16 Common Mistakes Women Make In Their Marriage

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Nobody’s perfect, and everyone makes mistakes — especially in marriage.

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Relationships can be tough to navigate at times, and it’s inevitable that you’ll mess up occasionally. This is true of both women and men, but wives in particular are guilty of certain mistakes that make their marriages a lot harder unnecessarily. Here are some of their (our!) worst offences — how many can you ‘fess up to?

1. Expecting your partner to be psychic

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It’s tempting to assume your partner knows what you’re thinking or feeling, but without clear communication, they might miss the mark entirely. Instead of hoping they’ll magically understand what you want, tell them directly. Doing so can avoid unnecessary frustration and builds better understanding between the two of you.

2. Forgetting that you’re your own person

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Marriage is about partnership, but it doesn’t mean giving up who you are. Keep pursuing your passions, nurturing your friendships, and doing the things that make you feel like you. A healthy relationship flourishes when both partners are fully themselves, bringing their individuality to the table.

3. Always putting the kids first

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It’s natural to prioritise your kids, but constantly putting your marriage on the back burner can lead to neglect. Your relationship needs nurturing, too. Try carving out time for date nights, meaningful conversations, or even just a few moments alone together after the kids are in bed. Strong marriages create strong families.

4. Refusing to have tough conversations

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No one loves a hard talk, but sweeping issues under the rug will only cause them to pile up. Facing problems head-on, even if it feels uncomfortable, leads to a healthier relationship in the long run. Addressing concerns early on prevents them from spiralling into bigger conflicts later.

5. Playing the comparison game

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It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking other couples have it all figured out, especially when scrolling through social media. But remember, everyone has their challenges, and what you see online is often just the highlight reel. Focus on nurturing your unique relationship instead of playing the comparison game.

6. Forgetting to say “thank you”

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When you’ve been with someone for a while, it’s easy to take the little things for granted. Make a habit of showing appreciation, even for the everyday tasks. A simple “thanks” can go a long way in making both of you feel valued and seen.

7. Letting physical affection fade

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Life gets busy, but physical touch is a crucial way to stay connected. Whether it’s a quick hug, holding hands, or more intimate moments, these small gestures help maintain that special bond between you. Prioritising physical closeness keeps the spark alive and reminds you why you’re a team.

8. Keeping score in the relationship

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Marriage isn’t about who does more or who’s right. If you’re constantly tallying up points, both of you will feel like you’re losing. Approach challenges as a team, working together to solve problems instead of making everything a competition.

9. Expecting your partner to be your everything

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Your partner is great, but they can’t fulfil every role. It’s important to have other outlets—friends, family, hobbies—that keep you balanced. A well-rounded life outside your marriage allows you to bring your best self into it, making both of you happier.

10. Resorting to the silent treatment

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Giving your partner the cold shoulder may feel satisfying in the moment, but it doesn’t resolve anything. Instead, open up and share what’s bothering you. It’s a healthier way to address issues and find a resolution, rather than letting resentment build.

11. Being more critical than complimentary

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Pointing out your partner’s mistakes can wear down the relationship over time, especially if it’s constant. Make sure you’re also acknowledging their strengths and efforts. Compliments can balance out criticism, and it helps both of you feel appreciated and uplifted.

12. Not taking care of yourself

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Taking care of yourself isn’t about staying youthful forever—it’s about feeling good in your own skin. When you make it a point to look after yourself, you bring more positivity and confidence into your relationship, which benefits both of you.

13. Refusing to admit when you’re clearly wrong

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It’s never fun to admit you’ve made a mistake, but owning up to it shows maturity and respect for the relationship. Saying “I was wrong” can be the first step to healing and moving forward after an argument.

14. Venting about your marriage to your friends

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It’s tempting to unload your frustrations on friends, but discussing private things outside your marriage can undermine your trust. Instead, try addressing the issue directly with your partner first. Honest conversations between the two of you will help resolve problems more effectively than gossiping.

15. Resisting change

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Change is inevitable in life and marriage. Instead of fearing it, try to embrace new experiences together. Adapting and growing alongside each other keeps the relationship fresh and helps you face the challenges that crop up in life as a team.

16. Forgetting to have fun together

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Life can be stressful, but don’t forget to enjoy each other’s company! Whether it’s laughing over inside jokes or planning something fun, taking time to have a laugh and enjoy life together strengthens your bond and keeps things playful, even during tough times.