16 Phrases Used By Jealous People Who Can’t Stand To See You Doing Well

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If everyone focused on their own path in life, jealousy wouldn’t be a thing.

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Unfortunately, some people covet what everyone else has, and they take their feelings out on those they’re jealous of. They might not come right out and say they’re secretly hating on you, but if they say these things, chances are they’re harbouring some serious envy and wishing they had what you do.

1. “You’re so lucky.”


This might sound complimentary, but it often undermines the hard work you’ve put into your achievements. Jealous people use it to imply that your success is due to chance rather than effort. It’s their way of minimising your accomplishments to make themselves feel better.

2. “Must be nice.”

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On the surface, this seems harmless, but it’s often dripping with sarcasm. It suggests resentment toward your achievements or lifestyle. Instead of acknowledging your hard work, the person deflects their envy with passive-aggressive undertones.

3. “I could’ve done that too, but…”

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This takes the focus from your success and plants it firmly on their excuses. Jealous people love to brush off people’s achievements by claiming they could have done the same if circumstances were different. It’s their way of avoiding admitting that they didn’t put in the same effort.

4. “Not everyone has the same opportunities.”

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While this might sometimes be true, jealous people use it to dismiss your success entirely. It implies that your achievements were handed to you rather than earned. Their deflection allows them to avoid celebrating your efforts while justifying their own lack of progress.

5. “You’ve changed.”


Jealous people might accuse you of changing after a success, making it seem like you’re the problem. This comment can be an attempt to guilt you for evolving or progressing in life, but it really reflects their discomfort with your growth rather than any real change in your character.

6. “It’s not that impressive.”

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By downplaying your accomplishments, jealous people try to protect their own egos. They may minimise what you’ve achieved to make themselves feel superior. It’s a subtle way of discouraging you from celebrating your wins. After all, if you’re down, they can feel like they’re above you in some way.

7. “Don’t forget where you came from.”

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This can sound supportive, but is often laced with judgement. It’s an underhanded way of suggesting you’re getting too big for your boots. Jealous people use it to remind you to stay grounded, even if you haven’t done anything to suggest otherwise.

8. “You’re too focused on yourself.”

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Jealous people may accuse you of being selfish or overly ambitious as a way to bring you down. They mask their envy by making you feel guilty about pursuing your goals. It’s their way of diverting attention from your success and putting you on the defensive.

9. “I heard someone else did it better.”

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This is a direct attempt to undermine your achievements by comparing you to someone else. Jealous people often try to plant seeds of doubt in your mind. They aim to diminish your confidence and make your accomplishments seem less important.

10. “That’s easy for you to say.”

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This comment dismisses your hard work by implying you’ve had it easy. Jealous people use it to downplay your struggles or effort, suggesting that your achievements were effortless. It’s a way to avoid acknowledging the challenges you’ve overcome.

11. “Not everyone can do that.”

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While it may sound like a compliment, this often carries an air of bitterness. Jealous individuals use it to subtly highlight their own limitations while making your success seem unattainable. It’s a way of distancing themselves from your achievements instead of celebrating them.

12. “Why do you even bother?”


Jealous people may question the value of your efforts, aiming to discourage you. This phrase often reflects their own insecurities about not trying hard enough. They project their doubts onto you, hoping to make you second-guess your goals.

13. “It’s not like it’s a big deal.”

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Acting like your achievements are pointless or unimportant is a classic tactic used by jealous people. They want you to feel like you’re nothing special because then they won’t hate themselves so much. It’s their way of masking their envy while attempting to bring you down a notch.

14. “Some people have all the luck.”

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By attributing your success to luck, they avoid recognising your hard work or talent. Jealous people love to say this to justify why they aren’t in the same position. It’s easier for them to believe that luck played a role than to confront their own shortcomings.

15. “It must be nice to have it so easy.”

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This passive-aggressive remark dismisses the effort behind your success. It implies that you haven’t worked hard for what you have when chances are, that’s not the case at all. Jealous people use this to frame your accomplishments as undeserved.

16. “We’ll see how long it lasts.”

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This comment casts doubt on the sustainability of your achievements. Jealous people may use it to undermine your confidence and suggest that your success is temporary. It reflects their hope that you won’t maintain your progress, stemming from their own insecurities. Don’t let them get to you!