15 Things Customers Do At Restaurants That Waiters Wish They Wouldn’t

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Everyone goes out to eat, but not everyone knows how to act appropriately at a restaurant.

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Maybe you’re not guilty of overtly bad behaviour, but there are certain things you do when eating out that really annoy the servers. Even if you think you’re helping, your waiter would really prefer if you didn’t do these things.

1. Snap their fingers to get attention

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This one’s a classic. Snapping fingers or waving arms wildly to catch a waiter’s eye is just plain rude. Waiters are people, not dogs. A polite “excuse me” works wonders and doesn’t make anyone feel like a servant.

2. Stack plates at the end of the meal

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While this might seem helpful, it can actually make clearing the table more difficult. Waiters have a system for stacking that makes it easier to carry multiple plates. Well-intentioned as it may be, customer stacking often creates a wobbly tower of potential disaster.

3. Let children run wild

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Restaurants aren’t playgrounds. When kids are allowed to run around unchecked, it’s not just annoying — it’s dangerous. Waiters carrying hot food or stacks of plates can’t always see a small child darting around their feet.

4. Come in right before closing time

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Showing up five minutes before the kitchen closes and ordering a full three-course meal isn’t cool. It keeps the entire staff late and messes up closing procedures. If you’re running late, maybe consider takeaway instead.

5. Complain about things out of the waiter’s control

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Moaning to your waiter about prices, portion sizes, or the restaurant’s policies isn’t fair. They don’t set these things. If you have a genuine complaint, ask to speak to a manager instead of shooting the messenger.

6. Split the bill in complicated ways

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It’s fine to split the bill, but asking to divide it into 17 different parts with some people paying cash, others card, and one person wanting to pay for just their starter and drink can be a real headache. Try to keep it simple if you can.

7. Talk on the phone while ordering

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Being on a call while trying to order is just plain rude. It slows everything down and makes communication difficult. Hang up, place your order, then get back to your call. Your waiter (and probably the person on the other end of the phone) will appreciate it.

8. Touch or grab the waiter

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This should go without saying, but unfortunately, it happens. Touching a waiter to get their attention or grabbing their arm as they pass is not okay. It’s invasive and can be really uncomfortable for the waiter.

9. Ignore the waiter when they come to the table

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When a waiter approaches your table, it’s polite to acknowledge them, even if you’re not ready to order. Completely blanking them or continuing your conversation as if they’re not there is pretty disrespectful.

10. Leave a mess on purpose

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Yes, it’s the waiter’s job to clean up, but that doesn’t mean you should make their job harder on purpose. Deliberately making a mess or leaving your table in complete disarray is just not cool.

11. Try to order off-menu without asking first

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Kitchens aren’t magic places that can whip up anything you fancy. If you want something that’s not on the menu, ask politely if it’s possible instead of just assuming it can be done.

12. Blame the waiter for kitchen mistakes

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If your food isn’t cooked right or an order is wrong, it’s usually not the waiter’s fault. They’re just the messenger. By all means, let them know there’s an issue, but don’t take it out on them.

13. Linger for ages after finishing

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It’s nice to relax after a meal, but if the restaurant is busy, and you’ve been done for an hour, consider moving on. Waiters often rely on turning tables for their income, and very long lingerers can impact this.

14. Play musical chairs

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Constantly swapping seats or wanting to move tables multiple times can be a real pain, especially in a busy restaurant. Try to settle on where you want to sit before or soon after you arrive.

15. Leave without tipping

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In many places, waiters rely on tips to make a bit more money, which is becoming necessary in this country (even though it used to be reserved for places like America). If the service was okay, leaving without tipping can seem a bit rude. If there was a problem with the service, it’s better to speak to a manager than to stiff your waiter if you happen to be eating in a restaurant where this has become customary.