16 Phrases That Reveal You Have Poor Social Skills

Milan Markovic

Everybody feels awkward in social situations from time to time, but some things you say can be a dead giveaway of a bigger issue.

No one wants to offend anyone or make things uncomfortable for people, but if you say any of these things, that will be the likely outcome. They’re also an indicator that your social skills can use a bit of a brush-up.

1. “I’m not good with names.”

two men talking outsideSource: Unsplash

This phrase might seem harmless, but it can come across as dismissive and uninterested. Instead, try saying something like, “It’s great to meet you! Could you please remind me of your name?” This shows you’re making an effort to remember and value the interaction.

2. “You look tired.”

Envato Elements

While you might be trying to show concern, this phrase often comes across as rude and judgmental. Instead, try offering a genuine compliment or asking a more open-ended question like, “How are you doing today?”

3. “I’m so boring.”

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Putting yourself down can create an awkward atmosphere and make people feel uncomfortable. Instead of focusing on all the things you don’t like about yourself, try highlighting your strengths or asking questions to get to know the other person better.

4. “I hate small talk.”

Envato Elements

Announcing your dislike for small talk can make people feel like their efforts to engage with you are unwelcome. Instead, try embracing the opportunity to learn something new about the person you’re talking to, or simply enjoy the moment of connection.

5. “I’m not interested in what you have to say.”


This phrase is a blatant display of disrespect and can be incredibly hurtful. Even if you disagree with someone, it’s important to show basic courtesy and listen to their perspective. If you’re genuinely not interested in the topic, try politely steering the conversation in a different direction.

6. “You’re wrong.”

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Telling someone they’re wrong can be confrontational and dismissive. Instead of shutting down the conversation, try expressing your own viewpoint in a respectful way. You could say, “I see things a bit differently,” or “I have a different perspective on that.” This allows for a more constructive dialogue and avoids unnecessary conflict.

7. “I don’t care.”

Source: Unsplash

This phrase conveys apathy and disinterest, which can be hurtful to the person you’re talking to. Even if you don’t have a strong opinion on the topic, try showing some engagement by asking questions or offering a neutral response. This shows that you value the conversation and the person you’re speaking with.

8. “That’s stupid.”

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This phrase is not only insulting but also unproductive. Instead of resorting to name-calling or derogatory remarks, try to understand why the person holds that opinion. You might learn something new, or you might find a way to respectfully disagree.

9. “I’m too busy for this.”

female friends enjoying drinks by graffiti wallSource: Unsplash

Saying this implies that the conversation or person isn’t worth your time, which can be hurtful and discouraging. If you’re genuinely busy, try offering a different time to talk or suggest a quicker alternative, like a brief chat instead of a lengthy conversation.

10. “I don’t need anyone’s help.”

friends cheersing each other at outdoor partySource: Unsplash

This phrase might come off as arrogant or stubborn. Even the most self-sufficient people need help sometimes, and there’s no shame in asking for it. Refusing help can isolate you from people and prevent you from building meaningful connections.

11. “This is so awkward.”

a group of friends taking selfie outsideSource: Unsplash

Pointing out the awkwardness of a situation only makes it more awkward. Instead of focusing on the discomfort, try to break the ice with a joke, a question, or a change of topic. Sometimes, acknowledging the awkwardness with a self-deprecating remark can also help diffuse the tension.

12. “I always mess things up.”

Source: Unsplash+

Constantly putting yourself down can be a turn-off for people and create a negative atmosphere. Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, focus on your strengths and accomplishments. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s important to learn from them and move on.

13. “I’m not like other people.”

people at a party at nightSource: Unsplash

This phrase can come across as pretentious or judgmental. While it’s important to embrace your individuality, it’s also important to recognise that everyone has unique qualities and experiences. Instead of focusing on how you’re different, try finding common ground and building connections.

14. “I’m too shy to talk to new people.”

Vladimirs Poplavskis

While shyness is a common trait, using it as an excuse to avoid social interaction can limit your opportunities for growth and connection. Instead of letting shyness hold you back, try challenging yourself to step outside your comfort zone and initiate conversations with new people. You might be surprised at how rewarding it can be.

15. “I’m better than you.”

Envato Elements

This phrase is arrogant and offensive, and it’s sure to alienate anyone you’re talking to. It’s important to treat everyone with respect, regardless of their background, achievements, or social status. Arrogance is a turn-off, while humility and kindness are universally admired qualities.

16. “I’m always right.”

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Nobody is always right, and insisting that you are is a guaranteed way to alienate people and damage your relationships. Being open to other viewpoints, admitting when you’re wrong, and being willing to learn from other people are essential for building strong and lasting connections.