15 Warning Signs You Have An Extremely Addictive Personality

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Ever wonder why you can’t seem to stop at just one episode or put down that phone?

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Everyone has their vices, but for some people, the struggle to resist temptation is a daily battle. If you’ve ever questioned whether your habits are crossing into addiction territory, here are 15 signs that might indicate you’ve got an extremely addictive personality.

1. You struggle to enjoy things in moderation.

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For you, it’s all or nothing. Whether it’s food, exercise, or work, you find it hard to strike a balance. Your extreme approach to life’s pleasures and responsibilities could be indicative of an addictive personality that struggles with moderation.

2. Your idea of moderation is “just one more”.


Whether it’s biscuits, cigarettes, or episodes of your favourite show, you always find yourself negotiating for just a little bit more. You promise yourself it’s the last one, but somehow that last one turns into two, then three, then the whole packet. Struggling with self-control across various aspects of life could indicate an addictive tendency.

3. You’ve got a graveyard of abandoned hobbies.

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Guitar, knitting, rock climbing — your flat is a museum of half-started projects. You dive into new interests with intense enthusiasm, only to lose interest just as quickly. This pattern of obsession followed by boredom might suggest you’re constantly chasing the high of a new fixation, a common trait in addictive personalities.

4. Your mood swings are more extreme than a rollercoaster.

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One minute you’re on top of the world, the next you’re down in the dumps. These intense emotional highs and lows might be linked to your engagement with addictive behaviours. The rush of indulging in your vice provides a temporary high, while abstaining can lead to irritability and low moods.

5. You’re always the last one to leave the party.

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While everyone else is calling it a night, you’re rallying for an after-party. The thought of the fun ending is unbearable, so you push to keep it going at all costs. Not knowing when to call it quits might be a red flag for addictive tendencies.

6. Your phone is practically glued to your hand.

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From the moment you wake up to the second before you fall asleep, your phone is your constant companion. You check it compulsively, even when there’s no notification. Your digital dependency could be a modern manifestation of an addictive personality.

7. You’ve got a history of jumping from one obsession to another.

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Remember that phase when you couldn’t stop talking about CrossFit? Or when you binged an entire TV series in a weekend? Your tendency to become completely engrossed in one thing before suddenly switching to another might be a sign of an addictive personality seeking its next fix.

8. You find it nearly impossible to say no to a night out.

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FOMO’s got nothing on you. When mates ring up for an impromptu pint, you’re there faster than you can say “last orders”. Even if you’ve got work in the morning or your bank account’s screaming for mercy, the allure of a good time is too strong to resist. Your constant need to be where the action is might be a sign you’re hooked on the rush of social situations.

9. You often use external things to change your mood.

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Had a bad day? You might reach for a drink, a sugary snack, or your credit card for some retail therapy. While everyone has coping mechanisms, consistently relying on external sources to alter your emotional state could be a sign of addictive tendencies.

10. You’ve got a rebellious streak a mile wide.


Rules? They’re made to be broken, right? Your tendency to push boundaries and flout conventions might seem cool, but it could also be a sign of an addictive personality. The thrill of breaking rules can become its own kind of high.

11. You’re always chasing the next big thrill.

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Bungee jumping? Done it. Skydiving? Old news. You’re constantly on the lookout for your next adrenaline rush. While a love for excitement is normal, an insatiable need for bigger and better thrills might indicate an addiction to risk-taking behaviour.

12. Your work-life balance is non-existent.

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You’re the first one in the office and the last one to leave. Weekends? Those are for catching up on emails. Your intense dedication to work might seem admirable, but it could also be a sign of workaholism, another form of addictive behaviour.

13. You struggle to sit still and do nothing.

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The idea of just sitting and relaxing makes you antsy. You always need to be doing something, whether it’s scrolling through social media or tackling a home improvement project. Your constant need for stimulation could be a sign of an addictive personality.

14. You’ve got a love-hate relationship with routine.

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On one hand, you crave the stability of routine. On the other, you’re quick to abandon it for something more exciting. Your conflicted relationship with structure might indicate an addictive personality that struggles between the desire for stability and the craving for novelty.

15. You find it hard to stop thinking about your next fix.

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Whether it’s your next cup of coffee, cigarette, or gaming session, you often find your mind wandering to when you can indulge again. Your preoccupation with your vice, even when you’re supposed to be focused on other things, could be a strong indicator of addictive tendencies.