Some people find it easy to make decisions; others, not so much.

It’s hard to know if you’re making the right choices in life, which is why so many of us are so ambivalent and get stuck in a rut. If you’re someone who’s pretty indecisive, you’ll no doubt relate to these thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
1. “I’ve read this menu five times and I still don’t know what to order.”

You’re at a restaurant, staring at the menu, unable to decide. The waiter’s been by three times, your friends have finished eating, and you’re still torn between dishes. You wonder if it’s too late to suggest a different restaurant.
2. “I’ve been scrolling through Netflix for an hour and still haven’t picked anything.”

It’s movie night, and you’ve got snacks ready. An hour later, you’re still browsing Netflix, reading every synopsis, checking ratings, and debating what to watch. By the time you decide, it’s too late to start a movie.
3. “Why is choosing an outfit so hard?”

You’ve got plans soon, and your bedroom is a mess of clothes. You’ve tried on tons of outfits, sent photos to friends asking for opinions, and are thinking about cancelling just to avoid choosing what to wear.
4. “I came for milk, and’ve been staring at cereals for 20 minutes.”

You just need to buy one thing, but you’ve been in the aisle forever. There are too many options! Healthy or sugary? On sale or full price? You might end up buying multiple kinds and still feel unsure about your choice.
5. “We keep asking each other where we want to go for dinner.”

It’s date night, and you’re stuck in a loop of “I don’t know, where do you want to go?” An hour later, you’re both still on the couch, hungry and frustrated. You might end up ordering in… if you can decide what to get.
6. “I showed my hairdresser so many photos and still just got a trim.”

At the salon, you show lots of hairstyle ideas. Short? Long? Bangs? No bangs? You keep changing your mind, frustrating your stylist. In the end, you panic and just ask for a trim, promising yourself to be more decisive next time.
7. “I wrote the perfect caption, but I’m too nervous to post it.”

You’ve taken a great photo and written a caption. But you’re unsure — is it too boastful? Not funny enough? Filter or no filter? An hour later, you still haven’t posted it. The moment passes, and the photo joins your collection of un-posted pictures.
8. “Buying gifts is so stressful. What if they don’t like it?”

It’s your friend’s birthday, and you want to find the perfect gift. After lots of shopping, you’re more confused than ever. Will they like it? Is it too expensive? Not enough? You might buy multiple gifts “just in case” and spend ages deciding which to give.
9. “The line behind me is growing, and I still can’t pick an ice cream flavour.”

At the ice cream shop, you’re faced with many flavours. The server looks impatient, people are waiting, and you’re stressed trying to decide. You finally pick one, only to immediately wish you’d chosen differently.
10. “I’ve rewritten this work email 20 times.”

Your boss asked for opinions on a project. You start writing, delete it, start again, and repeat many times. Hours later, you’re still perfecting your response, questioning every word. By the time you send it, the issue’s already been discussed in meetings.
11. “Updating my resume makes me question all my life choices.”

While updating your resume, you start doubting your career path. Should you have taken that other job? Is it too late to change careers? Maybe go back to school? Hours pass, and you’ve barely changed anything but have looked up completely different career options.
12. “I can’t stop thinking about all the ‘what ifs’ of moving.”

You’re considering moving to a new city. You start imagining every possible outcome. What if you hate it? Love it? What if your dream job opens up back home after you move? You spend so much time wondering that you miss application deadlines.
13. “I keep agreeing with everyone’s ideas in the group chat.”

Your friends are planning a night out in a group chat. As ideas come in, you agree with all of them, even when they conflict. “Pizza sounds great! Oh, sushi? Also perfect!” You end up not adding anything helpful to the plan.
14. “I set 10 alarms because I’m scared I’ll oversleep.”

You have an important morning, so you set tons of alarms. You spend half the night waking up worried, checking the time, and debating whether to just stay awake to avoid oversleeping.
15. “My online shopping cart is full, but I never check out.”

While online shopping, you add lots of items to your cart. But when it’s time to buy, you’re unsure about everything. You leave items in your cart, saying you’ll decide later. Months pass, you get a reminder email, and the cycle starts again.