16 Non-Issues Argumentative People Start Fights Over

Unsplash/Curated Lifestyle

Some people just love a good argument.

Unsplash/Curated Lifestyle

They’ll start fights over the smallest things, just because they like to bicker. While pretty much everyone else can just let these things go, for argumentative people, they’re material for a blow-up.

1. The “correct” way to load a dishwasher

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Believe it or not, some people get seriously worked up over how to load the dishwasher. They have strict rules about where plates, glasses, and utensils should go, and they’ll criticise anyone who doesn’t do it their way. This obsession can lead to heated debates at home. But honestly, as long as the dishes come out clean, does it really matter? Spending energy arguing about this seems pretty pointless when the end result is the same.

2. Whether the loo roll goes over or under (it’s over, to be clear!)

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The age-old toilet paper debate: over or under? Some people defend their choice with surprising passion. They act like the world depends on which way the paper hangs. In reality, it doesn’t make a difference in our daily lives. Yet, they’ll argue about it as if it’s a critical issue. Maybe it’s time to agree to disagree and focus on more important things.

3. The pronunciation of certain words

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Ever had a heated discussion over how to pronounce “tomato” or “scone”? Some people get really picky about pronunciation, insisting their way is the only right way. They forget that language varies by region and evolves over time. As long as we understand each other, does it really matter if we say things differently? Arguing about this just seems unnecessary.

4. The “right” temperature for air conditioning

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Thermostat wars are a real thing. Some people like it chilly, while others prefer it warm. These differences can lead to constant bickering in homes and offices. Instead of fighting over the temperature, maybe we could find a middle ground or let people adjust their own spaces. After all, arguing over a few degrees isn’t worth the stress.

5. Which way to cut a sandwich

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Diagonal or straight across? You wouldn’t think it matters, but some people will argue passionately about the “proper” way to slice a sandwich. They’ll claim it affects the taste or the ease of eating. In reality, the sandwich will taste the same, no matter how it’s cut. Getting into a fight over this seems pretty silly when you think about it.

6. The “best” route to a destination

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Ever been in a car with someone who insists their route is the best? They’ll argue over taking the highway versus side streets, convinced their way is faster. These debates can get heated, especially during road trips. But with GPS and traffic updates, maybe we can trust the technology and save ourselves the argument. After all, getting there safely is what really counts.

7. Whether pineapple belongs on pizza


This is a big one for some people. The idea of pineapple on pizza sparks intense debates. Some love it, others hate it, and they’ll argue about it endlessly. But taste is personal, and what one person enjoys might not be for someone else. Instead of arguing, maybe we can just let people eat what they like.

8. The “correct” way to hang clothes on a line

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You’d be surprised how heated discussions can get over hanging washing. Some insist on a specific method for using pegs or folding clothes before hanging. They believe their way is the only right way. But in the end, the clothes will dry regardless. Arguing over this seems like a waste of energy.

9. Whether a hot dog is a sandwich


This philosophical food debate has gone on forever. Is a hot dog a sandwich? Some people will argue passionately on either side. But does it really matter? Whether you call it a sandwich or not doesn’t change how it tastes. Maybe we can enjoy our food without needing to label it.

10. The “right” way to make tea or coffee

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People can get very particular about brewing their tea or coffee. Arguments arise over steeping times, water temperature, or the order of adding ingredients. While everyone has their preferred method, debating over it doesn’t make much sense. As long as you enjoy your drink, that’s what matters. Let’s let people brew their beverages the way they like.

11. Whether to keep ketchup in the fridge or cupboard

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The great ketchup storage debate: fridge or cupboard? Some insist it must be refrigerated, while others keep it at room temperature. People can argue endlessly about which is correct. But as long as the ketchup isn’t spoiled and tastes good, does it really matter where it’s stored? Maybe we can agree that both ways are fine.

12. The “correct” order of operations when showering

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Believe it or not, some people argue about the proper sequence of washing in the shower. Should you wash your hair first or your body? Does it even matter? As long as you come out clean, the order probably isn’t important. Spending time debating this seems unnecessary when the end result is the same.

13. Whether to use an umbrella in light rain

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Some people think using an umbrella in a light drizzle is overkill, while others want to stay completely dry. Arguments can arise over who’s being practical and who’s not. But it’s a personal choice based on comfort. Maybe we can let people decide for themselves without making a big deal out of it.

14. The “right” way to eat certain foods

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From the “proper” way to eat pizza (folded or flat) to whether you should use utensils for sushi, people can get into serious debates over food etiquette. But eating is a personal experience, and everyone enjoys food differently. Arguing over how someone eats seems a bit over the top when the goal is just to enjoy the meal.

15. Whether to leave shoes on or off indoors

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Some households insist on shoes off at the door for cleanliness, while others don’t mind keeping them on. Arguments can flare up when guests have different habits. But respecting the house rules should be straightforward. Instead of fighting about it, maybe we can just go with the flow when visiting someone’s home.

16. The “correct” time to put up holiday decorations

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When is it too early to decorate for the holidays? People have strong opinions on this, leading to debates in neighbourhoods and online. Some love to start the festivities early, while others think there’s a proper time. But in the grand scheme, does it hurt anyone if someone puts up decorations early? Perhaps we can let people celebrate in their own way without making it a point of contention.