Some people instantly demand respect and admiration.
They’re not flashy or braggy, either — it tends to be the little things they do that leave a lasting impression. These tiny behaviours, often overlooked, can significantly impact how other people see you and can even elevate you to a level of admiration that sets you apart. Here are some habits you can adopt that will make you very well-regarded by everyone you meet.
1. You remember names and use them.

It might seem trivial, but remembering someone’s name and using it in conversation can have a big impact. It shows that you value them as an individual and that you’ve paid attention to them. People feel seen and appreciated when you remember their name, and it instantly creates a more personal connection.
2. You offer genuine compliments freely.

Everyone loves to feel appreciated. A sincere compliment about someone’s work, appearance, or personality can brighten their day and leave a lasting positive impression. But be genuine – people can usually tell when a compliment is insincere. Focus on specific details or qualities that you truly admire.
3. You express gratitude often.

A simple “thank you” can go a long way. Expressing gratitude for the things people do for you, big or small, shows that you’re not taking them for granted. It also reinforces positive behaviour and encourages them to continue being helpful and supportive.
4. You listen to people when they’re talking.

In a world full of distractions, being a good listener is a rare and valuable skill. When you truly listen to someone, you’re giving them your undivided attention. You’re not just waiting for your turn to speak; you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say. This makes them feel heard and understood, which builds trust and rapport.
5. You follow through on your commitments.

Reliability and consistency are highly valued traits. When you say you’re going to do something, do it. When you make a promise, keep it. This builds trust and respect, and it shows that you’re a person of your word. People will naturally gravitate towards someone they can depend on.
6. You admit when you’re wrong.

Everyone makes mistakes. Owning up to your errors and apologising when you’re wrong shows humility and integrity. People respect those who can admit their faults and take responsibility for their actions. It also opens the door for learning and growth.
7. You show genuine interest in other people.

Take a genuine interest in the people you meet. Ask them questions about their lives, their interests, and their perspectives. Listen attentively to their answers and show that you care. People love to talk about themselves, and when you show a genuine interest, you create a sense of connection and goodwill.
8. You help people without expecting anything in return.

Offering a helping hand to someone in need is a selfless act that speaks volumes about your character. Whether it’s a small favour for a colleague or a more significant act of kindness, helping people without expecting anything in return shows compassion and generosity. People admire those who give freely of their time and resources.
9. You treat everyone with respect, regardless of their position or status.

Whether it’s the CEO of your company or the janitor, treat everyone with the same level of respect and courtesy. This shows that you value people for who they are, not for what they can do for you. It also demonstrates your integrity and character.
10. You maintain a positive attitude, even in challenging situations.

Life throws curveballs, but maintaining a positive attitude can inspire and uplift those around you. When you approach challenges with optimism and resilience, you show that you’re not easily discouraged. People admire those who can find the silver lining in even the darkest clouds.
11. You’re not afraid to be vulnerable.

Sharing your vulnerabilities, fears, and struggles can create a deeper connection with other people. It shows that you’re human and that you’re not afraid to be real. Vulnerability can be incredibly powerful, inspiring people to open up and share their own experiences.
12. You stand up for what you believe in.

Having the courage to stand up for your values and beliefs, even when it’s unpopular or inconvenient, earns you respect. It shows that you’re not afraid to speak your mind and that you’re willing to fight for what’s right. People admire those who have the courage of their convictions.
13. You take the time to mentor and support people.

Sharing your knowledge and experience with other people is a powerful way to make a difference in their lives. Mentoring and supporting people helps them grow and establishes you as a leader and role model. People admire those who are willing to invest in people’s success.
14. You’re always willing to learn and grow.

A willingness to learn and grow demonstrates humility and a commitment to self-improvement. People admire those who are constantly learning new things, expanding their skill set, and embracing new challenges. It shows that you’re not complacent and that you’re always striving to be better.
15. You celebrate other people’s wins as much as your own.

Instead of feeling envious or threatened by other people’s achievements, celebrate their successes. Congratulate them, acknowledge their hard work, and share in their joy. This shows that you’re genuinely happy for them and that you’re not in competition with them. People admire those who can lift people up instead of tearing them down.