16 Little Signs People Are Jealous Of Your Relationship

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Finding someone you love and who loves you back is worth celebrating, but not everyone will be happy for you.

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It’s not that they don’t think you deserve a great relationship, they’re just a bit jealous. Maybe they’ve had terrible luck in love, or they’re hopelessly single and desperate to find a partner of their own. Either way, if they do these things, they’re no stranger to the green-eyed monster. Try not to take it personally — it likely isn’t about you!

1. They tease you about being “too perfect” together.

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“Oh, you two are so perfect, it’s annoying!” may sound playful, but there’s often a hint of truth behind it. They might laugh while saying it, but deep down, they’re wishing they had what you do. It’s their way of acknowledging your happiness—just with a side of envy.

2. They make jokes about your PDA.

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If someone constantly points out your hand-holding or playful hugs, they might be masking their own longing for that kind of closeness. While you’re just being yourselves, they’re secretly wishing for a partner to share those little moments with. The teasing? It’s all part of the cover.

3. They “forget” to invite your partner to group plans.

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When your partner is mysteriously left off the guest list, it might not be an accident. Jealousy can lead people to exclude your significant other as a way to downplay your relationship. It’s subtle but noticeable—and speaks volumes about their feelings.

4. They bring up your past relationships unnecessarily.

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“Remember when you dated that one person?” is their way of subtly pointing out that things weren’t always as perfect. It’s an odd habit, but it’s likely their way of reminding you—and themselves—that no relationship is flawless. Thankfully, you know better.

5. They compare their partner to yours—constantly.

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“Well, my partner would never do that for me,” might slip out more than once in conversation. Whether it’s about romantic gestures or thoughtful acts, they seem hyper-aware of what their relationship lacks compared to yours. They may not admit it, but they’re keeping score.

6. They roll their eyes at your sweet stories.

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If sharing a cute story about your partner earns you an exaggerated eye roll, they might be feeling a bit green. While you’re just enjoying the moment, they’re busy thinking, “Must be nice!” It’s a tell-tale sign that your happiness is hitting a nerve.

7. They avoid asking about your relationship.

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If someone never brings up your partner in conversation, it might be because they don’t want to hear about how happy you are. Skipping the topic altogether helps them avoid comparing their situation to yours. It’s not personal—they’re just protecting their own feelings.

8. They overcompensate by gushing about their own relationship.

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On the flip side, some people might react by overly bragging about their own partner whenever yours is mentioned. It’s less about celebrating their happiness and more about trying to keep up. If it feels a bit forced, that’s probably because it is.

9. They’re quick to point out flaws in your partner.

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“Are you sure they’re really like that all the time?” or “They seem a bit too quiet.” These comments might be their way of trying to level the playing field. Instead of focusing on their own relationship, they try to poke holes in yours. It’s not subtle, but it’s revealing.

10. They jump at the chance to bring up celebrity breakups.

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Whenever a famous couple splits, they casually comment, “See, no one’s relationship is perfect.” It might seem like a random observation, but it often comes with a pointed glance in your direction. It’s their way of suggesting that even your happiness might not last.

11. They act surprised when you’re happy about small things.

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“Wow, you’re excited about them cooking dinner for you? That’s so basic.” They might downplay your joy to make your relationship seem less special. It’s a small but telling sign that they’re struggling with their own expectations—or lack thereof.

12. They change the subject when you bring up your partner.

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If someone quickly redirects the conversation every time you mention your relationship, it might be because they’d rather not hear about it. It’s not that they dislike you or your partner—they just find the topic a little too close to home for comfort.

13. They act overly invested in your arguments.


“What did they do now?” or “Tell me everything!” They might jump at the chance to hear about your fights, even if they don’t usually care about your personal life. It’s not because they want to help—they’re secretly hoping to confirm their belief that your relationship isn’t as great as it seems.

14. They joke about you “showing off.”

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Posting a picture of your partner holding flowers or making you breakfast shouldn’t be a big deal, but they might comment, “Alright, stop bragging!” It’s all in good fun, but it might also stem from a little envy. Sharing your happiness feels natural, but to them, it’s a reminder of what they’re missing.

15. They suddenly compete over who’s busier.


“Well, I don’t even have time for a relationship!” becomes their way of downplaying your happiness. They frame being single or unhappy as a badge of honour, insisting they’re too busy with work, hobbies, or life in general to worry about a partner. Deep down, though, they might be wishing for what you have.

16. They give you backhanded compliments about your partner.

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“Wow, you’re so patient to put up with them!” or “Good for you for dating someone like that.” It’s a subtle dig disguised as a compliment, and it often reveals their envy. You might laugh it off, but these remarks speak volumes about how they really feel.