Ever get that nagging feeling that someone might not be your biggest fan? It’s not always about outright insults or confrontations. Sometimes, it’s the subtle cues, the unspoken vibes, that hint at their true feelings. So, if you’re wondering whether someone secretly thinks you’re a terrible person, here are 16 hidden signs to watch out for.
1. They avoid making eye contact.

It’s like they can’t bear to look you in the eye. When you’re talking to them, their gaze might wander around the room, or they might quickly look away when you catch their eye. This could be a sign that they feel uncomfortable or guilty around you, possibly because they have some not so nice feelings about you.
2. Their body language is closed off.

Crossed arms, turned-away shoulders, and a lack of physical engagement during conversations can all be signs that someone is trying to distance themselves from you. They might not be consciously aware of their body language, but it can reveal their true feelings more than their words ever could.
3. They’re quick to criticise or judge you.

Even minor slip-ups or differences in opinion can trigger their disapproval. They might nitpick your choices, offer unsolicited advice, or make sarcastic remarks that undermine your confidence. This constant negativity can be a sign that they don’t respect you or value your contributions.
4. They gossip about you behind your back.

If you find out through the grapevine that they’re spreading rumours or talking negatively about you to other people, it’s a pretty clear sign that they don’t think highly of you. This behaviour is not only hurtful, but also reveals their lack of loyalty and integrity.
5. They exclude you from social events or activities.

Whether it’s intentionally leaving you out of group plans or simply not inviting you to social gatherings, their exclusionary behaviour can make you feel isolated and unwanted. It might not always be a deliberate snub, but it can still sting and leave you wondering why they don’t seem to want you around.
6. They make excuses to avoid spending time with you.

If they constantly cancel plans, avoid making new ones, or seem generally uninterested in hanging out, it could be a sign that they don’t enjoy your company. They might come up with lame excuses or simply ghost you altogether. This avoidance can be hurtful and make you question your worth.
7. They make passive-aggressive comments.

Instead of directly expressing their displeasure, they resort to subtle digs, backhanded compliments, or snide remarks. This can be confusing and frustrating, as you’re left wondering what they really mean. Passive-aggressive behaviour is often a sign of underlying resentment or dislike.
8. They seem uncomfortable around you.

They might appear nervous, fidgety, or even avoid eye contact altogether. They might have a hard time relaxing and being themselves in your presence. This discomfort could stem from their negative perception of you, making them feel awkward and uneasy.
9. They never seem to be happy for you.

When you share good news or accomplishments, their response is lukewarm at best. They might offer a half-hearted congratulations, change the subject quickly, or even try to one-up you with their own achievements. Their lack of enthusiasm can make you feel like they don’t genuinely care about your happiness or success.
10. They undermine your confidence.

They might make subtle digs at your abilities, question your decisions, or dismiss your ideas. They might also compare you to people in a bad way or remind you of past mistakes. These subtle put-downs can chip away at your self-esteem and make you doubt yourself.
11. They don’t defend you when other people criticise you.

If someone else is talking rubbish about you, they might stay silent or even join in. They don’t have your back and don’t seem to care about protecting your reputation. This lack of support can feel like a betrayal and make you question the strength of your relationship.
12. They constantly try to change you.

They might criticise your appearance, your hobbies, your career choices, or even your personality. They make it clear that they don’t accept you for who you are and that you need to change to meet their standards. This can be incredibly frustrating and make you feel like you’re not good enough.
13. They take more than they give.

The relationship feels one-sided, with them constantly taking your time, energy, or resources without reciprocating. They might ask for favours but never return the gesture, or they might expect you to always be available for them, even when it’s inconvenient for you. This imbalance can leave you feeling used and unappreciated.
14. They don’t respect your boundaries.

They might overstep your personal limits, ignore your requests, or dismiss your feelings. They might also push you to do things you’re not comfortable with or try to control your decisions. This lack of respect for your boundaries can be a major red flag and indicate a toxic dynamic.
15. They make you feel like you’re always the problem.

Whenever there’s a conflict or disagreement, they always manage to twist the narrative to make you look like the bad guy. They might gaslight you, blame you for their own mistakes, or simply refuse to take responsibility for their actions. This can leave you feeling confused, frustrated, and even questioning your own sanity.
16. You feel drained and exhausted after spending time with them.

Their presence leaves you feeling emotionally depleted and drained. Conversations with them are often filled with negativity, drama, or one-sidedness. You might find yourself walking on eggshells, trying to avoid conflict, or simply feeling exhausted by their constant demands and criticisms. This is a clear sign that the relationship is not healthy or fulfilling for you.