention of keeping. It’s a smokescreen designed to keep you emotionally invested and prevent you from seeing the truth about the relationship.