Respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and without it, you’ll never survive.

Admittedly, you’d think you would have known if your husband was a raging misogynist before you married him, but sometimes the signs are so subtle (and you’re so blinkered by love) that you don’t realise it until you’ve already said “I do.” However, if you notice these signs, your other half doesn’t have a very high opinion of women.
1. He talks over you and other women.

If he consistently interrupts or speaks over you and other women, it’s a sign he might not see women’s voices as important. Communication should be a two-way street, where each person feels heard. Respecting someone means giving them space to speak and truly listening to what they have to say.
2. He dismisses your opinions.

When you share your thoughts or feelings, and he brushes them off or belittles them, it can be a red flag. Dismissing opinions suggests a lack of regard for your perspective. A respectful partner values your input, even if they don’t always agree with it.
3. He makes sexist jokes or comments.

Sexist humour can seem harmless, but it often reveals underlying beliefs. If he consistently makes jokes that stereotype or demean women, it shows a lack of respect. Healthy humour doesn’t come at the expense of other people, especially an entire gender.
4. He compares you to other women.

Comparing you to other people in a way that makes you feel “less than” can be hurtful and unfair. This habit shows he may not value you for who you are. Respecting someone means appreciating them as an individual without unnecessary comparisons.
5. He doesn’t take “no” for an answer.

If he often pushes back when you say “no,” whether it’s about plans, boundaries, or anything else, it’s a sign of disrespect. Respecting someone means honouring their decisions and boundaries. No should mean no, without any need for further explanation.
6. He doesn’t support your goals.

If he belittles your ambitions or discourages you from pursuing your dreams, it shows a lack of respect for your personal growth. A supportive partner celebrates your aspirations, no matter how big or small. Respect means wanting the best for each other and encouraging growth.
7. He makes decisions without considering you.

When he makes big decisions that affect both of you without consulting you, it can be a sign he doesn’t value your input. Partnership is about teamwork and shared choices. Respect involves including you in decisions, not sidelining you.
8. He expects traditional “roles” without discussion.

If he insists on a certain division of roles or chores just because you’re a woman, it can reveal outdated beliefs. Respectful partners discuss and share responsibilities based on fairness and ability, not on stereotypes.
9. He shows no interest in issues affecting women.

Whether it’s dismissing concerns about safety or ignoring topics like equality, a lack of interest in women’s issues can indicate a deeper disregard. Respecting women means caring about their well-being and the challenges they face. Empathy and awareness are crucial for understanding each other’s experiences.
10. He gets defensive if you bring up inequality.
When conversations about sexism or gender equality make him defensive or dismissive, it can be a sign he doesn’t want to address these issues. Respect involves being willing to listen, even if it’s uncomfortable. A supportive partner acknowledges the importance of these topics instead of shutting them down.
11. He speaks poorly about women in general.

If he makes negative generalisations about women, it’s a clear sign of a lack of respect. Belittling an entire group, especially one that includes you, shows a lack of understanding and empathy. Respectful people see individuals, not stereotypes.
12. He downplays your accomplishments.

If he doesn’t celebrate your achievements or makes you feel like they’re not a big deal, it can be a sign of insecurity or lack of respect. A supportive partner uplifts you and recognises your hard work. Respect means celebrating each other’s successes genuinely.
13. He treats women differently based on appearance.

If he only respects or is polite to women he finds attractive, it shows a lack of respect for women as individuals. A respectful person treats everyone with kindness, regardless of their looks. Real respect is consistent, not selective.
14. He assumes you’re responsible for all “emotional” work.

If he expects you to handle the emotional aspects of the relationship or navigate tough conversations, it reveals outdated beliefs about women’s roles. Emotional labour should be shared in a partnership. A respectful partner takes responsibility for their role in maintaining a healthy relationship.
15. He gaslights you or other women.

If he frequently makes you question your own feelings or perceptions, it’s a serious red flag. Gaslighting is a way of controlling or undermining someone’s reality. Respect involves validating each other’s experiences, not dismissing or manipulating them.