16 ‘Macho’ Behaviours That Make Men Look Weak And Insecure

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While we’re slowly starting to chip away at toxic masculinity as a society, we still have a very long way to go.

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Men are fed a certain picture of what it really means to be a ‘manly man’ and as such, they end up doing some pretty stupid things that, instead of making them look masculine and strong, really end up exposing them as insecure and slightly inept. Here are some of the worst ‘macho’ behaviours many men are guilty of — make them stop!

1. They’d rather drive in circles than ask for directions.

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You’re clearly lost, but heaven forbid you roll down the window and ask someone for help. Nah, you’d rather burn through half a tank of petrol first. Newsflash: GPS exists for a reason, and there’s nothing weak about admitting you don’t know where you’re going. Swallow that pride and get to where you need to be — your mates will thank you for not making them late… again.

2. They make fun of their friends for having feelings.

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Your mate’s going through a rough patch and gets a bit teary? Some men think it’s prime time for mockery. But come on — you’re not in primary school anymore. Being able to show emotions takes guts. If you’re the man always making fun of someone when they open up, you’re not coming across as tough. You’re just being a bit of a jerk, really.

3. They brag about their bedroom antics.

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Right, we get it — you’ve got some experience in the bedroom. Congrats. But do we really need a play-by-play over pints? Guys who can’t stop yapping about their conquests aren’t impressing anyone. It’s giving major “I just discovered what sex is” vibes. Keep it classy, yeah? What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom — unless you want everyone thinking you’re compensating for something.

4. They turn into green-eyed monsters in public.

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Nothing screams, “I’m insecure!” like a man who goes mental every time his partner talks to someone else. Mate, if you’re constantly accusing your other half of flirting or getting in people’s faces, you’re not coming off as devoted. You’re coming off as a paranoid nightmare. Trust is hot. Possessiveness? Not so much.

5. They refuse to try anything new on their plate.

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Some men act like they’ll burst into flames if they eat anything apart from bangers and mash. Come on, broaden your horizons a bit! Being afraid to try new grub doesn’t make you look tough, it makes you look like a fussy toddler. The world’s full of amazing flavours — don’t miss out because you’re scared of a little spice or an unfamiliar texture.

6. They talk over everyone like it’s a competition.

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We all know that man who treats every chat like he’s auditioning for a debate team — always interrupting, always trying to be the loudest voice in the room. However, conversations aren’t competitions. If you can’t let other people get a word in edgewise, you’re not coming across as the smartest man in the room. You’re just being a bit of a tool.

7. They’d rather die than admit they messed up.

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Made a mistake? Some men would rather perform mental gymnastics worthy of the Olympics than just say, “Oops, my bad.” Newsflash: everyone messes up sometimes. Owning your mistakes doesn’t make you weak, it makes you a grown-up. Doubling down on being wrong just makes you look like a petulant child.

8. They put women down to big themselves up.

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If your idea of a joke is always at a woman’s expense, you’re not funny — you’re just a bit sad, really. Men who need to belittle women to feel like men are about as secure as a house of cards in a hurricane. It’s 2024, lads. Women can be bosses, breadwinners, whatever they want. If that threatens you, the problem’s not with them — it’s with you.

9. They wear their boozing like a badge of honour.


Some guys think their ability to down ten pints makes them legends. Spoiler: it doesn’t. It just makes you the sloppy mess everyone has to babysit at the end of the night. There’s nothing impressive about not knowing your limits or peer-pressuring other people into drinking more. Real strength is knowing when to call it a night and respecting people who do the same.

10. They think every argument needs to end in a punch-up.

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Disagree with something? Some men reckon the best response is to puff up like an angry rooster and threaten to ‘take it outside’. We’re not in a Wild West saloon, and using your fists instead of your words doesn’t make you tough — it makes you look like you’ve got the emotional control of a toddler. Real men can hash out differences without resorting to violence.

11. They think self-care is for softies.

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You know the type — brags about never seeing a doctor, thinks skincare is just for women, and wouldn’t know a vegetable if it slapped them in the face. However, taking care of yourself isn’t soft, it’s smart. Ignoring your physical and mental health doesn’t make you tough, it makes you a ticking time bomb. Real strength is admitting when you need a bit of TLC.

12. They mock other men’s interests.

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Your mate’s into knitting? Some guys would make fun of him non-stop. But here’s the thing — being secure enough to enjoy what you love, regardless of stereotypes, is way more manly than mocking people. If you’re the man always taking shots at someone else’s hobbies, you’re not coming off as cool. You’re just being a bit of a buzzkill.

13. They treat male affection like it’s kryptonite.

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Some men act like hugging their mates will make them burst into flames. They’ll do that awkward back-pat thing or use insults as terms of endearment. But come on now. Showing your friends some love doesn’t make you any less of a man. If anything, being secure enough to express affection makes you more of one.

14. They brag about not reading since primary school.

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They’re proud as punch about not having cracked open a book since year 6, and they’ll mock anyone who enjoys learning as a ‘nerd’. But let’s be real — wilful ignorance isn’t a good look on anyone. Being curious about the world and always wanting to learn more? That’s proper impressive.

15. They think fancy stuff makes them a big man.

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Some men think the secret to manliness is just buying expensive stuff. Flash cars, designer watches, the latest iPhone — as if emptying your wallet somehow fills up your manhood. Hate to break it to you, but if you need to show off your stuff to feel like a man, you’re missing the point entirely. Real confidence comes from who you are, not what you own.

16. They can’t take a joke at their expense.

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We all know that man who dishes it out but can’t take it. The minute the banter turns his way, he’s sulking in the corner or getting aggro. Being able to laugh at yourself is way more attractive than having a glass jaw when it comes to jokes. If you can’t handle a bit of ribbing, you’re not coming off as tough — you’re just being a bit of a wet blanket.