Genuine people have a way of making you feel seen, heard, and valued.

They’re not about putting on a show or trying to impress—they’re real, and their words reflect that. If you’re lucky enough to know someone like this, you’ll probably hear them say these 16 phrases that show their authenticity and sincerity. Maybe you even say them yourself!
1. “I’m really sorry—I messed up.”

Genuine people don’t shy away from owning their mistakes. Apologising without deflecting or making excuses shows maturity and a commitment to making things right. They know that admitting fault doesn’t make them weak—it makes them trustworthy. Plus, they follow up their words with actions to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
2. “Tell me more about that.”

When someone is genuinely interested, they’ll ask you to elaborate rather than just nod along. This phrase shows that they’re engaged and curious about your thoughts, which makes you feel valued and respected. It’s not just about being polite—it’s about truly wanting to understand your perspective.
3. “I don’t know, but I’ll find out.”

Instead of pretending to have all the answers, genuine people admit when they don’t know something. It’s refreshing and shows humility. They’re more interested in getting to the truth than maintaining a facade of expertise. And when they do find out, they’ll come back and share what they’ve learned.
4. “I’m so proud of you.”

Whether it’s for a big achievement or a small step forward, genuine people aren’t afraid to celebrate other people. Their pride in you is heartfelt, and you can tell they truly mean it when they say it. It’s their way of reminding you that someone is rooting for you, no matter what.
5. “How can I help?”

Instead of assuming what you need, they’ll ask directly how they can support you. This phrase is practical and caring, showing they’re willing to be there for you without overstepping or making assumptions. It’s a phrase that reflects their commitment to your well-being.
6. “You’ve got this.”

When you’re doubting yourself, a genuine person will remind you of your strengths. This phrase is simple but uplifting, and it’s always delivered with sincerity, making you feel capable and supported. They’ll often back it up with examples of times you’ve overcome challenges before.
7. “I appreciate you.”

Genuine people don’t take anyone for granted. Whether it’s for your time, effort, or just being who you are, they’ll let you know how much they value you. They understand the power of making people feel seen and will never hesitate to express gratitude.
8. “What do you think?”

They genuinely care about your opinions and aren’t afraid to ask for your input. This phrase shows they respect your perspective and value collaboration. It’s their way of saying, “Your thoughts matter to me,” and they’re willing to incorporate your ideas.
9. “Thank you for being honest with me.”

When you’re upfront with them, they’ll appreciate it—even if it’s not what they wanted to hear. Genuine people value honesty over comfort, and this phrase lets you know they respect your truth. They’ll often use that feedback to improve or strengthen the relationship.
10. “It’s okay to feel how you’re feeling.”

They’re not about dismissing emotions or rushing you to “fix” things. Instead, they’ll validate your feelings and give you space to process them. This phrase is their way of saying, “I’m here for you, no matter what,” and they mean it wholeheartedly.
11. “I admire that about you.”

They’re quick to notice and highlight your strengths, whether it’s your kindness, resilience, or creativity. When they say this, you know they’re being genuine because they’ve taken the time to truly see you. It’s one of those compliments that feels personal and thoughtful, not generic.
12. “I’m happy for you.”

When something good happens in your life, a genuine person will celebrate it wholeheartedly. They’re not jealous or competitive—they’re genuinely thrilled for your happiness and success. Their joy for you often feels just as big as your own.
13. “Let me know if you ever need anything.”

And they mean it. Genuine people offer their support without expecting anything in return. When they say this, you know they’re serious and would show up if you asked for their help. They’re the type of people who back their words with actions when it counts.
14. “I appreciate your perspective.”

Even if they don’t agree with you, they’ll value what you have to say. This phrase shows respect for different viewpoints and a willingness to learn from other people, which makes conversations with them feel enriching. It’s one of the ways they show openness and intellectual humility.
15. “You deserve this.”

When good things come your way, they’ll remind you that you’ve earned them. Genuine people aren’t about false humility—they want you to own your achievements and feel proud of yourself. Their encouragement feels sincere and empowering, not performative.
16. “Take your time—I’m here.”

They understand that everyone moves at their own pace, and they’re not about rushing you. This phrase is their way of offering patience and unconditional support, making you feel safe and understood. They’ll stay by your side as long as you need, without pushing for anything more.