15 Things In Life That Don’t Actually Matter In The Long Run

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Life is full of loads of little stresses and distractions that can feel huge in the moment when in reality, they’re no big deal.

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So many things we lose sleep over today won’t even cross our minds next week, let alone in a few years. However, that doesn’t stop us from wasting endless amounts of time and energy freaking out about them. Here are 15 things that might seem important now, but truly don’t matter in the grand scheme of life. If you notice yourself obsessing or getting upset about them, try to stop yourself in your tracks — it’s not worth it!

1. What other people think of you

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It’s easy to get caught up in worrying about how you’re perceived, but here’s the truth: most people are too busy thinking about themselves to care. In the long run, living authentically matters far more than chasing approval from other people. Besides, opinions are fleeting—yours included.

2. The number of social media followers you have

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Sure, a big follower count might feel like an achievement, but likes and follows don’t translate to real connection. Ten genuine friends are worth more than 10,000 virtual strangers. When you’re 80, you won’t remember who liked your selfie—but you’ll remember who showed up for you in real life.

3. That embarrassing thing you said five years ago

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You know the one—it still makes you cringe every time it pops into your head. Here’s the good news: nobody else remembers it. People are far less focused on your slip-ups than you think, so it’s time to let it go and laugh about it instead.

4. Keeping up with the latest trends

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Whether it’s fashion, gadgets, or TikTok dances, trends come and go faster than you can say “FYP.” What’s cool today will look hilariously outdated in no time, so don’t stress about staying on top of it all. Your personal style and interests will always matter more than fleeting fads.

5. Winning every argument

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It’s tempting to prove you’re right, but at what cost? Most arguments aren’t worth the energy it takes to “win,” especially when they’re about things like who left the milk out. In the long run, keeping the peace and maintaining your relationships matters way more than being right.

6. The perfect Instagram aesthetic

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Arranging your coffee and croissant for 10 minutes to get the perfect shot might feel crucial in the moment, but in the big picture, it’s just a snack. Your life isn’t measured by how good it looks online—it’s about the messy, unfiltered, and genuinely joyful moments that don’t need a filter.

7. Impressing people you don’t even like

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Why waste your time trying to impress someone whose opinion doesn’t truly matter to you? Whether it’s a coworker, a distant relative, or your neighbour who’s always bragging about their car, their approval won’t add value to your life. Save your energy for people who care about the real you.

8. Always having a 5-year plan

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Life is unpredictable, and sticking rigidly to a long-term plan can make you miss out on unexpected opportunities. It’s great to have goals, but flexibility matters more. In the long run, it’s the ability to adapt, not the ability to plan, that will make life fulfilling.

9. Being perfect at everything

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Perfectionism is exhausting—and unnecessary. Nobody’s keeping score of how well you folded your laundry or how flawless your PowerPoint presentation was. Mistakes are inevitable, and they’re often where the best lessons (and funniest stories) come from. Done is better than perfect.

10. How fast you achieve milestones

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Getting married, buying a house, or landing your dream job might feel like a race, but everyone moves at their own pace. Comparing your timeline to other people’s is a recipe for unnecessary stress. In the long run, it’s about finding your own happiness, not checking boxes as quickly as possible.

11. The latest office drama

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What Susan said about Gary during lunch won’t matter in a year—or even next week. Getting caught up in workplace gossip drains your energy and rarely leads to anything productive. Focus on your work, stay professional, and let the drama fizzle out on its own.

12. Keeping up appearances

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Trying to maintain a facade of having it all together can be exhausting, especially when everyone else is secretly struggling, too. Vulnerability is far more relatable than perfection. In the long run, people will remember your honesty and kindness, not how polished you looked while pretending everything was fine.

13. Obsessing over your mistakes

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That one bad decision, awkward moment, or missed opportunity might feel huge now, but it’s just a blip in the grand scheme of things. Mistakes are part of being human, and most of them fade into the background as life moves on. Learn from them, laugh about them, and move forward.

14. Comparing yourself to other people

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Scrolling through social media and wondering why your life doesn’t look like someone else’s highlight reel is a trap. Everyone’s journey is different, and comparisons only breed dissatisfaction. In the long run, focusing on your own growth and happiness is far more rewarding than trying to measure up to someone else.

15. Worrying about things you can’t control

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Some things—like the weather, traffic, or other people’s opinions—are entirely out of your hands. Stressing over them doesn’t change anything; it just steals your peace of mind. In the long run, learning to let go of what you can’t control is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.