15 Things That Happen When You Abandon A Narcissist


They discarded you. You were weak, pathetic, and clearly didn’t deserve their brilliance.

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And yet, they can’t shake the gnawing feeling that something isn’t quite right. They find themselves scrolling through your social media, obsessing over your every move, and wondering how you could possibly be thriving without them. Here’s what happens when you leave a narcissist behind.

1. They manufacture a false narrative.

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The narcissist cannot fathom the idea that you might be genuinely happy without them. They convince themselves that you’re putting on a facade, secretly pining for their return. They spin elaborate tales of your misery, telling anyone who will listen about how you’re lost and alone without their guidance. This narrative serves to protect their fragile ego and maintain their illusion of superiority.

2. They engage in smear campaigns.

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Because they can’t accept your newfound independence, the narcissist tends to want to completely destroy your character. They spread rumours, twist the truth, and paint you as the villain in their story. They manipulate mutual acquaintances, hoping to isolate you and tarnish your reputation. Their goal is to make you seem undesirable, so that no one else will dare to challenge their dominance.

3. They try to hoover you back in.


The narcissist is a master manipulator, so they know exactly which buttons to push. They may shower you with compliments, feign remorse, or promise to change. They might even resort to love bombing, bombarding you with affection and attention. Their goal is to lure you back into their web of control, where they can once again exert their power over you.

4. They experience narcissistic injury.


Your abandonment triggers a deep narcissistic wound. The narcissist feels rejected, humiliated, and insignificant. Their carefully constructed self-image crumbles, revealing the fragile ego beneath. They may lash out in anger, engage in self-destructive behaviours, or try to get validation from other sources. Their pain is palpable, but their capacity for empathy is non-existent.

5. They become obsessed with your replacement.

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Unable to cope with your absence, the narcissist may quickly move on to a new target. They project their idealised image onto this new person, believing that they have finally found the perfect partner. They shower their new supply with the same attention and affection that they once bestowed upon you. However, their obsession is not rooted in genuine love, but rather in their desperate need for validation and control.

6. They stalk and harass you.

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The narcissist’s sense of entitlement knows no bounds. They may monitor your social media, show up unannounced at your workplace, or send you threatening messages. They feel entitled to your time and attention, even though you’ve clearly moved on. Their behaviour is a disturbing reminder of their inability to respect boundaries and their willingness to resort to any means necessary to maintain control.

7. They experience a narcissistic collapse.

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In extreme cases, the narcissist’s world may come crashing down. Their carefully constructed facade crumbles, revealing the emptiness and insecurity beneath. They may experience depression, anxiety, or even suicidal ideation. Their collapse is a testament to the fragility of their ego and the destructive nature of their narcissism.

8. They never truly change.


The narcissist is incapable of genuine self-reflection or personal growth. They may temporarily modify their behaviour to lure you back in, but their underlying patterns of manipulation and exploitation remain unchanged. They are trapped in a cycle of self-destruction, forever looking for validation and control from external sources. Their inability to change is a tragic reminder of the devastating impact of narcissism.

9. They revel in your perceived failures.

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The narcissist takes a twisted pleasure in your setbacks. If you experience any difficulties in your personal or professional life, they see it as confirmation of their superiority. They may gloat about your struggles, spread rumours about your supposed downfall, or even actively sabotage your efforts. Their schadenfreude is a testament to their deep-seated insecurity and their inability to celebrate other people’s success.

10. They rewrite history.

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The narcissist has a talent for distorting reality to suit their own narrative. They may downplay your contributions to the relationship, exaggerate their own role, or completely erase you from their personal history. They rewrite the past to fit their idealised self-image, casting themselves as the hero and you as the villain. This revisionist history allows them to maintain their illusion of perfection and avoid any accountability for their harmful actions.

11. They project their own flaws onto you.

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The narcissist is a master of projection. They accuse you of the very behaviours and traits that they themselves embody. If they are manipulative, they will accuse you of being manipulative. If they are dishonest, they will accuse you of being dishonest. This projection serves to deflect attention from their own shortcomings and maintain their illusion of superiority.

12. They try to control your narrative.

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The narcissist cannot bear the thought of you having a voice independent of their own. They may try to dictate how you should feel, what you should say, and who you should associate with. They may even attempt to sabotage your relationships with friends and family, hoping to isolate you and make you more dependent on them. Their controlling behaviour is a testament to their deep-seated insecurity and their fear of losing power.

13. They become jealous and resentful.

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The narcissist is consumed by envy. They covet your happiness, your success, and your freedom. They resent you for having the strength to walk away from their toxic influence. Their envy fuels their desire to see you fail, and they may actively try to sabotage your efforts to move on with your life.

14. They never apologise or take responsibility.

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The narcissist is incapable of genuine remorse or accountability. They may offer insincere apologies or empty promises to change, but their actions never match their words. They refuse to take responsibility for the pain and suffering they have caused, blaming you or external circumstances for their own shortcomings. Their lack of accountability is a testament to their deep-seated narcissism and their inability to form healthy relationships.

15. They are ultimately alone.

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Despite their desperate attempts to control and manipulate people, the narcissist is ultimately alone. Their toxic behaviour drives away anyone who truly cares about them. They may surround themselves with superficial acquaintances or sycophants who validate their ego, but they lack genuine connection and intimacy. Their isolation is a tragic consequence of their narcissism, a self-inflicted wound that they are incapable of healing.