Positive affirmations are meant to be inspiring, but for some reason, they often just feel cringeworthy.

If you’re not someone who’s super woo-woo or in touch with your emotional side, affirmations can seem awkward and kind of pointless. However, the way you talk to yourself does actually matter, and repeating positive things often enough will eventually make a difference. Here are some affirmations you can try that shouldn’t make you want to cower with embarrassment (even if no one’s around to hear them).
1. I’m doing my best, and that’s enough.

This one’s a proper gem. It’s not about being perfect or smashing it out of the park every single time. It’s just acknowledging that you’re putting in the effort, and that’s what counts. Maybe you didn’t conquer the world today, but you got out of bed, put on matching socks, and didn’t tell your boss what you really think of them. That’s a win in my book. It’s a little reminder that your best can look different each day, and that’s totally fine.
2. I’ve got through tough times before, I can do it again.

When life’s being a bit of a git, this affirmation is like a mental cuppa — comforting and gives you a bit of a boost. It’s not saying everything’s sunshine and rainbows, just reminding you that you’ve got form when it comes to dealing with rubbish situations. Remember that time you survived your gran’s mystery casserole? Or when you made it through that presentation without fainting? You’re tougher than you think!
3. It’s okay to take a break.

This one’s for all you lot who think you need to be going at 100 miles an hour all the time. Newsflash: you’re not a robot (unless you are, in which case, how are you reading this?). Taking a breather doesn’t make you lazy, it makes you human. So go on, order that takeaway, scroll through those cat videos, or just stare at the wall for a bit. Your brain will thank you for it.
4. I’m learning and growing, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

Feel like you’re stuck in a rut? This affirmation’s got your back. It’s a reminder that progress isn’t always obvious. Maybe you didn’t notice, but you haven’t burned your toast in weeks, or you finally remembered to buy loo roll before you ran out. That’s growth, in its own way. You’re evolving, even if you’re not turning into a butterfly overnight.
5. My feelings are valid, even if they’re inconvenient.

This one’s a bit of a reality check. Sometimes your emotions are about as welcome as an unexpected visitor, but that doesn’t make them any less real. Feeling angry because your mate forgot your birthday? Bit weepy because they stopped making your favourite crisps? That’s alright. You’re allowed to feel your feelings, even the awkward ones. Just try not to let them make you act like a total jerk.
6. I don’t have to have it all figured out right now.

If you’re feeling pressure to have your whole life sorted, this affirmation’s for you. It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up, even if you’re already grown up. Life’s not a race, and there’s no prize for figuring it out first. So what if you’re still trying to decide on what you want to be when you “grow up”? Most people don’t know, and that’s okay. Take your time!
7. I’m stronger than I think.

This isn’t about bench-pressing a bus or anything silly like that. It’s about remembering that you’ve got more grit than a country road. You’ve survived 100% of your worst days so far, haven’t you? That time you thought you’d die of embarrassment when you called your teacher “mum”? You lived. And when you thought your heart was properly broken? You mended. You’re like a rubber band, always bouncing back.
8. It’s okay to ask for help.

This one’s for all you stubborn mules out there. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak, it makes you smart. You wouldn’t try to move a sofa on your own, would you? (If you would, please refer back to affirmation number 3). Life’s the same. Sometimes you need a hand, and that’s totally fine. Plus, most people actually like feeling useful, so you’re doing them a favour really.
9. I’m not responsible for other people’s feelings.

This affirmation’s a bit of a reality check. You’re not some kind of emotional wizard, able to control how everyone around you feels. If your friend is in a mood because their football team lost, that’s not on you. You can be supportive without taking on their emotional baggage. You’ve got enough of your own, thank you very much.
10. I’m allowed to change my mind.

Have you decided that maybe that neon green hair dye wasn’t your best idea, or that learning the bagpipes might not be your true calling? That’s alright. This affirmation reminds you that you’re not stuck with every decision you make. You’re allowed to try things out and then think, “Nah, not for me.” It’s not flaky, it’s flexible. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say.
11. I don’t have to be perfect to be worthy.

This one’s for all you perfectionists out there. Nobody’s perfect, not even that person on Instagram with the seemingly flawless life (trust me, they’re probably a total mess in real life). You don’t need to have your life sorted, your house spotless, and your hair always on point to deserve good things. You’re worthy just as you are.
12. My worth isn’t determined by my productivity.

Had a day when you barely made it off the sofa? This affirmation’s exactly what you need. You’re not a machine, and your value isn’t measured by how many things you tick off your to-do list. Sometimes, just existing is enough. You’re a human being, not a human doing. So if all you managed today was keeping yourself alive, well done you.
13. I can handle whatever comes my way.

This isn’t about being arrogant, it’s about having a bit of faith in yourself. Life’s going to chuck some curveballs at you, that’s a given. But you know what? You’ve got a pretty decent batting average so far. This affirmation is like giving yourself a little pep talk before stepping up to the plate. You might not hit a home run every time, but you’re not going to strike out either.
14. It’s okay to say no.

This one’s for all you people pleasers out there. You’re allowed to turn things down without the sky falling in. Don’t fancy going to that party? Want to skip that extra shift at work? It’s okay to say no. You don’t have to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm. Plus, saying no to things you don’t want to do leaves more room for the stuff you actually enjoy.
15. I trust myself to make good decisions.

If you’re feeling a bit wobbly about making choices, this one is like a friendly pat on the back from yourself. You’ve made it this far without totally messing things up, right? Sure, you might have made some dodgy choices (we’ve all been there with the questionable haircuts), but overall, you’re doing alright. Trust your gut — it’s got more sense than you give it credit for.
16. I am enough, just as I am.

This affirmation is like a warm hug for your brain. You don’t need to be more successful, more attractive, more anything to be worthy. You’re not a rough draft waiting to be perfected. You’re you, and that’s pretty good. So next time you’re feeling a bit rubbish, remember: you’re enough, full stop.