16 Phrases You Should Stop Using (And What To Say Instead)

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We all have those phrases we say on autopilot, without even thinking.

But sometimes, our go-to expressions can be a bit outdated, unoriginal, or even a little cringeworthy. It might be time to give your vocabulary a refresh and ditch those tired phrases in favour of something more authentic and impactful.

1. Instead of “No problem,” say “You’re welcome” or “It was my pleasure.”


While “no problem” is a common response to “thank you,” it can sometimes sound dismissive. Opting for “you’re welcome” or “it was my pleasure” conveys a more sincere appreciation for the gratitude expressed. It shows that you value the interaction and are happy to have helped.

2. Swap “I’m so busy” for “I’m prioritising my time.”

Envato Elements

“I’m so busy” can sound like a humblebrag or a way to avoid commitments. Instead, try “I’m prioritising my time.” This phrase acknowledges your busy schedule while demonstrating that you’re making conscious choices about how you spend your energy. It also opens the door for a more honest conversation about what truly matters to you.

3. Ditch “Sorry, I’m not good with names” for “Could you please remind me of your name?”

Daniel Ingold

We’ve all been there, forgetting someone’s name can be embarrassing. But instead of resorting to a generic apology, simply ask for a reminder. It shows respect for the person and avoids a potentially awkward situation. You can even add a touch of humour like “My memory is terrible, but your face is definitely familiar!”

4. Replace “That’s crazy!” with “That’s surprising/interesting/unexpected!”

Philipp Nemenz

The word “crazy” can be insensitive and dismissive, especially when referring to someone’s experiences or feelings. Opt for more thoughtful alternatives like “surprising,” “interesting,” or “unexpected.” These words convey curiosity and a willingness to engage with the other person’s perspective, creating a more positive and inclusive conversation.

5. Instead of “I can’t,” say “I’m choosing not to.”

Envato Elements

“I can’t” can sound like an excuse or a lack of willingness. Choosing “I’m choosing not to” empowers you and demonstrates that you have agency over your decisions. It also opens up a conversation about your priorities and values, allowing for a deeper connection with the person you’re speaking with.

6. Swap “It’s fine” for a more specific description of how you feel.

Envato Elements

“It’s fine” is often used as a catch-all phrase to mask our true feelings. But suppressing emotions can lead to resentment and misunderstandings. Instead, try expressing how you really feel, whether it’s “I’m a bit disappointed,” “I’m feeling overwhelmed,” or “I need some time to think about it.” Honesty and vulnerability can create deeper connections and create healthier communication.

7. Replace “I’m not a morning person” with “I’m more productive in the afternoon/evening.”

Source: Pexels
Pexels/Alexander Suhorucov

Instead of focusing on a negative label, reframe it as a positive statement about your preferences and productivity. This allows for a more productive conversation about scheduling and time management, while avoiding generalisations or stereotypes.

8. Ditch “Whatever” for a more thoughtful response.


“Whatever” can come across as dismissive, apathetic, or even rude. It shuts down communication and dismisses the other person’s perspective. Instead, take a moment to consider what they’ve said and offer a more thoughtful response. You could ask a clarifying question, share your own opinion, or simply acknowledge their point of view.

9. Swap “I’m sorry” for “Thank you for your patience/understanding.”

Source: Unsplash

While apologising is important when you’ve made a mistake, overusing “I’m sorry” can diminish your authority and make you appear less confident. Instead, when dealing with delays or inconveniences, express gratitude for the other person’s patience or understanding. This acknowledges the situation while maintaining a positive and respectful tone.

10. Replace “It’s not fair” with “I feel this situation could be handled differently.”

Source: Unsplash

“It’s not fair” can sound like whining or complaining. Instead, express your feelings about the situation and offer a potential solution. This demonstrates a proactive approach and a willingness to work towards a resolution, rather than simply focusing on the perceived injustice.

11. Ditch “I told you so” for “I’m here to support you.”

Source: Unsplash

Saying “I told you so” might feel satisfying in the moment, but it ultimately undermines trust and discourages open communication. Instead, offer support and understanding. This creates a more positive and collaborative environment, even when things don’t go as planned.

12. Swap “I’m so stressed out” for “I’m managing a lot right now.”

Source: Unsplash

“I’m so stressed out” can sound like a plea for attention or sympathy. Instead, try “I’m managing a lot right now.” This phrase acknowledges your current challenges while demonstrating resilience and a proactive approach to dealing with them.

13. Replace “That’s impossible” with “That seems challenging, but let’s explore our options.”

Source: Unsplash

Saying “That’s impossible” shuts down possibilities and discourages creative problem-solving. Instead, acknowledge the difficulty of the situation while expressing a willingness to find solutions. This approach encourages  a more optimistic and collaborative atmosphere.

14. Ditch “I hate my job” for “I’m looking for a more fulfilling career path.”

Source: Unsplash

Complaining about your job can be draining and unproductive. Instead, focus on your aspirations and actively look for opportunities for growth and fulfilment. This positive framing demonstrates initiative and a commitment to improving your situation.

15. Swap “I’m not creative” for “I’m still exploring my creative potential.”

Source: Unsplash

Everyone has the potential for creativity, but it might take some exploration to discover your unique talents. Instead of labelling yourself as “not creative,” embrace the journey of self-discovery and experiment with different forms of creative expression.

16. Replace “I’m too old for that” with “I’m excited to try something new.”

Envato Elements

Age shouldn’t be a barrier to trying new things or pursuing your passions. Embrace a growth mindset and approach new experiences with enthusiasm and curiosity. This open-minded attitude can lead to unexpected adventures and personal growth.